I'm really hoping it lands some sort of ongoing post SW. I love me some Brand.Siege #3 is absolutely fucking excellent.
I'm really hoping it lands some sort of ongoing post SW. I love me some Brand.
Green Lantern sale on comixology! Is any of that worth a look? Never read any Green Lantern before, but kinda curious now after reading Omega Men.
For new page
I'm really hoping it lands some sort of ongoing post SW. I love me some Brand.
Why is Deathstroke such a jobber? Like, by all accounts he should be a major threat. Especially to street-level heroes, but for some reason he jobs in the worst conceivable ways possible.
I feel like making a thread just about jobbers in fiction. I already have a couple in mind. Deathstroke. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fucking Gohan.
Gillen wrote the S.W.O.R.D. from a couple of years ago, so outside of necessary appearances in Avengers books, it's basically him that's keeping Brabd around.
I just started looking around Amazon, and I found this new Asus tablet. It looks to be essentially an Android ipad mini. Same high-res 4:3 IPS screen, really thin and light, but only $199! That's with 32GB. That's crazy.
The only thing I worry about is if an 8" screen would be big enough for me to comfortably look at comic pages without zooming. That's a major thing for me.
Why is Deathstroke such a jobber? Like, by all accounts he should be a major threat. Especially to street-level heroes, but for some reason he jobs in the worst conceivable ways possible.
I feel like making a thread just about jobbers in fiction. I already have a couple in mind. Deathstroke. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fucking Gohan.
People shit on Identity Crisis, but Deathstroke is treated properly. He kicks everyone's ass, and loses because he's in a fight he literally couldn't win, and achieves his actual objective of slowing people down enough.
In an ideal world they'd just bring that book back. It was great.
Why is Deathstroke such a jobber? Like, by all accounts he should be a major threat. Especially to street-level heroes, but for some reason he jobs in the worst conceivable ways possible.
I feel like making a thread just about jobbers in fiction. I already have a couple in mind. Deathstroke. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fucking Gohan.
Why is Batman 4.99 again in the same week as 5.99 Harley Quinn.
Thanks for the advice, guys! I'll look into some more titles by those authors and also Daredevil. I'm actually enjoying Kieron Gillen's Darth Vader comics very much, and I read the first issue of The Wicked + The Divine months ago and thought it was enjoyable, so I could potentially jump back on that. Lots of good stuff on my plate it seems.
Why is Batman 4.99 again in the same week as 5.99 Harley Quinn.
Yep. Total skip.
Batman or Harley?
Why is Deathstroke such a jobber? Like, by all accounts he should be a major threat. Especially to street-level heroes, but for some reason he jobs in the worst conceivable ways possible.
I feel like making a thread just about jobbers in fiction. I already have a couple in mind. Deathstroke. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fucking Gohan.
That's what I'd say once I maintained merge control....might as well embrace it.TOTAL SKIP
Y'all need MGSV in your lives.
There's no need to be upset guys. Just come on over to Valiant. We're outrage-free.
Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #5:
"I already have a codename.....MOM!"
"I'm not a thing! I'm not some collectible like a Barbie or a Pokemon! I KNOW WHAT I AM! I'm the girl who saved the day!"
My favourite Spider-Man story for years. Just amazing stuff all round. It'll be sad to go back to normal after this.
Why is Deathstroke such a jobber? Like, by all accounts he should be a major threat. Especially to street-level heroes, but for some reason he jobs in the worst conceivable ways possible.
I feel like making a thread just about jobbers in fiction. I already have a couple in mind. Deathstroke. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fucking Gohan.
Comic day and we fall back to page 2? Shameful.
My bad, didn't see thatCome on, brah. Gketter already had you covered. It was only a few posts above yours
Comics are dead to me until i get a statue with a good paint job. Could be forever
Holy motherfucking shit, WicDiv #14.
We were all up until 4:15 waiting for the Destiny patch to finish downloading
Holy motherfucking shit, WicDiv #14.
Is everyone dead? that would be next level for me
We were all up until 4:15 waiting for the Destiny patch to finish downloading
I regret my Elder Scrolls Online character creation, both race ( went Nord) and looks. Should have been a lizard.....
Is everyone dead? that would be next level for me
Can you toggle helemts off now? that would be pretty cool. Waiting till the end of the month before I pick up the Taken King.
I honestly don't get why he'd call it next level. It was an interesting issue that shed light on Woden (and Ananke), confirmed certain (mostly unsurprising) things and there were some references/implications that could still play out in interesting ways. There's also nudity, for those that care.
It's next level becauseAnd that's also includingit's a remix. All of the art is from previous issues, with light alterations.the porn parody from Sex Criminals.
Real talk, I saw the SHE'S PERFECT NOW and figured it was sillymonkey talking about that statue again.
i feel like people have stopped lingering when they read comics and just vacuum up story beats and finish them in four minutes.
Yamcha was never that strong, or ever played up to be that strong, though. Gohan during the Buu saga was where he did it, though. Gets Mystic Gohan power-up, loses to Buu almost immediately. "Oh but he beat him up a lot." Still lost. Doesn't really matter after that.Hey
That's not how you spell Yamcha.
Come on mang.
He kicked Cell's ass, before that he was strong enough to take on Frieza but cuz he was a child he couldn't go through with it.
Blame Toriyama for his poor writing skills and on nerfing Gohan.
Yamcha is the OG jobber doe.
Along with Vegeta & Piccolo.
I dunno. Like, he kills Qui-Gon, a Jedi master. He proves how strong he is, so he's not necessarily a jobber. He just loses to some really dumb bullshit. So, not exactly a jobber? Close, though.Darth Maul, as mentioned earlier
But a new S.W.O.R.D. ongoing?Let's be real, they're all going to die.
Thanos isn't really a jobber, so much as he gets in his way and causes himself to lose. Like, he isn't beefed up only to be knocked down by something else. He proves how strong he is, the aftereffects are shown. It's just that he gets in his own way and loses in the end.Thanos scored literal omnipotence, and still got his ass handed to him.
Basically. Yes he won, but the fight was so ridiculous that it was like "Really?"See, the Identity Crisis fight is a great example of overcorrecting. Forget winning, that is not a fight that could start. Flash or GL bitchslaps Slade out of existence and the JL moves on with its day. 15 seconds, tops.
Only in BtVS, though. In Angel he's exactly how he should be.Lol fucking Spike. Yeah, he was canonically a jobber.
Yeah his new series is cool according to my friends, but honestly, it's not going to be enough. He still only fights Bats to a standstill in that book. IN HIS OWN BOOK.I heard his new issues had him doing some pretty crazy stuff, but yeah he's been jobbing for quite a while, especially outside of comics.Arkham Knight makes him look like an absolute joke, AO has Batman h2hing him which shouldn't be possible, I think he knocks Deathstroke out in one punch in Batman & Son, then Robin beats him in a fight...
MMH is the biggest jobber though, but he's been doing great since new 52. Maybe the justice league was bringing him down.
Check this out homey, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547912
That's how I got a Aeon Flux character with a GIANT ASSAULT WEAPON
Crushing up and snorting comics is the next step from eating them.
It's next level becauseAnd that's also includingit's a remix. All of the art is from previous issues, with light alterations.the porn parody from Sex Criminals.
i feel like people have stopped lingering when they read comics and just vacuum up story beats and finish them in four minutes.
That Ivy twirling Harleys hair though
Noticed the Black Widow / Punisher cartoon on Netflix. Can someone explain Black Widow's chest? Did she Korea'd?