Comic you're most excited to read every month, go!:
I'd wait for the first trade, honestly. No murmurs of cancellation yet, but it's still experiencing growing pains. At least, I hope they're growing pains. It's been getting better, but veeeery sloooowly.
EDIT: Okay, this current issue is pretty good.
But I'd still wait on the first trade.
Midnighter yo.
Too late already read the first issue and have the other three waiting. I enjoyed the first, I'm not really reading anything magical and the art is interesting. I have no real interaction with Doctor Fate outside of the episodes of JLU he appears. Is this the first time the character has appeared in the new 52?
Some indie shit
I buy trades, so it's not really monthly... but Saga is my favorite ongoing series. I keep buying singles for Deadly Class, but I'm not sure why. I like it, but I don't love it.Comic you're most excited to read every month, go!:
I buy trades, so it's not really monthly... but Saga is my favorite ongoing series. I keep buying singles for Deadly Class, but I'm not sure why. I like it, but I don't love it.
Available digital?
I hope so, otherwise their sales numbers will be garbage.Their sales numbers will be garbage anyway
What was the comic with the dinosaur (dragon?) giving head to himself again?
There's a question I never thought I'd ask btw
What was the comic with the dinosaur (dragon?) giving head to himself again?
There's a question I never thought I'd ask btw
What was the comic with the dinosaur (dragon?) giving head to himself again?
There's a question I never thought I'd ask btw
I saw you posting in the Scream Queens thread...
Comic you're most excited to read every month, go!
...OK? Was that supposed to be a shame thing? Because jokes on you Freeza, I loved it lol
Anyone got a spare 15 grand. I wanna buy a skottie young cover.
Not at all. It was great. I didn't really get into it until 20-30 minutes in, but that show had me dying.
Ain't no Skottie Young anything cost 15k.
Wanna bet?
Wanna bet?
How big is the original art?
What charity is he selling it for?
2 11x17 pages
His family fund I'd assume
Yeah, Comic art is shooting up in price because the pieces that are available are becoming very limited since a lot of folks are penciling/inking digitally.
What's out there is slowly going to dwindle because of this.
I like me some Skottie art, but someone may be overestimating the value of their work. This is Marvel's fault.
The recycling bins of tomorrow weep.
Yeah, Comic art is shooting up in price because the pieces that are available are becoming very limited since a lot of folks are penciling/inking digitally.
What's out there is slowly going to dwindle because of this.
Was not aware of this. That's pretty interesting, yet utter suckage for fans.
Stegman seemed pretty down on going digital on Twitter. High initial costs plus the ease of undoing something leads to endless noodling.
Can someone do me a solid. I need to know what issue the first omnibus of Strangers in Paradise ends on. I've been trying to figure it out for ages but I can't find it out.
This month's We Are Robin is brought to you by: the ghost of Andy Warhol! Let's give him a big hand, everybody!
But seriously, look at this:
Bloody gorgeous. It's a shame the book doesn't look like this all the time. Pure pop. Story is good too. No progress on thefront, but a solid diversion. Riko on her own meeting her idol. Pretty good.Alfred
And my god, the art. One last pic 'cause it amused me:
Stegman seemed pretty down on going digital on Twitter. High initial costs plus the ease of undoing something leads to endless noodling.
Anecdote alert:
vast majority of artists I know are digital
You can develop plenty of bad habits traditionally too. Digital just has newish traps
Also, high initial cost is completely offset by cost of traditional meterials over time. Also, you can charge more since you dont need an inker.
Downside: less original art if you get big. But if you get to that point the solution is to print out your digital drawing in blue line and ink over that shit.
This month's We Are Robin is brought to you by: the ghost of Andy Warhol! Let's give him a big hand, everybody!
But seriously, look at this:
Bloody gorgeous. It's a shame the book doesn't look like this all the time. Pure pop. Story is good too. No progress on thefront, but a solid diversion. Riko on her own meeting her idol. Pretty good.Alfred
And my god, the art. One last pic 'cause it amused me:
Man, I really wish there was a way to set a different default zoom on the Comixology web app; the default is just a liiiiitle too small for me, and setting it to "page width" is just excessive.
Which devalues it for me since the whole appeal of it is the original art that was penciled/inked.
It'll be interesting to see how it goes moving forward.
Cant speak for what you value, but the artist is still inking and making plenty of artistic decisions at that time past the digital process. Not only that but most pages are also cleaned up digitally by the inker or penciler.
Some inkers don't receive original pages. They get scans they print out. So sometimes you have a pencil version and an ink version.
You are totally right.
Just would suck if an artist keeps printing out the pencils, inking and selling multiple copies. I like the uniqueness of something being the original art.
You are totally right.
Just would suck if an artist keeps printing out the pencils, inking and selling multiple copies. I like the uniqueness of something being the original art.
I have seen artists sell proofs of their digital pages kind of like posters. It's pretty clear theyre sold as copies so its not misleading.
Comic-Gaf is officially worshiping Emily Blunt.
Sorry Messi. Anyways I can't wait to see Sicario.
I don't like Walmart Olivia Wilde