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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


I tried to start Batman: Arkham Unhinged (the Arkham City game tie-in comics), but it was just so average. I will have to save that for a day where I'm extremely bored and have nothing to read.

Starting Paul Pop's Battling Boy instead.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I didn't need to read Secret Wars Too.

Nearly every page was posted on the /r/comicbooks subreddit
Almost done with Love & Rockets: Maggie the Mechanic. Really enjoying it, and I adore Jaime Hernandez's art. Dude's an incredible cartoonist. One of the things I really dig is the use of Spanish words mixed in with the dialogue. Reminds me a lot of my family from Puerto Rico with how they just kinda randomly throw in Spanish while speaking English. It's fun to read and super relatable.

Also, whatsinaname, I checked and I actually have all of the Locas books. I guess I bought all five instead of three and two Palomar books like you thought. I definitely want to check that out once I finish these however.


Yo Spike

Godzilla in Hell #5 was great but uh
wtf happened in the end? What was with all he flying hellbat things?
I confess I read it while half asleep (late reading :V) but I could still comprehend its greatness :p

Picked up an art book, The Sakai Project. Collection of artwork donated by lots of artists.

Guy Davis

Ba and Moon



There are lots and lots of great pieces in there. Simonson, Jeff Smith, Gibbons, Groening, Sienkiewicz, Adam Hughes and a lot more artists I haven't heard of before but will definitely be researching.
I'm impressed, announcement-wise, with how Marvel is filling out their line. There's a lot of books i want to give a try like Patsy Walker, Power Man and Iron Fist, Black Panther, and Starbrand and Nightmask, I haven't read any of them yet though so there's still time to dislike things.

If you need something to dislike, check out the preview art for Starbrand and Nightmask.
Only because Phasma and Kylo premium formats do not exist yet.

Are you sure?


Hellbreh Storm & Fury

sure, with BPRD shit goes down, but you always get a tiny bit of hope, even when there's no reason whatsoever to have any.

with HB it's the opposite: the dude should be able to do anything he wanted, and yet everything not only falls apart but also gets progressively worse while he sits around and chooses to do nothing.

hb plz
Yo Spike

Godzilla in Hell #5 was great but uh
wtf happened in the end? What was with all he flying hellbat things?
I confess I read it while half asleep (late reading :V) but I could still comprehend its greatness :p
"Whoever eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:54

They ate of Godzilla, and so they became Godzilla.

Alternatively, G-cells.

Crazy sh*t man, I'm still buzzed about that issue. Thinking of making an OT thread about it too.
Almost done with Love & Rockets: Maggie the Mechanic. Really enjoying it, and I adore Jaime Hernandez's art. Dude's an incredible cartoonist. One of the things I really dig is the use of Spanish words mixed in with the dialogue. Reminds me a lot of my family from Puerto Rico with how they just kinda randomly throw in Spanish while speaking English. It's fun to read and super relatable.

Also, whatsinaname, I checked and I actually have all of the Locas books. I guess I bought all five instead of three and two Palomar books like you thought. I definitely want to check that out once I finish these however.

That's where I am at right now. The art is gorgeous. Rena Titañon is easily my favourite from the volume.


"Whoever eats my flesh, and drinks my blood, has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:54

They ate of Godzilla, and so they became Godzilla.

Alternatively, G-cells.

Crazy sh*t man, I'm still buzzed about that issue. Thinking of making an OT thread about it too.

If you want to make an OT, make it for the Godzilla and Kaiju comics.
Otherwise, make a thread about the TPB as it is about to release-

4 months to go doe XO


A guy was selling his used copies of Marvel Zombies 1-5 OHC, along with two other Zombies side stories, for $125. It reminded me that I want to get Marvel Zombies, but I obviously wouldn't pay that much. I looked on Amazon for used stuff, and was able to get the 1-5 OHCs used at least in "Very Good" condition or straight up new for less than $30 after shipping. Hope nobody actually buys those for $125 without doing a little research.


I like King (mostly. kinda. with some caveats.) but everything about that premise/artist is incredibly off-putting
It's only one issue but it has great art and great emotional beats and shows why x-23 is great.

Cool, I'll have to try it out. I'm always on the lookout for quality, ongoing X-Men books because there's good bang-for-buck potential as my girlfriend is likely to read them as well.

on one hand

this sounds good

on the other mitch 'i will draw cartoonishly large lips on black men' gerads

but on the other other hand john paul leon is doing the covers. hmmm.

on the fourth hand, Id be buying a comic written by a 'former' CIA agent. hmm you wont fool me again Military Complex! I read Blackwater Chronicles: Roll Hard
no i didn't

This is an interesting comment. I often whine to my girlfriend about the way characters like Storm are drawn these days. Her features are very small and fine and she is skinny. It often looks to me like people draw her with what could be seen as features typically attributed to white people but then just colour her skin dark. But if an artist wants to be more realistic and draw black people with bigger features, as is more commonly seen in real life, and they overdo it, it can be taken as a racist carictature.

I read Watson and Holmes a couple of years ago which was written and draw by black men. The characters had features we are accustomed to seeing on the faces of black men we encounter in day to day life. (I would post a picture if I was more tech savvy and less lazy).

I'd be interested to know how people of colour prefer to see themselves represented in comic art.


Cool, I'll have to try it out. I'm always on the lookout for ongoing X-Men books because there's good bang-for-buck potential as my girlfriend is likely to read them as well.

This is an interesting comment. I often whine to my girlfriend about the way characters like Storm are drawn these days. Her features are very small and fine and she is skinny. It often looks to me like people draw her with what could be seen as features typically attributed to whites people but then just colour her skin dark. If an artist wants to be more realistic and draw black people with bigger features, as is more commonly seen on in real life, and they overdo it, it can be taken as a racist carictature.

I read Watson and Holmes a couple of years ago which was written and draw by black men. The characters had features we are accustomed to seeing on the faces of black men we encounter in day to day life. (I would post a picture if I was more tech savvy and less lazy).

I'd be interested to know how people of colour prefer to see themselves represented in comic art.

This was a panel in punisher



I'd be interested to know how people of colour prefer to see themselves represented in comic art.

Well, rule #1 is to be aware of history and of what racist caricatures look like/have looked like but aside from that the sky's pretty much the limit I'd say.
This was a panel in punisher


Thanks for posting that. saved me the trouble of finding it myself. Mind you Gerads is the colorist too so its not like it was a miscommunication flub between artist, editor and colorist or w/e

Well, rule #1 is to be aware of history and of what racist caricatures look like/have looked like but aside from that the sky's pretty much the limit I'd say.

Daryl Ayo had some interesting tweets on it. He basically said if you are a black cartoonist, you can sometimes run the risk of people accusing you of whitewashing your art if you dont draw your PoC as 'black' enough but you also should try to steer clear of historically racist methods of cartooning.

Found it!

Part of the problem is that the current default, in B&W comics, is that characters that arent obviously POC are assumed to be white so have to fight against that.
5 or so episodes into Jessica Jones and I just can't believe how good it is. I haven't felt so inspired by a hero since I was a kid watching Christpher Reeve as Superman. Luke Cage has been absent the last couple episodes though and I miss him.

One question tho. A quick google tells me that police officer Simpson is a character designed for the show. Is that right? Not character like him in the comic series?
The way the show depicted oral sex between him and Patsy was HILARIOUS by the way. Whose head moves that much during cunnilingus?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Apparently, it's been leaked what Fury said to Odinson to make him unworthy

It was
Ayyyy lmao
So, what's going on with Simonson's Ragnarok? Read #1 recently and rather enjoyed it. Is it being written as an ongoing or is it a fixed length mini-series?


Thanks for posting that. saved me the trouble of finding it myself. Mind you Gerads is the colorist too so its not like it was a miscommunication flub between artist, editor and colorist or w/e

Daryl Ayo had some interesting tweets on it. He basically said if you are a black cartoonist, you can sometimes run the risk of people accusing you of whitewashing your art if you dont draw your PoC as 'black' enough but you also should try to steer clear of historically racist methods of cartooning.

Found it!

Part of the problem is that the current default, in B&W comics, is that characters that arent obviously POC are assumed to be white so have to fight against that.

yeah, I find this is a problem in prose fiction for me too -- i pretty much always default to white even with minority writers unless there are things that signify otherwise ("ethnic" names, speech, references to skin colour [which almost never happens])


Hello ComicGAF! Maybe someone can help me here. I don't usually buy comics because i just don't know where to start. Only comics i own are Batman Hush, Heart of Hush, A Death in the Family, some of the Fables Deluxe editions.

Recently found out about the DC Convergence stories and was interested in buying the Nightwing/Oracle one and Supes one. My question is regarding how to best purchase these. Should i go digital? Buy it print? Will these be released down the line in a collection form (like a deluxe form or whatever it's called)?
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