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COMICS! |OT| October 2013. Ghosts in friendly, vengeful, and gentlemanly varieties!

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Are there any Superman fans who can say if any of the current Superman books are worth reading? I've been picking up Superman Unchained and it's ehhh...
Are there any Superman fans who can say if any of the current Superman books are worth reading? I've been picking up Superman Unchained and it's ehhh...

Adventures of Superman is dope.

This. Adventures of Superman has been great so far. It isn't any one continuity, just "timeless" stories of the Man of Steel. Its digital first so you can get it online or wait for the collected issues.

Grek Pak is going to be taking over Action Comics, so I imagine that'll be good when that starts.
Green Lantern and the start of Lights Out was pretty good this week and I will now buy the whole story across all the books because of the good start.


Just read ANXM17. Probably the weakest issue of the crossover yet, but still good. Didn't move things along, felt like more of a setup for the bombs coming next week. Iceman is still the best

ANXM was basically filler. I got to the end and said 'Is that it?' aloud.

Very bad Marvel week, IMO.


I finally got around to reading Earth-2, gotta agree with Rafa, that was totally phoned in. I wish Robinson would dish on why he left DC and quit a book he apparently had huge plans for and reveal what his long term plans for the book were.

Would love to know why he left also. Way too many plot threads still around that will probably be dropped :\


Mara #6

Pretty good conclusion, Wood kept it philosophical. Overall an entertaining series but it wasn't spectacular, same as everything Wood writes. Ming Doyle is a talented artist though, I like her designs and background a lot. Sometimes her anatomy and faces can be a bit strange but it's a style I feel like most people would be able to enjoy.

Lazarus #4
This is one of the best books Image is publishing right now. You are a straight up chump if you don't check out the trade. Forever is such a strong lead, her journey is going to be really rewarding. We'll learn more more about the world at large on the next arc, sucks that it's two months away.

I hope that Leader Carlyle is aware that Johanna is lying. He seems smart enough to get it. She is deliciously evil.

Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #1

Have never read a Spidey story like this before. It's pretty dark and I think there were two hours in the whole issue. I'm feeling a bit trepidacious about it so far but I'm intrigued by the concept so I'm sticking with it. Art was fantastic. If you're looking for something new done with Peter, check it out.

Trillium #3

Fucking exhilarating stuff. Great from first page to last, this has become one of my favorite minis right now. So many questions coming up that I feel like we may not get the answer to, buy that's okay. The journey, people. The journey.

Pretty sure I found a "your" that should have been a "you're" though.

Book of the Week is Trillium, followed closely by Lazarus.


Wow, I'm late on this new thread. :p
That Gail Simone/Plastic Man rumor better be true, goddamnit. Outside of that, out of the rest of the list from earlier, I'm most curious about Shazam, Titans, Doom Patrol and Cyborg. Gail being off Batgirl for good would be very unfortunate, though, especially in the wake of Batwoman.
Batman Black and White #2 was good. Weakest story in the book goes too.......Dan Didio. Raphael Albuquerque once again had the best story. He has a talent for the Bat, hope he does more.
This. Adventures of Superman has been great so far. It isn't any one continuity, just "timeless" stories of the Man of Steel. Its digital first so you can get it online or wait for the collected issues.

Grek Pak is going to be taking over Action Comics, so I imagine that'll be good when that starts.

Thanks for the recommendation. I guess I'll have to check out Adventures of Superman.
Trillium #3 was great once again. Plenty of O faces again but Lemire has crafted a really interesting world. Can't wait to see what happens.

Hinterkind was solid. So many new books coming out I don't know. I'm gonna get Coffin Hill next week and see which one I like more.
Earth 2 was garabge, dont really care what happens next. that twist was extra dumb.

Savage wolverine was jock goodness, with an ok story.
Read all my comics for the week. Not one bad book. Top 4 were easy but the 5th was hard, they were all quality.

1. Superior Foes of Spider-Man
2. Green Arrow
3. Forever Evil
4. Lazarus
5. Trillium.


So am I the only one into the new 52 Aquaman? The art is gorgeous in all of the issues i've read so far.

It's been very strong. Sad to see Johns leave it.

And didn't Ostrander do that Others issue? Man I hope those rumors are true.


All New X-Men was half an issue worth of content stretched for an entire issue. Nothing happened. The
stuff with President Dazzler
was the only development that happened.
Mara #6

Lazarus #4

Lazarus was awesome. And while I liked Mara, the series as a whole felt a bit rushed and maybe aimless at times? But Image has been putting out a lot of original stuff, and they've definitely become my favorite publisher. A ton of good books that you don't need to buy a dozen tie-ins to enjoy? I'm down. In the near future, I'm looking forward to checking out Rocket Girl, as well as Alex + Ada.


Lazarus was awesome. And while I liked Mara, the series as a whole felt a bit rushed and maybe aimless at times? But Image has been putting out a lot of original stuff, and they've definitely become my favorite publisher. A ton of good books that you don't need to buy a dozen tie-ins to enjoy? I'm down. In the near future, I'm looking forward to checking out Rocket Girl, as well as Alex + Ada.
Definitely agree on Mara. It had good moments strung together by a really loose overall plot.
Definitely agree on Mara. It had good moments strung together by a really loose overall plot.

I mean, I certainly get what they were aiming for. A story about a young girl who develops superpowers, and becomes someone who has a hard time relating to normal people because she suddenly sees a reality so much bigger than anything she'd ever known. And in turn, how she deals with that. But I think that's much too ambitious of a story to tell in a six-issue mini.
All New X-Men was half an issue worth of content stretched for an entire issue. Nothing happened. The
stuff with President Dazzler
was the only development that happened.

which didn't even make sense because

Dazzler is dead and Mystique took her persona Wouldn't she have reverted back when she died?


Neo Member
This is kind of random, but was wondering if you comic people could help me out. I have a TON of back issues of Superior and Avenging Spider-Man at the shop that I won't be able to all pick up because the pull list is too massive. I started it around January and haven't bought any since. Are there any issues from this year that I should definitely buy, since they are currently rare, climbing in value, worth holding on to, etc?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mara #6 just came out? Didn't that mini start last December? I thought the trade was just oddly delayed for a long time (by Image standards), not that it hadn't even finished.
Spoilers ahead!!

Savage Wolverine #9 - I don't like this. I didn't like the art and the story didn't really go anywhere. Wolverine is thrown onto an alien planet, fights a giant bug, meets a kid who is like him in some way. Whatever! The previous 2 arcs were cool Wolverine beating people up stories with good looking art, but this I'm probably going to skip.

Green Lantern #24 - Well, damn. Relic is really fucking the Lanterns up. This was like that TV show where bad things keep happening and piling up on top of each other. Relic is a little too much like Galactus, but this sounds like it's going to be a good story.

Forever Evil #2 - Pretty awesome. I have to wonder just how much this will affect the regular continuity, though. It's just so crazy and it seems like the DC books are going back to their regularly scheduled programs after Villain's Month. Thank goodness that's over! I can't help but wonder if this is going to be another Age of Ultron situation.

All-New X-Men #17 - Wolverine and Jubilee's daughter?! Whaaat?! I loved learning more about these future alternate future (or whatever) X-Men. Quinting Quire as the Phoenix host? Whaaaat?! It kind of felt like filler because it didn't continue the story of what's going with young Jean and Scott, thought. This is kind of their book too. Anyway, I'm really loving Battle of the Atom. I'm liking it much better than Infinity.

All-New X-Men Special #1 - Not nearly as good as what Bendis is doing, but it was fun.
This is kind of random, but was wondering if you comic people could help me out. I have a TON of back issues of Superior and Avenging Spider-Man at the shop that I won't be able to all pick up because the pull list is too massive. I started it around January and haven't bought any since. Are there any issues from this year that I should definitely buy, since they are currently rare, climbing in value, worth holding on to, etc?

Lot's of big stuff was happening in Superior for a while, but it has kind of slowed down now. I think the first 13 issues are a must read if you're a Spidey fan, but since you haven't bought any, maybe you're not. Nothing major happens in Avenging Spider-Man. That book is just about how Spidey interacts with other heroes, which was funny and interesting when Doc Ock first took over.
No one pick up Morning Glories or Mind the gap? how are those shaping up? I think mind the gap is having a big *season finale* thing this week. No spoilers pleaaase if anyone chimes in.
I'm just waiting for Nicola Scott to bail out and work on a new book. I would have liked to see her on the Justice League Canada book with Lemire.
The whole issue was like Robinson doing whatever the editor told him. In no way was Earth 2 ever leading to something like this. How is Earth 3 going to top this grim??? Instead of no dopplgegangers....fuck Earth 2 Batman is gonna be the focus. Its probably just fucking Bruce under the mask, except now he realizes he has to be tougher and give up his morals if he wants to protect this world. Fucking shit man.

And I really wanted some Earth 2 figures. Alan Scott, Dr Fate, Flash, Hawkgirl.


Are there any Superman fans who can say if any of the current Superman books are worth reading? I've been picking up Superman Unchained and it's ehhh...

Batman / Superman is awesome. As someone else said, Greg Pak is taking over Action Comics soon, so maybe wait to jump on that in a few months.

I too have been underwhelmed by Superman Unchained, but I have faith it'll all come together. Kinda sucks it's a $4 book though.

The main Superman title has been so up and down it's frustrating. I have only been buying if:
1) Aaron Kuder has been on art.
2) Orion shows up and steals the show.

One more title to check out is Justice League. I like how Superman is written there, Johns understands what makes the character interesting plus you get to see him interact with the top-tier heroes in the DC universe.


The whole issue was like Robinson doing whatever the editor told him. In no way was Earth 2 ever leading to something like this. How is Earth 3 going to top this grim??? Instead of no dopplgegangers....fuck Earth 2 Batman is gonna be the focus. Its probably just fucking Bruce under the mask, except now he realizes he has to be tougher and give up his morals if he wants to protect this world. Fucking shit man.

And I really wanted some Earth 2 figures. Alan Scott, Dr Fate, Flash, Hawkgirl.
I wouldn't say the whole issue. Things were going fine until
Steppenwolf's completely out of nowhere and pointless death.
What even was that? Why? And yeah, it's probably a Batman book now. :/


The whole issue was like Robinson doing whatever the editor told him. In no way was Earth 2 ever leading to something like this. How is Earth 3 going to top this grim??? Instead of no dopplgegangers....fuck Earth 2 Batman is gonna be the focus. Its probably just fucking Bruce under the mask, except now he realizes he has to be tougher and give up his morals if he wants to protect this world. Fucking shit man.

And I really wanted some Earth 2 figures. Alan Scott, Dr Fate, Flash, Hawkgirl.

The only intriguing thing about the issue is figuring out what Earth Brutaal was from since the timeline for it being his analog from E2 doesn't match up.

Yeah you're right, it probably is going to become a Batman book now, what a waste. In a perfect world Dr Fate would find a way to magic the Wonders to the main Earth where they would take down the Crime Syndicate and get a new book by a good writer.
The only intriguing thing about the issue is figuring out what Earth Brutaal was from since the timeline for it being his analog from E2 doesn't match up.

Yeah you're right, it probably is going to become a Batman book now, what a waste. In a perfect world Dr Fate would find a way to magic the Wonders to the main Earth where they would take down the Crime Syndicate and get a new book by a good writer.
I dont understand what goes through these brahs heads. Making Batman the focus will not increase sales, just give him his own fucking book. So then you have three groups that do stuff in their own way Alan Scott's brahs, Batman and The World Army. Oh my heck, conflict!!! And also you have yhree different Earths that dealt with the aftermath of Darkseids invasion in their own way. Instead what we have now are three degrees of super fuxkng gloomy. If Robinson planned the whole Brutaal thing and was staying on board I would be okay with it. But DC editors just cant seem to have a book without the Trinity overshadowing everyone, specifically Batman. I bet at this point Fury is probably just fucking Diana. Cant wait for Jay's mom to get penetrated by Brutaal and have ber back split in half.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
which didn't even make sense because

Dazzler is dead and Mystique took her persona Wouldn't she have reverted back when she died?

Doubt it, and even if she was that leaves her more than a decade to ressurrect. With the way comics are she could die and return twice with years to spare.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
So, Hinterkind #1 was good. Little exposition and you're thrown into the world. There's already a massive threat, a fun friendship, and some other cool stuff.

Anybody else loving this new Vertigo revitalization?


So, Hinterkind #1 was good. Little exposition and you're thrown into the world. There's already a massive threat, a fun friendship, and some other cool stuff.

Anybody else loving this new Vertigo revitalization?

Oh yeah, every month the Vertigo titles are the ones I'm most excited about.
The Wake kind of kicked everything off for me, followed by FBP and Trillium.
Hinterkind was great, I love reading
post-apocalyptic stores and it's interesting that it also has a fantasy theme.
Great first issue.

I can't wait for Coffin Hill too!


So, Hinterkind #1 was good. Little exposition and you're thrown into the world. There's already a massive threat, a fun friendship, and some other cool stuff.

Anybody else loving this new Vertigo revitalization?

Loved the build up of Hinterkind - ok here's some kids hunting, ok something terrible happened to the world, still some city type dwellings,
holy shit is that a troll?! What the hell are those things eating those peoples heads?
, this is awesome!

I really loved the coloring on the book too, great fit for the art and world. I'm definitely in for the first 5 or so issues.
Seriously, why should I give a fuck about Forever Evil if the same shit is happening on Earth 2. Holy fuck you stupid editors. Shit is hitting Morbius levels.
Doubt it, and even if she was that leaves her more than a decade to ressurrect. With the way comics are she could die and return twice with years to spare.

Yep. Not confirmed that she's permanently dead, as opposed to incapacitated.

I would be more concerned that dazzler STILL HASN'T AGED
Aw man ,the devs of the witcher series, CD Projekt Red, just posted this:


I don't know who the team would be, and I would still only be interested if it was exciting creators, but The witcher is one of my favourite franchises, a comic book series is an exciting thought. Ongoing series with some top talent, hell yea, witcher 3 prequel tie-in mini with meh creator, blah. fingers crossed, announcement at NYCC!

So, Hinterkind #1 was good. Little exposition and you're thrown into the world. There's already a massive threat, a fun friendship, and some other cool stuff.

Anybody else loving this new Vertigo revitalization?

Certainly excited once it hits us trade readers!
Earth 2 was alright until the end. Then it was just a big "WTF?" followed by a "Well I guess they ran out of ideas already if they're trotting out this tired old horse again"

A liked Green Lantern a lot. The dialog was really ham-fisted, though. Just the way everyone kind of spoke to each other in that cliche, sarcastic/chummy way pulled me out of it for some reason.

Forever Evil was incredibly lame. I have a feeling this is all building up to the new Antimonitor. They practically came right out and said it, for chrissake. Like, I enjoy it as I'm reading it... but as soon as I'm done I think back and just feel incredibly unsatisfied.

Masters of the Universe was alright. I've really been liking this series since it began but this issue seems to have ended with a thud instead of a boom, in spite of the major shit that went down. Maybe I just wasn't in the right headspace yesterday to fully enjoy it.

Detective Comics was pretty weak. I wish I hadn't gotten sucked into buying this Wrath arc. I could've saved $9 bucks.

And Finally Hunger was the other book I read. It was enjoyable enough, but it's getting to the point where I just want to say, "hurry up and kill the Ultimate universe already"


Certainly excited once it hits us trade readers!

Me too! There's a bunch of new books that sound great that I'll be waiting on. Hinterkind, Sex Criminals, Rat Queens, The Wake, and then the upcoming ones like Southern Bastards and Black Science.

Anyway, to the person who suggested Overdrive might refer to Ghost Rider: please don't get my hopes up. Tradd Moore drawing Ghost Rider would just be amazing.
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