You should get Lady Killer if you like her art!
Not on Comixology?
You should get Lady Killer if you like her art!
Not on Comixology?
Not on Comixology?
You should get Lady Killer if you like her art!
None of it is on CMX! I thought Dark Horse was putting stuff up there now?
dcbs updated for September, ahhhhh yeah $2.99 for Dark Knight 3.
and Zatanna figure, right?
I don't buy toys. I buy adult collectibles.
Are there any good games with comic book writers? Just out of curiosity.
Dead Space 2 is pretty cool. Dead Space bored me.
Rick Remender was a writer for Dead Space
I don't remember thinking the writing in the game was particularly good, but it's a pretty fun game
RR was also the lead writer for Bulletstorm.
I hear good things about this game, never played it.RR was also the lead writer for Bulletstorm.
First issue of renew your vows did nothing for me. Maybe there just isn't enough spider man in my life.old man logan battleworld trade worth getting? Also Spider-Man Renew Your Vows seemed to be getting good reviews here. I'm trying to think if I want to bother with Dark Knight III monthly or just wait for the trade IF by miracle it turns out good. I'm tempted to get some of those looney tunes variants just for the covers.
So you're saying "I'll kill your dicks" was Remender's doing?
Are there any good games with comic book writers? Just out of curiosity.
Rick Remender was a writer for Dead Space
I don't remember thinking the writing in the game was particularly good, but it's a pretty fun game
Where Messi been at today? You'd think without a job he'd be on here more.
i think it's a test to see how we react with a Messi-less day.
Is this a good thing? My friend loves those star wars games.Haden Blackman, who co-wrote New 52 Batwoman up to issue #24 and wrote Masters of Kung-Fu for Marvel, was the lead on Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 1 and 2. He's currently the lead for Mafia 3.
Really? That's some kind of trivia, haha.
Is this a good thing? My friend loves those star wars games.
First issue of renew your vows did nothing for me. Maybe there just isn't enough spider man in my life.
Short Term 12 is GOAT
I was on the edge of tears like the whole movie.
Are there any good games with comic book writers? Just out of curiosity.
Fix'd. And yes, Teppu is the best. Only Keijo gives it a run for its money. Both series curbstomp the bechdel test with ease.
Neither is slice of life, tho.
Vader Down is the Star Wars comics event, a good ol' Aaron/Gillen crossover like in the days of X-Men. If you haven't read Darth Vader or Star Wars you might be lost.
That is both awesome and adorable
Wow CMX dropped a number of sales
Atomic Robo sale!!
Dark Horse collection sale
Star Wars Collection
Superior Spider-man
I've had my eye on Grendel for a bit. Good read?
Wow CMX dropped a number of sales
Atomic Robo sale!!
Dark Horse collection sale
Star Wars Collection
Superior Spider-man
Yeah I've been reading both,,, so its a mini series then?
..and good god that dcbs order got out of hand quick.
Would these be digital or do they offer PDF downloads etc.?
Groot #4
That is both awesome and adorable
I'm getting real bored of this comic already...
Its one of the critical series i've seen over the years but haven't read it yet.
Finished Harbinger and... damn. That was good. I'll have to read Imperium after that wraps up.
Now onto Archer & Armstrong - I read the first issue on the subway this morning and I am INTO it. Seems like just the right kind of light hearted adventure to cleanse the palate before diving into Armor Hunters.
As for A&A, love it, get sad when there isn't more of it, try to replace it with Ivar, find out Ivar is better, get sad when there isn't more of it.
Then get balls deep into mignolaverse and eschew everything else.