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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Finished Battling Boy. It was interesting. I wouldn't say I loved it, but I didn't dislike it. Sort of weird, but nothing wrong with that.

I'm now reading DC's Solo (Deluxe Edition). I'm halfway through Tim Sale's issue, and I love it so far, even though I'm not a huge fan of Sale's art. I can still appreciate his style.

Solo is the coolest fucking failure of all time. Tim Sale's issue is really strong, as is Paul Popes. Keep posting impressions as you get through issues--I'd be super interested in reading your thoughts as the issues get decidedly weirder.


I ended up loving Tim Sale's issue of Solo. I came out of it having a bigger respect for him as an artist.

Now I'm on Robert Corben, who I had never heard of, and I don't like his art style, at least in this first story. But its still early into his issue.


Read Leila del Ducas issue of Wicked and the Divine. Loooooved the art, knew I would. Nice little gothy story to lead into this arcs finale that I am sure is going to kill more people we like and let the bad guys escape again. Makes me want to re read Shutter to see more Leila art.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Read Leila del Ducas issue of Wicked and the Divine. Loooooved the art, knew I would. Nice little gothy story to lead into this arcs finale that I am sure is going to kill more people we like and let the bad guys escape again. Makes me want to re read Shutter to see more Leila art.

If The Morrigan dies I riot!


Finished The Richard Corben issue of Solo. Spent most of it not being impressed at all, but then I absolutely loved the last story ("The Spectre: A Missing Life"). So, it wasn't ask a waste.
I like King (mostly. kinda. with some caveats.) but everything about that premise/artist is incredibly off-putting
Kinda where I'm at as well. I only glanced at the title and Tom King's name and was thinking I was gonna check it out, but seeing more of it makes me not want to. Not really into war story kinda stuff and that Punisher panel is just ugh.
Finished Battling Boy. It was interesting. I wouldn't say I loved it, but I didn't dislike it. Sort of weird, but nothing wrong with that.

I'm now reading DC's Solo (Deluxe Edition). I'm halfway through Tim Sale's issue, and I love it so far, even though I'm not a huge fan of Sale's art. I can still appreciate his style.

Only thing I didn't like about Battling Boy was the... lack of ending. Besides that I really enjoyed it. I love Pope's art. If you want more of that, check out 100%.


Safest course of action is to just not get attached to anyone in that book.

I'm two episodes into Jessica Jones, and I like it.

TOO.FUCKING.LATE killed all the people I dug already. On auto pilot with wicked and the divine. No idea why I'm still reading. I'm just hoping by some hokey bullshit some people aren't dead.
TOO.FUCKING.LATE killed all the people I dug already. On auto pilot with wicked and the divine. No idea why I'm still reading. I'm just hoping by some hokey bullshit some people aren't dead.

WicDiv was definitely in a rut for a while, but it's getting a bit better. I think I'm hanging on to see if the book does something brilliant, or actually does end up being a huge disappointment.
All-New All-Digital Freeza List

Dark Knight III Master Race #1 (lololololNOPE)
Grayson #14
Justice League 3001 #6
Black Magick #2
Saga #31
Switch #2
Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur #1
All-New All-Evil Silk #1
Silver Surfer #15
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2


Man, it makes me sick how good Seven Soldiers of Victory is.

Only thing I didn't like about Battling Boy was the... lack of ending. Besides that I really enjoyed it. I love Pope's art. If you want more of that, check out 100%.

Yeah, I was surprised and disappointed by the sudden "ending". I love Pope's art except for his faces. Try as I might, I just don't like the way he draws them at all. Everything else about his art I love, though.
Man, it makes me sick how good Seven Soldiers of Victory is.

Yeah, I was surprised and disappointed by the sudden "ending". I love Pope's art except for his faces. Try as I might, I just don't like the way he draws them at all. Everything else about his art I love, though.

I love how he draws people. I guess I can see it not being for everyone however. He's become one of my favorite artists this year. I'll get around to reading my copy of Heavy Liquid eventually!

List for this week:
Hellboy and The BPRD 1953 The Witch Tree And Rawhead Rex And Bloody Bones #1
Grayson #14
Squirrel Girl #2

Giving up on Batman and Robin Eternal. Don't really want to keep buying a weekly just because I feel obligated to.

Might also grab Flash by Geoff Johns Volume 1 and Eternaut.


Jessica Jones is awesome, I like it as much as Daredevil actually, I also don't care about having less action because it is very compelling. Luke Cage is amazing.

I just wish Marvel would lighten up and allow a few F-bombs here and there like Breaking Bad did, so when shit goes down the word is used. Someone should tell Loeb people 16 and up use fuck a lot.
Jessica Jones is awesome, I like it as much as Daredevil actually, I also don't care about having less action because it is very compelling. Luke Cage is amazing.

I just signed up for Netflix recently in anticipation for this show. I have to go back and watch Daredevil after.


Episode 4 is the best of the series, IMO. That first choice utterly broke me.
I am afraid. And I dont like
the new changed Butterfly Effect Rip-Off timeline :/ I want the old back with blue hair chloe :/ And I want to go with Warren in the drive in, and most likely Kate is here dead:( I want to be friends with her.


I am afraid. And I dont like
the new changed Butterfly Effect Rip-Off timeline :/ I want the old back with blue hair chloe :/ And I want to go with Warren in the drive in, and most likely Kate is here dead:( I want to be friends with her.

Read Green Lantern Vol. 3: The End.

A lot of interesting ideas that aren't fleshed out. Simon Baz is an interesting character that, I'm going to assume, no one has done anything with post this event. Save for the N52 JLA book. The fact that he
willed his brother to health is the dumbest bullshit. Like, only White and Blue lanterns can do that, and even then Blues can only do it with a Green supporting it. A Green alone shouldn't have been able to do that at all.
What a stupid thing. Also, his ring should have gone to almost zero with that kind of power, but nah. It's fine.

And then Valthoom...I don't understand anything about him. So,
he's a human from the future, who apparently got ahold of a corrupted GL ring, that was apparently originally worn on the Hand of Creation? The fuck? And on top of that, how is Kyle not able to hold his own? A White Lantern also wields the entire spectrum? In fact, where's the Life Entity? WHERE ARE ANY OF THE ENTITIES BESIDES PARALLAX?

Really dumb. I can only assume the event will be collected in its own separate trade, because there's clearly shit missing that was most certainly brought up in the other books (Green Lantern Corps, Red Lanterns, New Guardians).

So yeah, not the best ending to your long run, Johns. Still gonna read it from the beginning though. New 52 stuff started so promising, too.

Still loving Marvel's Jessica Jones.
Five episodes into Jessica Jones and I'm really liking it. Except for the fact that they're
wasting all this time on Killgrave, who may be the most boring villain in the Marvel universe. I mean, this guy is fucking Arcade-tier.


Solo is the coolest fucking failure of all time. Tim Sale's issue is really strong, as is Paul Popes. Keep posting impressions as you get through issues--I'd be super interested in reading your thoughts as the issues get decidedly weirder.

Calling it a failiure is HARSH mate, better to call it underrated and leave it at that :p
The book was hyped to me during my early years of comic book reading, and was glad to get it when it released.
Such a fantastic book/collection.


Reading through that Luthor Miniseries by Brian Azzarello. So fucking good.

Read Paul Cornell's Lex Luthor run next, it's fantastic.

Why isn't there a series starring Lex and Joker going on a road trip through america ala Fear and Loathing?


List o list

Dark Knight III #1
Grayson #14
The Kitchen TP
Omega Men #6
Robin Son of Batman #6

Black Magick #2
Ringside #1
Rumble #9
Saga #31
Switch #2

All New Wolverine #2
Angela Queen of Hel #2
Carnage #2
Chewbacca #4
Groot #6
Guardians of the Galaxy #2
Howling Commandos Agents of shield #2
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1
Silver Surfer #15
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
Venom Space Knight #1

Archie #4




List Thang

Archie #4 (getting this out of the way because dammit, now I know it's coming out!)
The Omega Men #6 (FINALLY)
We Are Robin #6
Superman: Lois and Clark #2
Superman #46
Robin, Son of Batman #6
JL3K1 #6
Grayson #14
B&R Eternal #8
Switch #2

And MAYBE DKIII #1 if reviews are good.
Five episodes into Jessica Jones and I'm really liking it. Except for the fact that they're
wasting all this time on Killgrave, who may be the most boring villain in the Marvel universe. I mean, this guy is fucking Arcade-tier.

Silly Freeza. You love
Kilgrave.. Smile.
I'm interested in this Jacked book starting Wednesday, but I don't see a preview online. I've been bitten by books like this before. No preview, no pick up.

Is JL3001 starting a new arc this week? Been keeping an eye on that one. Might need to take a peak.
I'm interested in this Jacked book starting Wednesday, but I don't see a preview online. I've been bitten by books like this before. No preview, no pick up.

Is JL3001 starting a new arc this week? Been keeping an eye on that one. Might need to take a peak.

I don't think so? They're still doing Injustice League stuff.


Justice List 3000

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