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COMICS! |OT| November 2016. Wilde for comics, 2 Hickman books this month.

This most recent Green Arrow two parter was fucking insane. Comics rarely capture the over the top action movie potential of the medium but this NAILED it.

And I usually find Ferreya to be a bit sloppy for my tastes but GOD DAMN did he nail this story.

Fantastic comics.
Detective Comics #944
A lot of set-up, primarily, and not a lot of surprises and twists. The big one is obviously The First Victim's identity, but she'll come in time. My guess is that it'll be a big reveal involving Year One. A nice deep cut into the mythos would be awesome. That said, I'm looking forward to the new team.
Batwing certainly covers the sane role as Tim, but very much bringing his own flavor. Tim was always the least combat-oriented Robin. Relying on his gadgets and improvisational skills. He always ALWAYS excelled at computers. Luke brings that, but still remains different. Tim was quiet and subtle, Luke is loud and flashy. Whereas Tim integrated his gadgets into his physicality and martial arts, Luke basically has an arsenal within the suit itself to compensate. It's sort of its own Batman v Iron Man within itself.

I know this arc is a bit tropey, but I'll always be a sucker for bad guy team vs good guy team. I also have no reason to be down on this book after the first arc.

Midnighter and Apollo #2
This book is too precious for this world. Orlando knows how to balance over-the-top ridiculousness with incredible humanity so well. He knows how to create perfect stakes for these characters. He has exactly what I love in any writer: someone who takes characters, shows us exactly what makes them tick, and then catering the story specifically to them while making them believable. I mean, he's currently handling some incredibky powerful DCU characters and makes them feel so down to Earth and yet like forces of nature. It's great

Also the scene with
Bendix's murder dungeon
was amazing.

Wait First Victim is a woman? I thought for sure it would be the original "Joker"/Red Hood and be revealed as one of the three...


This most recent Green Arrow two parter was fucking insane. Comics rarely capture the over the top action movie potential of the medium but this NAILED it.

And I usually find Ferreya to be a bit sloppy for my tastes but GOD DAMN did he nail this story.

Fantastic comics.

Other than Batman #1 (the plane issue) that was probably the best action set piece so far in Rebirth.
I think that Hitch tries for that type of action in Justice League, but it doesn't work out so well most of the time.
Other than Batman #1 (the plane issue) that was probably the best action set piece so far in Rebirth.
I think that Hitch tries for that type of action in Justice League, but it doesn't work out so well most of the time.

Yeah. He's totally writing for that kind of stuff but the artists just can't keep up.
Been thinking a lot about Batman and though I'd throw my theory in here in case anyone felt like discussing it or could expand on it.

Before this issue it seemed like the big going theory was that Punch and Bruce had switched places and Punch was going in as Batman. I kept having issues with this because I thought the "escape" of Batman was just too simple and dumb for it to be Punch just because he escaped before. So I tried to think of how there was a switch up and why. I'll throw it in spoilers just because I don't know how people feel about it.

I think Bronze Tiger is actually portraying Batman. In the issue that Batman got captured they made the whole point of him repeating himself over and over again. Then in this issue they bring up Bronze Tiger having been on Venom at a point. So I'm thinking Bronze Tiger is portraying Batman and he went back on Venom in order to take the beating that Bane would most likely give him. The repeating was maybe him trying to fight the control of the venom?

Then you have Bronze Tiger at the front gates. I'm thinking this is now Punch. We saw in previous issues that Punch is the disguise guy, and Batman wouldn't want his identity out there let alone trying to portray someone without his mask so Punch portrays Bronze Tiger, and this also gives a reason for Tiger getting irritated with "Punch" and Jewlee flirting in this issue because It's not actually punch and he is getting jealous of this "punch" and Jewlee being all over each other.

Now were left with this Punch being Bruce. My only problem with this whole theory is that I can't exactly come up with a reason for this switch or if Jewlee is in on it or not. We can suspect it isn't Punch because there was the previous emphasis on Punch being left handed and in this issue we are pointed at something carved into his left hand which would imply he carved it with his right(wrong hand). So I'm guessing it is Bruce and he would have the trust to have Selina fake slit his throat, but can't really come up with the why.

We know Catwoman isn't really double crossing them because she doesn't point out where Wesker is which is the key to Batman's plan and would blow everything up immediately. So is Bruce's whole plan to pretend to be dead to trick Bane? Seems like a dumb plan to go against Bane with and seems like a whole lot just for that simple end result.

Bronze Tiger is now on venom(going with this theory) and was remarked earlier to be faster than Bruce so is he now planned to beat Bane or at least keep up with him while the rest carry out the rest of the plan.

I feel like I have part of this theory, but the why makes it all fall apart. I also can't figure out how Catwoman's kills factor in because they've been emphasized by number so many times it's hard to believe they won't factor in.

But I feel like I am on to something! Meh, just felt like sharing it.

Ignore if dumb, just can't stop thinking about this story and it really has me intrigued.
Royals, from Al Ewing and Jonboy Meyers. So Uncanny Inhumans is likely canceled? Don't see this going better than Contest of Champions did. And right after the TV series was announced...

This is good

It's all the Inhumans I care about (except Kamala) in one convenient package, and they're
shipping them back to SPACE.

Things must go really, really terribly for them in IvX

Edit: except no Lockjaw apparently booo :(. But no Karnak either! Acceptable.
And two crappy ones who are hopefully just red shirts
This is good

It's all the Inhumans I care about (except Kamala) in one convenient package, and they're
shipping them back to SPACE.

Things must go really, really terribly for them in IvX

Edit: except no Lockjaw apparently booo :(
And two crappy ones who are hopefully just red shirts
And Marvel Boy.


I like Marvel Boy. He was an interesting character in YA.

So with this announcement I'm gonna speculate that in IvX,
Karnak dies, probably Old Beast, maybe Lockjaw, bye bye New Attilan and no more cloud
Karnak already died not long ago and came back, don't see the point in killing him off again. Wouldn't be surprised if Old Beast dies since they can't have an event without a major character death. Maybe Lockjaw joins Ms. Marvel?
That's all assuming there isn't going to be another book with the other characters still on Earth.

Jeez Marvel, is it really that hard to just put the original group together in one book with a few of the new Inhumans? This is what, the third relaunch in three years?
Wait First Victim is a woman? I thought for sure it would be the original "Joker"/Red Hood and be revealed as one of the three...
I mean, TFV appeared to be really feminine, though the gender isn't confirmed. I suppose I jumped to conclusions.
Royals, the Inhumans' cosmic book spinning out of IvX from Al Ewing and Jonboy Meyers. So Uncanny Inhumans is likely canceled? Don't see this going better than Contest of Champions did. And right after the TV series was announced...
Somebody better pick up that phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT
So I probably won't buy The Oath then unless I hear it's cover-to-cover amazing. Why even bother with it at this point honestly.

I'm sure they're trying to repeat Civil War: The Confession but I don't see it happening
I bet they have the same hobbies.
Guarding treasure and obeying the voice in their head? Some BDSM?
I think being covered in red to the shoulders was my first Red Hood hint.

We'll see though.
That's pretty sound logic

Not Marquez. He posted that he is done.




A distillation of the Inhumans sounds like a very good idea.

Inhumans Rebirth?
I'd be okay with this
Marvel events always have trouble sticking the landing. With this one, people won't even be paying attention anymore when they get to the landing.

Incredible lol. I've been following the modern age of marvel events since disassembled amd this is still made me pause. An event people don't want as it is taking this long. Oh dear.

To be fair, "next year" is in six weeks.

And outside of Internet funnies that is true man, its more just a general sentiment thing. And also alarming that Christmas is so soon :eek:


Someone contact rich and tell him the Inhumans are moving to a planet of their own

Teen Titans Year one by Karl Kerschl got reprinted.
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