Now who to believe....
I'm tempted to go with Maquinon just because of how pure her hatred for it is.
How could you not trust this person?

Now who to believe....
I'm tempted to go with Maquinon just because of how pure her hatred for it is.
Take the average of "okay" and "it's the worst shit ever" and you have your answer.
Gotta go with GH on this one. It ain't a must read by any means. Also consider the fact I've dropped it and I want to catch up someday.Take the average of "okay" and "it's the worst shit ever" and you have your answer.
In other news, I have just realised that my library has zero Valiant comics. I should have jumped in on that Humble Bundle.
See, I disagree; Batman's getting a lot of play, because... he's Batman, but every major plotpoint from the trailer (and the spoilers) revolves around Supes. The aftereffects of his actions in MoS dictate the whole movie.
i seen you
The GI Joe villain organization?
Well, Zombeen is the zombie expert around here, so I'd like to get his opinion.
But those points revolve around Supes in a way that paints him negatively. Revolving a film around a character, especially one of your company's figurehead characters, doesn't work when that character, again a figurehead character, is consistently painted negatively. This movie clearly derives heavily from TDKR, which again, painted Superman in a negative light.
The most superhero superhero out there is now painted strictly as a threat to the world. Captain America got a movie that, as far as I'm concerned, is the perfect Cap film. Supes, a character significantly older than him, but very similar to him in terms of morals and beliefs and representation, has not received that yet.
I was summoned for my shit opinion on something by GH. How can I help everyone?
George Romero Empire of the Dead comic series by Marvel. The one with Alex Maleev art. Yay or nay?
In other news, I have just realised that my library has zero Valiant comics. I should have jumped in on that Humble Bundle.
Valiant: not even libraries want it.
Wrong for libraries.
Wrong for America.
oh, that's Lunchpod. I was wondering who sent me a friend request the other day. I added him because I was like "well it's probably someone I know."
Someone I know that likes Gundam, apparently.Gundam is awesome
TV Shows Verdicts:
Last Man on Earth : My favorite, beginning was great but then it got cringey, buttttt I embraced the cringe and enjoyed it again.
Mr. Robot: It's about humans, buncha liars.
HUMAN: It's about robots, buncha liars
Arrow: bad family drama with okay heroing.
From Dusk Till Dawn: mistake
The Strain: Season one was OKAY but disappointing, haven't tried season two yet
Game of Thrones: I no longer have HBO
Scream: only made it two episodes, iffy
Wayward Pines: got better towards the end but also iffy
So yeah, i've seen a decent amount of shows but only really liked Last Man On Earth. This is totally comics related, some of those shows involve comic book things.
LMOE is phenomenal television.
Will Forte uber alles
He's turned the word "friggin" into a work of art
season two starts this sunday, i didn't know it was so soon.
I put my name in the message lol
Disagree with the bolded. Most all of what we've seen has the world wrestling with the question of who and what is Superman, and how should they react to him? Is he a demon, a destroyer, a killer responsible for the slaughter of millions at the hands of Zod? Is he a savior, a god? In the trailer Ma Kent tells him that he can't let other people dictate what he is, that if he's going to be a hero then dammit, be one, but don't be guilted into it. The tone of the movie is, from what we've seen thus far, a question, not a proclamation. It's not portraying him as automatically positive, by any stretch, but neither is it demonizing him.
I suspect that in answering the "who is Superman" question, the movie is going to end on a more positive note than not, but that's just speculation.
Ya'll should be watching Broad City. It's been on for a few year now and it's definitely the best of all the girl shows. Lot of talent there.
we all watch broad city of course
you should also be rewatching 30 rock
In other news, I have just realised that my library has zero Valiant comics. I should have jumped in on that Humble Bundle.
Scott Walker is stepping out of the presidential race, get outta Trumps way America.
THANK GOODNESS. He was the person who infuriated me second most from just listening to him, right after Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz is going to be on Colbert Late Show tonight....Fiorina on Fallon. I really dislike Fiorina right now, she has that obnoxious self-assurance about her awful ideas shared by Rubio.
That is not going to go the way he hopes it will.
Pfffft. I only read PSN messages from GH.
Ted Cruz is going to be on Colbert Late Show tonight....Fiorina on Fallon. I really dislike Fiorina right now, she has that obnoxious self-assurance about her awful ideas shared by Rubio.
Pfffft. I only read PSN messages from GH.
I'm hurt
We usually talk about games or waifus. Sometimes both.
So none of y'all FigureGAF cast offs can tell me if these figures are decent?
Ooh. I'll have to watch that. Loving that Colbert has all these politicians on. That Biden interview was incredible.
And uuuugh yes. Forgot about Fiorina. I liked her (well, relatively speaking, obviously) at first for some reason, but she pisses me off so much now. She looks perpetually annoyed. And yeah, the obnoxious self-assurance that you mentioned as well. So awful.
Also, why on earth does anybody like Ben Carson. The way he talks... He's like a slow child.
I try not to think about it, i know his book was popular and he's a renowned neurosurgeon. He also said Obamacare was the worst thing in U.S. history since slavery...
So none of y'all FigureGAF cast offs can tell me if these figures are decent?
I always wanted to try Vault of Glass for the unique shader but Crotas End would be cool because the Warlock Deathstinger armor is amazing.
What level is the raid? We may have enough, assuming Zombeen doesn't act like he's too good for us.
So none of y'all FigureGAF cast offs can tell me if these figures are decent?
Also, why on earth does anybody like Ben Carson. The way he talks... He's like a slow child.
Vault of Glass is level 26 I think, the rest are higher
I never understood how a doctor got into politics. In what universe does being a surgeon make one qualified for political office?
Hmm ok, I'm 16 now so it's not far. My main problem is scheduling; I'm mostly only free on Sundays and a few hours on weeknights MST.
I never understood how a doctor got into politics. In what universe does being a surgeon make one qualified for political office?
There's a a lot of planning involved in these things so finding a suitable timeline for everyone is key. I think as long as you get to each area you can turn the game off and continue on the next time you play but you have to finish the raid within a week. I've never played one though so I'm sure birdie or someone else has the lowdown,