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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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I'd read Nextwave: Agents of Hate.

Doesn't really have the progression, tbpf. I mean, the madness level escalates, but the protags start and end the series in more or less the same place.

Hmm... in terms of recommendations, I'd go with some kind of teen hero book, those tend to feature a lot more shonenesque tropes. Maybe Ms. Marvel, or Blue Beetle (2006).

(Which is not to say that you shouldn't read Nextwave, Mike, because you definitely should).
I picked up Weapon of a Jedi and Noto even has some interior illustrations in it which are amazing. I love that he is going HAM on all the Star Wars stuff he's getting so much exposure it's great. Waiting for my copy of Shattered Empire to com by post so tempting just to get it digitally but i can wait.
Yeah, he's done some nice interior illustrations for Smuggler's Run and Moving Target too. I was flicking through them in Waterstones today. Definitely picking them up when I've finished Lost Stars and Aftermath.
Sorry for so many questions but I just got back from a store ans bought some stuff and am now in a buying mood again. I bought some Manhattan Projects because I wanted sci fi. It's nice so far!

So my question: Someone please tell me the DBZ equivalent for comics that I can get in hardcover or tpb. In terms of the power level nonsense and escalation and then some humour I guess plus some supernatural fighting.

Luther Strode is right up your alley. The writing isnt very good, but its just a vehicle for the artist to go HAM


Yeah, he's done some nice interior illustrations for Smuggler's Run and Moving Target too. I was flicking through them in Waterstones today. Definitely picking them up when I've finished Lost Stars and Aftermath.

I ordered Smugglers Run and I'll probably get the Leia book as well at some point. My copy of Aftermath comes Thursday afternoon so I'm really looking forward to diving into that over the weekend. Going Star Wars daft at the moment, feel like a big kid again.


It's only one story from the book, but it's pretty fucking dark. The basic gist is that
a young girl wins a contest to represent their goddess on stage, and she ends up being raped and abused on television. The story ends with her - after having been traumatized - the following year as she's watching the next girl (who's extremely excited about having won the contest) selected for the event.
I'm obviously not a fan of that story, and I wasn't sure exactly what I was looking at the first time I read it, but the others are quite good.

Should I read that spoiler if I will be buying the book?
Ms. Marvel #18

Oh shit.
Her mom knows. And everyone seems totally fine with Aamir having powers.

I'm so used to manga coming out weekly that waiting any longer than that for 20 pages of comics feel like forever.


Ms. Marvel:
Amir telling Kamala she doesn't understand waking up and having powers was just messed up and Khan's reaction sells it and her mom knows Kamala is Ms. Marvel? Can't wait for Vol. 2

Giant Sized AvX:
The Inhumans popping up made things even more funny, especially when Scott pretty much called the transformation "A green fart". Enjoyable fun series.

Loki was the traitor, what a shock. And Loki let loose the zombies what a shock, hey at least Singularity is doing things.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Ms. Marvel #18

Oh shit.
Her mom knows. And everyone seems totally fine with Aamir having powers.

I'm so used to manga coming out weekly that waiting any longer than that for 20 pages of comics feel like forever.

Ms. Marvel:
Amir telling Kamala she doesn't understand waking up and having powers was just messed up and Khan's reaction sells it and her mom knows Kamala is Ms. Marvel? Can't wait for Vol. 2

such a good issue

i tear up every month... that last page, beta!


I hope once ANAD starts, they can finally let loose.

I don't know about that. Considering all these tie-ins are the writers and artists cutting loose already. They're doing whatever they want and that's why this event is amazing.

That doesn't mean they won't do right by A-Force once SW ends though.


Ultimates def set the tone for action comics that came after it. Just massively influential. Hitch experimented a bit with paneling a little later on in Cap America Reborn but he took a very cinematic approach to most of his work. I can't say that I would think his page designs would be helped by a more experimental approach. He has very functional paneling that keeps his story telling crystal clear. Not all stories or takes are helped by inventive, complicated or outside the grid paneling/page design.

Sorry for the late reply but I've been thinking more about this. Can you go into some detail about what it was that Ultimates did that was different at the time? I'm currently reading The Long Halloween (from '96) and it's doing more interesting layouts and panels than Ultimates, and even if I look at Batman Year One from the late 80s side by side with Ultimates, the page layouts are remarkably similar.

I just want a little more clarity on the matter. Loved Ultimates, btw. Nothing against it at all.
It's that time again!

Poodles' DC impressions nobody reads!

First off, Action Comics #44. Continues to deftly straddle the line between real-world issues and wacky shadow monster shenanigans. It's definitely building towards a joining between the two separate themes which is going to make or break the arc, but I'm confident that Pak's going to nail the landing. Every time it seems to skew too much towards "and all of this was just because of the manipulations of
and the shadow monsters," there's a neat little subversion. Last issue (or maybe the one before?) there was a moment where it looked like the cops who were marching on the neighborhood were going to get off clean, morally speaking, then the narration circles back around to point out that no, their commanding officer being a literal monster isn't an excuse for what they were ready and eager to do, and then there's a cop who's still defending the guy who, again, turned out to be an entirely literal monster. This one, there's this great moment where Supes points out that no, anger isn't an entirely negative emotion, and it's wrong to portray it like that. Very adroit.

Next, Catwoman #44. Another very good read. They're clearly wrapping up the "Crime Lady Selina" thing, which I'm unsure how I feel about. On the one hand, definitely don't want it to overstay its welcome. On the other hand, I really don't feel it has, yet, so I'm not sure the return to the status quo is needed. Still, it all feels very natural. Black Mask is a dick. Killer Croc plays a big part in this one, which should surprise nobody who read last month's ending. Still love that guy's new antivillain characterization. Not a good guy, but not a bad one, either. Cropped up in this week's Red Hood / Arsenal too. I'm surprised how much play he's getting. Hopefully his role in Suicide Squad continues the pattern of excellence.

To be continued.
It's that time again!

Poodles' DC impressions nobody reads!

First off, Action Comics #44. Continues to deftly straddle the line between real-world issues and wacky shadow monster shenanigans. It's definitely building towards a joining between the two separate themes which is going to make or break the arc, but I'm confident that Pak's going to nail the landing. Every time it seems to skew too much towards "and all of this was just because of the manipulations of
and the shadow monsters," there's a neat little subversion. Last issue (or maybe the one before?) there was a moment where it looked like the cops who were marching on the neighborhood were going to get off clean, morally speaking, then the narration circles back around to point out that no, their commanding officer being a literal monster isn't an excuse for what they were ready and eager to do, and then there's a cop who's still defending the guy who, again, turned out to be an entirely literal monster. This one, there's this great moment where Supes points out that no, anger isn't an entirely negative emotion, and it's wrong to portray it like that. Very adroit.

Next, Catwoman #44. Another very good read. They're clearly wrapping up the "Crime Lady Selina" thing, which I'm unsure how I feel about. On the one hand, definitely don't want it to overstay its welcome. On the other hand, I really don't feel it has, yet, so I'm not sure the return to the status quo is needed. Still, it all feels very natural. Black Mask is a dick. Killer Croc plays a big part in this one, which should surprise nobody who read last month's ending. Still love that guy's new antivillain characterization. Not a good guy, but not a bad one, either. Cropped up in this week's Red Hood / Arsenal too. I'm surprised how much play he's getting. Hopefully his role in Suicide Squad continues the pattern of excellence.

To be continued.

I read them. Right up until the title of the book. Then I stop caring.



Ugh, InStockTrades is kind of annoying me. They've had all of my books picked and scanned for three days except for Nightwing Vol. 1. If I had just known that they didn't have that one at the time, I would have just ordered it later so I could get everything else in a timely manner.

Not a huge deal since I still have stuff to read, but it's a little frustrating.
Ugh, InStockTrades is kind of annoying me. They've had all of my books picked and scanned for three days except for Nightwing Vol. 1. If I had just known that they didn't have that one at the time, I would have just ordered it later so I could get everything else in a timely manner.

Not a huge deal since I still have stuff to read, but it's a little frustrating.

I don't mean this in a bad way, but every time I read one of your posts, it just screams NOOB. Sorry, I know it sounds bad, but I just find it a little funny. :p

Anyway, yes, this is very very very common.


I read everyone's impressions even if I don't read a book. I've been sold on books like that before.

Catching up tonight.

Holy shiiiiiiet Rumble #6 was awesome and beautiful and standaloneish. I love the scarecrow. The dynamics of the group is really cool too. Stunning art as usual by James Harren.


I don't mean this in a bad way, but every time I read one of your posts, it just screams NOOB. Sorry, I know it sounds bad, but I just find it a little funny. :p

Anyway, yes, this is very very very common.

I know. I really am. Sorry, haha. I've only been into this stuff for three months.

I just wonder why they don't just say "Backordered" or "Temporarily out of stock" or something on the listings.
I know. I really am. Sorry, haha. I've only been into this stuff for three months.

I just wonder why they don't just say "Backordered" or "Temporarily out of stock" or something on the listings.

It usually isn't, they just have to grab it from another warehouse, and sometimes they only go to said warehouse once a week. I think I heard that's what it was.

They're actually gotten a lot faster recently. They had been lacking in employees, but they filled those positions.
I read them. Right up until the title of the book. Then I stop caring.


Disgusting bias tbpf


I read everyone's impressions even if I don't read a book. I've been sold on books like that before.

Catching up tonight.

Holy shiiiiiiet Rumble #6 was awesome and beautiful and standaloneish. I love the scarecrow. The dynamics of the group is really cool too. Stunning art as usual by James Harren.

I'm mostly just being self deprecating :p
How's DC top mind hierarchy nowadays? Brainiac>Lex>Wayne?

Kinda wondering how lex and bruce would fare if forced to deal with each other purely with tech and oneupsmanship


Omg A Force #4 was amazing. Really loving the core of the team and the page at the beginning showing
what singularity had learned from all the women was beautiful and really touching to me. I love her design as I am a sucker for cosmic looks.
. Every big moment hit for me to create a really enjoyable read. They have nailed every issue so far imo. Jorge Molina is killing it on art. Will he stay with the book post SW? I really hope so. Can't wait for the finale.

Give me a
Nico (Sister Grimm) and Singularity
Team-Up book please. I am begging.
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