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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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So, you ever construct a fan theory that you're super proud of to the point where you consider it an accomplishment?

I did.

I feel happy and sad at the same time.
That cover is badass.

Illustrated novels are novels that have a number of illustrations here and there throughout the book. Not a ton, but enough to help you picture certain things in your mind while reading.

That's what I figured. My friend got it because I like Mignola a lot.



All-Star Superman :)

Oh, really? I didn't know that. I will have to put that further up on my list then. The volume containing #1-12 (the full run, I assume) was already on my to-buy list, but I wasn't going to get around to it for awhile. Thanks for that info. I really like the idea of seeing a bunch of smaller stories collected instead of one or more collected volumes telling the same long story (though I do love that sometimes).


I have several questions and/or statements:
1) Why does Messi have a mini-me version in here?
2) Seriously, posting boobs? C'mon.
3) The Gaiman Miracleman remaster looks great.
4) ComicGAF is nowhere near FigureGAF. And if something were to happen, the correct response would be to stay cool. In most of the Community thread closures, the response from the community to a relatively minor incident is what lead to the closure -- not the incident itself.
5) Mockingbird was pretty sweet.

To whom do you refer to?


Oh, really? I didn't know that. I will have to put that further up on my list then. The volume containing #1-12 (the full run, I assume) was already on my to-buy list, but I wasn't going to get around to it for awhile. Thanks for that info. I really like the idea of seeing a bunch of smaller stories collected instead of one or more collected volumes telling the same long story (though I do love that sometimes).

Hope you like it, it's the best Superman comic ever, the coloring, dialog, story and art are superb.
Hell this comic even tells you stories in one fucking page
Here's Superman's origin in one page
That's it right there; the VERY FIRST thing you read is Superman's origin and it's done in 1 page, 4 panels.

Then there's this which is pretty much Lex Luthor in a nutshell, this is Lex Luthor, all that build up just to show you what Lex Luthor's character and what he thinks of Superman is-

And there's this-



Hope you like it, it's the best Superman comic ever, the coloring, dialog, story and art are superb.
Hell this comic even tells you stories in one fucking page
Here's Superman's origin in one page
That's it right there; the VERY FIRST thing you read is Superman's origin and it's done in 1 page, 4 panels.

Then there's this which is pretty much Lex Luthor in a nutshell, this is Lex Luthor, all that build up just to show you what Lex Luthor's character and what he thinks of Superman is-

And there's this, which needs no words-

These are fantastic. Thanks. Very impressive condensed storytelling.


Hope you like it, it's the best Superman comic ever, the coloring, dialog, story and art are superb.
Hell this comic even tells you stories in one fucking page
Here's Superman's origin in one page
That's it right there; the VERY FIRST thing you read is Superman's origin and it's done in 1 page, 4 panels.

Then there's this which is pretty much Lex Luthor in a nutshell, this is Lex Luthor, all that build up just to show you what Lex Luthor's character and what he thinks of Superman is-

And there's this-


Such a great book. Read All Star Batman too, for different reasons though.


These are fantastic. Thanks. Very impressive condensed storytelling.

No probs. mate, heck I think I'm due for a re-read of it soon myself X3

While I couldn't find the spread I was looking for, I'ma settle for posting Ultra Magnus being a tidiness freak instead-


While we're on the subject. What are some must-read Superman stories? I'm not the biggest Superman fan but there are some really good books out there with him in it. My favorites are Red Son, Kingdom Come, and as already mentioned All-Star Superman.


^Aside from All-Star Supes, there's
Greg Rucka's Superman run (or any Supes book featuring Rucka as the writer)
Geoff Johns' Superman run
Smallville comic series
Morrison's JLA run from the 90s
Superman Birthright
Superman by Tim Sale

That's it off the top of my head, there are 2 other series but their names escape me atm, one of them was a 4 issue miniseries where Clark Kent is a real person and then gets Superman's powers.

While not Superman comic, it's a fantastic Lex Luthor comic with some great humor; Lex Luthor: The Black Ring-

Seriously, why aren't there more Lex and Joker buddy comics?

Such a great book. Read All Star Batman too, for different reasons though.

I think it falls within what they were asking about but all star Bats should def. be approached differently, mainly with the lowest of expectations. THE LOWEST.

It's on my list but I sure hope it's better than the film. :\

Oh believe me it is. I didn't like the animated adaptation myself, even though it's among McDuffie's last work before he passed away. I'll give it props for sticking to the main plot, but IMO that was it's main downfall.


Oh Just remembered it: Superman Secret Identity, really good book and it's by Stuart Immonen-

Really good book.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Leia #1 did nothing for me. There goes the Star Wars hotness streak I had going :/

Vader #2 continues to be good tho


Looks like I missed some shit today.

Are there any comics that tell a whole story in each issue?

The first 6 issues of the current Moon Knight series are pretty much like that. It was a brief run by Ellis/Shalvey and it's great. A new team took over after #6 but I don't know how that has worked out.


Looks like I missed some shit today.

The first 6 issues of the current Moon Knight series are pretty much like that. It was a brief run by Ellis/Shalvey and it's great. A new team took over after #6 but I don't know how that has worked out.

Is Shalvey working on anything now? He's so freaking good. I loved his brief stunt on Deadpool. I wish he was the regular artist.


While we're on the subject. What are some must-read Superman stories? I'm not the biggest Superman fan but there are some really good books out there with him in it. My favorites are Red Son, Kingdom Come, and as already mentioned All-Star Superman.

I'm a sucker for john byrne's run, the man of Steel mini series was great.
On this day, a day of sadness, I have finally accepted that Justice League Dark is nothing more than an island of wasted potential in a sea of mediocrity.

Good bye old friend.

Also WW Hulk is totes okay
First time seeing MTMTE?

It's amazing on a pretty consistent basis.
It's not my first time. I was just referring to that specific panel.


I have several questions and/or statements:
1) Why does Messi have a mini-me version in here?
2) Seriously, posting boobs? C'mon.
3) The Gaiman Miracleman remaster looks great.
4) ComicGAF is nowhere near FigureGAF. And if something were to happen, the correct response would be to stay cool. In most of the Community thread closures, the response from the community to a relatively minor incident is what lead to the closure -- not the incident itself.
5) Mockingbird was pretty sweet.

There can be only one!


Leia #1 did nothing for me. There goes the Star Wars hotness streak I had going :/

Vader #2 continues to be good tho

It all comes together. Just hang tight and keep reading it. Lando is amazing so keep an eye out for that book when it drops as well.

Also, Battlechasers kickstarter in 39 hours!


It all comes together. Just hang tight and keep reading it. Lando is amazing so keep an eye out for that book when it drops as well.

Also, Battlechasers kickstarter in 39 hours!
Kickstarter already started and the cheapest tier already full ToT
Seriously, read this. Among my top 10 of all time.
It's a great book. I read it for the first time recently. The only thing is I wish they would have not used the whole

Clark Kent/Superman is a fictional character in this world but the Clark Kent in this world happens to get Superman powers and is from Kansas and marries a Lois. It's just a bit much when they should have just gone for a story about Superman not a story about a guy who becomes just like the Superman character in his world. I just didn't feel it added enough to the story for it to go out of the way to include those elements.
So, I used the long weekend to get in my Morrison reading. His Animal Man, the Flex Mentallo mini, The Invisibles, and The Filth. Mostly enjoyable, but I mainly want to talk about the series that, at least to me, had the most weak points: The Invisibles. I'll be pretty general so I don't think spoiler tags are needed.

To start with, The Invisibles is the only Morrison work I've read where I've actually had points where it just got, well, too Morrison for me. I normally can enjoy all his nonsense New Age pseudo-philosophy, but here it just gets to be a bit too much at points. It's not so much that it's New Age stuff but rather that at various points it becomes clear just how superficial and shallow some of his thinking is. Taking deeper spiritual concepts and cutting them down to almost unrecognizable stumps. Stuff that seems intended to be deep and subversive that feels more like a stoner contemplating a stain on the carpet. I can deal with all this to a degree but the wheels really come off a bit here.

The other thing that struck me about The Invisibles is that it is the best/worst example of the narrowness of his thinking on gender and sexuality I've read. Put simply, his experience with drag and drag culture seems to be his only insight and point of reference for queer culture and community. Pretty much any queer man he writes is a pretty cookie cutter queen and any queer characters outside of that tend to be flat and lifeless in regards to their queerness. This tends to make his stuff involving queerness pretty banal rather than subversive or otherwise interesting, at least when read by myself now. But even at that time queerness had expanded into other forms of subversion and nonconformity.

Tying the above back to The Invisibles, we have a queer character that is arguably one of the most, if not the most, memorable and interesting characters in the story. That's good. The thing is that, while there's not actually anything at all wrong with the character, Morrison doesn't really use her to explore much new ground outside of his drag comfort zone. I admit that some of this is my talking in 2015 instead of 1994 when he started writing the book and what might have seemed subversive in regards to gender and sexuality to the average person in the years 1994-2000 is pretty old hat to myself in the modern world. Related, I'm not really bothered by the use of language such as "tranny" and "shemale" in The Invisibles given the culture and time frame it comes from. That said, I am pretty bothered by Morrison's continued flippant use of them in the present day, but that's not really related to this older writing.

I guess what I'm saying is that I found a lot of the stuff in The Invisibles that was supposed to be thought provoking kind of dull.


Marvel trotting out the good Nocenti again. Covers the same material as the old Daredevil Legends trade and then 10 more issues.

I was wondering why that Typhoid's Kiss trade was missing her first appearance arc.


It crosses over with the X-Men Inferno storyline and Romita Jr. goes crazy with his depiction of Manhattan.

I read and loved all of this. Good Nocenti is in there somewhere. She just needs the right book.
Some stuff from Fan Expo 2015 about the new Daredevil series...

"I'm sure you've all read Mark Waid's fantastic run on the book, so there's no pressure for me at all right?" Soule joked. "This is my version of Daredevil. I made sure to stay respectful to the character, but I also made some things my own. Daredevil is back in New York City, working as a prosecutor as opposed to a defense attorney. Instead of defending people, he's trying to put them away. For once, his day job aligns with his night job. His secret identity is also back, so no one knows that Daredevil and Murdock are the same person. He has an apprentice -- I don't want to say a sidekick, but someone he's taken under his wing. He is based in Chinatown, and is basically an undocumented immigrant. He's super-cool, and we're all really excited about him."
...and the X-Men...

"X-Men will be relaunching after 'Secret Wars,' with Jeff Lemire and Humberto Ramos… A couple surprise characters are coming in the first couple of issues that will make old school X-Men fans very happy," Cebulski teased. "The scripts I've read so far really have that classic X-Men feel. It's the team of heroes that are just as much a family as they are banding together to fight towards a common goal. Great characters, great relationships -- the romance that X-Men fans love is definitely there in spades through the first arc. Humberto is doing an amazing job of knocking this out of the park. He wanted to stay on Spider-Man -- he was born to draw Spider-Man -- but after he read Jeff's script, he just had to do it. He thought it was so cool."
More at the link too.

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