COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Deadpool is sooooooo good. Picked it up on a whim because of AXIS, but it's easily one of the best books I've read lately.


Have you read All-Star Superman or We3?

Yeah. I didn't like All Star Superman bar one issue and one moment
Lois having powers for a day and Superman stopping the Suicide
. I can see why people love it but it's just not for me.

I've read the first issue of We3 and it seems unique.


Still need some time to digest but I'm thinking right now that Pax is the best thing Morrison has done since the end of ASS


Wonder Woman....yeah.... :/ it wasn't awful but beating up
Swamp Thing and being so aggressive
isn't the Diana I want to see.


Wonder Woman....yeah.... :/ it wasn't awful but beating up
Swamp Thing and being so aggressive
isn't the Diana I want to see.

Hold out hope for the resurgence of Wonder Woman in GRANT MORRISON'S Trial of Diana Prince hitting comic shops everywhere in 2015 2016 2017 some time!


Been reading through Exiles and I'm a bit into the third Ultimate Collection, which is the last one I currently have. I've been enjoying it, definitely. Nothing too amazing and I wouldn't exactly call it high art or anything, but I find it a ton of fun.

Random question: there's a part where they go to 616, and their mission is to prevent the deaths of some wolf mutant kid and the son of this blue haired woman who maybe was in love with Havok? Not at all familiar with that time frame, but are those kids even still around/powered, and did they ever do anything of note? Just find it kind of funny that the death of these random kids I've never seen would be a universe ruining event, apparently.


Yeah. I didn't like All Star Superman bar one issue and one moment
Lois having powers for a day and Superman stopping the Suicide
. I can see why people love it but it's just not for me.

I've read the first issue of We3 and it seems unique.

Have you read Dan the Barbarian? Has great art and the story is typical Morrison fare.
Do check out Seaguy too but that's more of uh Morrison's mind drilling craziness.
Ugh this hype makes me want to pick up pax now rather than wait until it's collected. Might as well pick up some issues of supreme blue rose as well


I read the first issue of Annihilator and it did nothing for me. Maybe non Batman Morrison is not for me and that is perfectly fine.

Heh, I must be the opposite. Wasn't a huge fan of Morrisons Batman. It wasn't bad but I just didn't enjoy it as much as others.

Multiversity has been solid so far. And Pax? Phenomenal.


Ugh this hype makes me want to pick up pax now rather than wait until it's collected. Might as well pick up some issues of supreme blue rose as well

I really wanted to like Supreme Blue Rose, the art is fantastic, but I definitely felt more lost than anything else while reading it. I believe I was three issues in before I dropped it.


I really wanted to like Supreme Blue Rose, the art is fantastic, but I definitely felt more lost than anything else while reading it. I believe I was three issues in before I dropped it.

Same. Holding out hope for Tula's next book with Ellis tho. She's great.


I hate Wednesdays so much because I'm stuck at work until like 6:30PM PST and you all get to talk about all the great comics you've read before me.

How big will the Civil War be this time if Harley Quinn #12 beats out Pax Americana at the end of the month?


I hate Wednesdays so much because I'm stuck at work until like 6:30PM PST and you all get to talk about all the great comics you've read before me.

How big will the Civil War be this time if Harley Quinn #12 beats out Pax Americana at the end of the month?

I work from 3-11. Comixology updates around 3 for me lol.

I can't wait to complain about it. I've got my whole tantrum written up already.

My sister came over and wanted to look at the books I bought today and she said Harley Quinn was cool

Harley > Pax Americana confirmed



I hate Wednesdays so much because I'm stuck at work until like 6:30PM PST and you all get to talk about all the great comics you've read before me.

How big will the Civil War be this time if Harley Quinn #12 beats out Pax Americana at the end of the month?

I'm preemptively hiding out in irc.
I hate Wednesdays so much because I'm stuck at work until like 6:30PM PST and you all get to talk about all the great comics you've read before me.

How big will the Civil War be this time if Harley Quinn #12 beats out Pax Americana at the end of the month?

I don't vote so it wouldn't surprise me.


Pizza Dog

That was seriously amazing. I loved how (mildest of spoilers for non-story stuff)
the layouts for pages would reference iconic layouts from Watchmen
. So many little references. I need time to unpack it all.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
This is a long-ass workday. Just want to let y'all know that you're makin' it hard to wait on Pax Americana.


ComicsGAF: Forget Pax Americana, how about them tiger boobs!!

But seriously, they could have been better... Saga would have made them the focus of a splash page and it would have been so glorious that we wouldn't have even noticed that Fiona didn't bother to draw any background detail.
I'm in possession of Pax Americana, but I'm not reading it right now. I totally could be, though. But I think I won't.
Class starts in 20 minutes, and I need to be reading this in the most comfortable environment i can

Hope y'all without a copy are holding up okay


I read Pax again, because why the fuck not, and it is master class storytelling in every aspect of the medium. Writing, art, colors, it's pretty much a perfect comic.


Just read Annihilator, not sure why anyone else bothered releasing comics this week. Morrison wins.


Awwww yes New Avengers and Avengers. It's gooood. Especially the first is awesome.

Liked Amazing Spider-Man #10 as well.
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