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COMICS! |OT| November 2015. The much-anticipated sequel to October's OT.


Anybody reading The Fuse? I only read the first issue, but I remember quite liking it.

I liked the first trade a lot, I think it got buried under the hype of some of the other Image books a bit. Will buy the second at some point but no point with my current backlog.
How about some more of you read Shutter if you want to read a great comic book.

Read the preview for the most recent issue. Looks good.
Talking kitties.

Have you read Keatinge's Glory? I have both volumes, but have yet to read them. I loaned them to a friend though and she absolutely loved them. Dude is hit or miss, from the sounds of it. He did that Morbius series a few years ago that everyone here hated with a fiery passion.
Old WCW wrestlers. And the guy who played Mortis actually died in 2010 now that I think about it. RIP Chris Kanyon.





Read the preview for the most recent issue. Looks good.
Talking kitties.

Have you read Keatinge's Glory? I have both volumes, but have yet to read them. I loaned them to a friend though and she absolutely loved them. Dude is hit or miss, from the sounds of it. He did that Morbius series a few years ago that everyone here hated with a fiery passion.

I keep meaning to. That's the book Sophie Campbell did art for right?


I am really, really digging Jessica Jones as well. I actually thought the action was fine...
Watching that bar fight was really cool. Not Daredevil cool, sure, but a) not martial artists b) this thread was making me think it'd be shaky cam shit, haha.
. The cinematography is fine too. It's broody, it fits with her more intense moments sometimes...It's not stellar, it doesn't have the highly impressive control of lighting that Daredevil had, but that lighting was sick and the filming of JJ does the job for me.

Wish I could just binge the entire show, dear lord, it really sucked me in.
Though I never read Alias before, and the similarities to the villain and the villain in the story I'm working on amuse me.

Reading through that Luthor Miniseries by Brian Azzarello. So fucking good.

Read this over the summer and couldn't get into it at all. ): Just liked the ending, I think, but it lost some of its impact after being bored the rest of the way through. Was so disappointing. I really dig Lex Luthor as a character... Maybe I'll check out Paul Cornell's run? Why is finding good Superman comics so hard?
Critisims about the technical part of the show aside, I wonder if this show is less appealing to some guys because they find it less relatable due to the protagonist being a woman. Not calling people sexist, just saying that it's typically harder to see through a characters eyes when your gender doesn't match theirs. A small example of this would be how the villian tells woman to smile. That shit burns me up because it's something I've experienced throughout my real life experience. Maybe not everyone relates to JJ like they do Daredevil or whomever.

I think that line of thinking is some men's right activist bullshit right there. If you have trouble empathizing with a female character, you have problems empathizing with women, which is frightening. That's the kind of thinking that "other's" women and minimize their experience. If you don't like Jessica Jones because you can't relate to her as a woman, that's more an [awful] reflection of you.

I get people not digging the show because of the intense subject matter and it's realistic portrayal of PTSD. If you're television experience is about escapism, this isn't going to be you.

I'm only 2 eps in and I'm enjoying the hell out of the show. Sure, some of it's dialogue is a bit on the nose, but this isn't a subtle show. It wields its metaphor like a hammer, because it wants to goddamn make sure you get it's point. But...

LOL at People complaining about the "stiff" dialogue in Jessica Jones but loving Geoff Johns comics.
I think that line of thinking is some men's right activist bullshit right there. If you have trouble empathizing with a female character, you have problems empathizing with women, which is frightening. That's the kind of thinking that "other's" women and minimize their experience. If you don't like Jessica Jones because you can't relate to her as a woman, that's more an [awful] reflection of you.

I get people not digging the show because of the intense subject matter and it's realistic portrayal of PTSD. If you're television experience is about escapism, this isn't going to be you.

I'm only 2 eps in and I'm enjoying the hell out of the show. Sure, some of it's dialogue is a bit on the nose, but this isn't a subtle show. It wields its metaphor like a hammer, because it wants to goddamn make sure you get it's point. But...

LOL at People complaining about the "stiff" dialogue in Jessica Jones but loving Geoff Johns comics.

I think that line of thinking is some men's right activist bullshit right there. If you have trouble empathizing with a female character, you have problems empathizing with women, which is frightening. That's the kind of thinking that "other's" women and minimize their experience. If you don't like Jessica Jones because you can't relate to her as a woman, that's more an [awful] reflection of you.

I get people not digging the show because of the intense subject matter and it's realistic portrayal of PTSD. If you're television experience is about escapism, this isn't going to be you.

I'm only 2 eps in and I'm enjoying the hell out of the show. Sure, some of it's dialogue is a bit on the nose, but this isn't a subtle show. It wields its metaphor like a hammer, because it wants to goddamn make sure you get it's point. But...

LOL at People complaining about the "stiff" dialogue in Jessica Jones but loving Geoff Johns comics.
ed likes this post


JJ is a dark fantastical/horror tale on facing your trauma. based on that it succeeds with flying colors. it does a lot of things really well that a lot of other shows do poorly or avoid all together imo.

Outcast #13
Switch #2
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2

Excited for the return of Outcast. Still have to take a second look at Black Magick, but I'm pretty sure I'll be dropping it.
Silly Freeza. You love
Kilgrave.. Smile.

I'm pretty sure I don't. Tennant plays the character flawlessly, though. But why isn't the Purple Man actually purple in this show?

everyone needs to take a Jessica Jones break and watch Survivor Series tonight.

Roman Reigns WWE World Champion!



How about some more of you read Shutter if you want to read a great comic book.

I already read Shutter, Messi. Been on board since day one.

Have you read Keatinge's Glory? I have both volumes, but have yet to read them. I loaned them to a friend though and she absolutely loved them.

Glory was fantastic. I owned both TPB volumes and still bought the deluxe hardcover. It was that great.

I keep meaning to. That's the book Sophie Campbell did art for right?

Was still working under Ross Campbell at that point, so that's what was in the credits.


Is she really? I didn't realize they were still printing it.

Yup she was really happy about it right as she came out. They even changed it on Comixology

Remember Jem had just released and it had Ross on it and she put out the blog post about coming out and they put out an update to change the digital copy. I thought that was a nice touch.
We Are Robin #6
Ringside #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
Silk #1
Archie #4
Power Up #5

I still gotta give wrestling a chance, it's that leftover "maybe RAW will be good tonight!" mentality
Read Deathstroke Vol. 1: Gods of War:

It's decent. Has some good action sequences and a decent premise. Dialogue is complete garbage, though. Some of the worst dialogue I've read in a book in a long time. Like a B-level action movie trying to be mature, but coming off as ridiculous instead. Interested in reading more of it, but I'll wait on the second trade. I don't like it enough to keep up on a monthly basis.

Also, look no further for proof that Slade is a jobber: He jobs in his own book.
Five episodes into Jessica Jones and I'm really liking it. Except for the fact that they're
wasting all this time on Killgrave, who may be the most boring villain in the Marvel universe. I mean, this guy is fucking Arcade-tier.
Well I'd agree with you, except
it's not Kilgrave specifically, it's his dynamic with Jessica that makes it interesting. Not Kilgrave himself.
Oh shit, Sub-Mariner really went full Lovecraft.
I am intensely intrigued by this sentence
What year is this series from?
Also remember that one time Aquaman told Cthulhu to go fuck himself?

Good fucking times~
Man that Justice League episode was godlike.
everyone needs to take a Jessica Jones break and watch Survivor Series tonight.

Roman Reigns WWE World Champion!
You can stop the sarcasm. No one wants this.
I'm pretty sure I don't. Tennant plays the character flawlessly, though. But why isn't the Purple Man actually purple in this show?
Probably because no one would be able to take a man fully painted in purple seriously. I mean, the whole subplot of
"oh a mind-controller doesn't exist" goes out the window if there's a man who's completely purple running around
i recently read Glory. vol 2 was not as good as vol 1. i remember reading Keating cut it down from 35 issues to 12 or so due to sales. i felt vol 2 just didnt deliver on the great concepts of vol 1. the pacing feels much different and i didnt think it helped to breeze through so much stuff in vol 2. it was still a solid read but doesnt quite maintain its quality


i recently read Glory. vol 2 was not as good as vol 1. i remember reading Keating cut it down from 35 issues to 12 or so due to sales. i felt vol 2 just didnt deliver on the great concepts of vol 1. the pacing feels much different and i didnt think it helped to breeze through so much stuff in vol 2. it was still a solid read but doesnt quite maintain its quality

You know what has mentained quality? Shutter. It's actually gotten better imo
Have any of you guys read Strange Fruit? I'm interested in it.
if youre interested in finding out the reason why Strange Fruit has been ill received this review goes over it.


that review certainly helped bury interest in the book at least around here. you can make your own decision if thats a book you should check it out or not. you could buy it for the art (it looks like JG Jones is putting in the work of his career on it) but there are many many excellent books out there id recommend checking out over strange fruit.


if youre interested in finding out the reason why Strange Fruit has been ill received this review goes over it.


that review certainly helped bury interest in the book at least around here. you can make your own decision if thats a book you should check it out or not. you could buy it for the art (it looks like JG Jones is putting in the work of his career on it) but there are many many excellent books out there id recommend checking out over strange fruit.

Like the lewd smut book Sunstone


if youre interested in finding out the reason why Strange Fruit has been ill received this review goes over it.


that review certainly helped bury interest in the book at least around here. you can make your own decision if thats a book you should check it out or not. you could buy it for the art (it looks like JG Jones is putting in the work of his career on it) but there are many many excellent books out there id recommend checking out over strange fruit.

Thanks, Ed. I read through the whole article, and I appreciate his or her opinion, but found myself completely disagreeing with it. I don't think there's anything wrong at all with a person from one race telling a story about a historical time period wherein they - or "their kind" - weren't the victim. I similarly wouldn't see an issue with, for example, a blonde-hair blue-eyed guy writing historical fiction about the Holocost. If they respect the history of it, then that matters more to me. Anyone who feels that way is totally fine in their decision to not look at the book because of that, and I don't want to offend anybody by myself not thinking it's an issue.

I'll look into it when it comes out in trade form, and read that reviews that disregard the mere fact that a white person is writing it. I'm just interested in if it's a good story with interesting characters and has quality art (which I already know that part is 100% there).
Thanks, Ed. I read through the whole article, and I appreciate his or her opinion, but found myself completely disagreeing with it. I don't think there's anything wrong at all with a person from one race telling a story about a historical time period wherein they - or "their kind" - weren't the victim. Anyone who feels that way is totally fine in their decision to not look at the book because of that, and I don't want to offend anybody by myself not thinking it's an issue.

I'll look into it when it comes out in trade form, and read that reviews that disregard the mere fact that a white person is writing it. I'm just interested in if it's a good story with interesting characters and has quality art (which I already know that part is 100% there).

Okay, you should know that I too disagree with the thrust of that review, and still recommend against picking up Strange Fruit. It's not that it's white writers writing black issues, it's that they do so poorly.


Read Paul Pop's Solo issue. It was awesome. Loved his story "En Esta Esquina (On This Corner)". Really great.

Okay, you should know that I too disagree with the thrust of that review, and still recommend against picking up Strange Fruit. It's not that it's white writers writing black issues, it's that they do so poorly.

Okay, that is valuable info to me. Thanks.


Ugh I want to buy something on B&N that costs $24.99, but they don't have free shipping unless you spend $25. Why would they do this to me.
Ugh I want to buy something on B&N that costs $24.99, but they don't have free shipping unless you spend $25. Why would they do this to me.

So that you spend more money.

Just throw a fridge magnet in or something.

Oooh, wait, buy the first book from the Dresden Files, if you haven't already.
The list.

GRAYSON #14 $3.99
OMEGA MEN #6 $2.99
SUPERMAN #46 $3.99
WE ARE ROBIN #6 $3.99
SAGA #31 (MR) $2.99

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Tokyo Ghost is really fucking good. Remender is dropping some really heavy relationship/dependence/toxicity themes here. Really didn't think the book would be this emotionally resonant, but him and Murphy are pulling of some spectacular shit in this one.
The list.

GRAYSON #14 $3.99
OMEGA MEN #6 $2.99
SUPERMAN #46 $3.99
WE ARE ROBIN #6 $3.99
SAGA #31 (MR) $2.99

Is JLA good? I'm thinking about picking something else up in case I run out of work this week.

I'm also kinda confused what it is.


Is JLA good? I'm thinking about picking something else up in case I run out of work this week.

I'm also kinda confused what it is.

Pretty sure this month is a fill in story by Matt Kindt and Rob Williams about Martian Manhunter. Typically it's Hitch telling stories about the League not dependent on continuity, although I think officially it's supposed to take place in the five year period between JL #6 and #7.
Pretty sure this month is a fill in story by Matt Kindt and Rob Williams about Martian Manhunter. Typically it's Hitch telling stories about the League not dependent on continuity, although I think officially it's supposed to take place in the five year period between JL #6 and #7.

Hmm, sounds interesting. Will get on that.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Pretty sure this month is a fill in story by Matt Kindt and Rob Williams about Martian Manhunter. Typically it's Hitch telling stories about the League not dependent on continuity, although I think officially it's supposed to take place in the five year period between JL #6 and #7.

Sold! Dude needs to come back to comics I actually see on store shelves. I miss reading his stuff.
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