What if I use utensils with my hands?
What if I eat hands with utensils?
What if I use utensils with my hands?
Chip rolls for lyfe m8
Tonight at 9 pacific @comiXology is having a big sale on my @ImageComics work. 99 cent single issues, up to 60% off digital trades.
i don't read comic books with my hands either.
I'm down with that as long as it is a real baguette and not that fake shit Coriolanus was pushing a few days ago yuck.
Holy fuck Deadly Class #16. I need more now and you tell me I have to wait until December. Damn. That issue was one glorious train wreck. I couldn't believe some of the stuff. Oh and theherpes joke was amazing. The entire scene where he was creating this whole life with her in his head had me rolling and then he said they would have herpes kids and then the other shoe falls and he realizes how stupid that sounds.
Oh and Remender just posted this
I'm down with that as long as it is a real baguette and not that fake shit Coriolanus was pushing a few days ago yuck.
Holy fuck Deadly Class #16. I need more now and you tell me I have to wait until December. Damn. That issue was one glorious train wreck. I couldn't believe some of the stuff. Oh and theherpes joke was amazing. The entire scene where he was creating this whole life with her in his head had me rolling and then he said they would have herpes kids and then the other shoe falls and he realizes how stupid that sounds.
Two of these avatars now? What is going on over here.
Okay there are some weirdos in the world that eat pizza with fork and knife
What about hot dogs? Anyone here eat that with fork and knife?
We are twinsies or we are battling to see who becomes the dominant force in the relationship. Either or.
Okay bro, I am real close to posting a bunch of food pics, you really want to go down this road?
Having read Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1, I can't help but feel that it's not fair this isn't an ongoing or a 3 book series (screw off, Chuck Wendig).
I'm only changing my avatar when i get a statue that i'm happy with.
This is probably the most relevant Olivia Wilde has been in a while so you should both keep them
Aftermath is way more fun and interesting and dense and wide reaching than Shattered, which was just a fine comic.
So irrelevant she is on a HBO show this season? That's generally how it works right?
So irrelevant she is on a HBO show this season? That's generally how it works right?
I'm only about 75 pages into Aftermath, but this seems like an accurate statement.
I did really enjoy Shattered Empire, though.
Yup. HBO is barely a step above public access.
I'd love to dip my feet into Geoff John's Green Lantern run, but I'm so overwhelmed. Three omnibi encompassing about 4000 pages. I can't even afford one omnibus. And I don't want to buy like twenty volumes (if the run is even all available in graphic novel form).
I guess, what I'm asking is, is Geoff John's run one huge epic story, or are there a bunch of stories in it where I can just buy some random books and not feel lost?
eh you could read the Sinestro Corps War that works pretty well standalone.
And by long dormant I really mean a few years because holy shit that sheltered Summer 2008 [failed] Star Wars EU grabathon.
As a newcomer to this thread I am glad to have finally stumbled upon a facet of Neogaf that will most surely awaken my long dormant inner nerd.
Hey I'll take anything except for the most esoteric of Marvel/DC stuffs.oh boy, another one.
I'd love to dip my feet into Geoff John's Green Lantern run, but I'm so overwhelmed. Three omnibi encompassing about 4000 pages. I can't even afford one omnibus. And I don't want to buy like twenty volumes (if the run is even all available in graphic novel form).
I guess, what I'm asking is, is Geoff John's run one huge epic story, or are there a bunch of stories in it where I can just buy some random books and not feel lost?
Fingers crossed for deadly class saleI'm down with that as long as it is a real baguette and not that fake shit Coriolanus was pushing a few days ago yuck.
Holy fuck Deadly Class #16. I need more now and you tell me I have to wait until December. Damn. That issue was one glorious train wreck. I couldn't believe some of the stuff. Oh and theherpes joke was amazing. The entire scene where he was creating this whole life with her in his head had me rolling and then he said they would have herpes kids and then the other shoe falls and he realizes how stupid that sounds.
Oh and Remender just posted this
Hey I'll take anything except for the most esoteric of Marvel/DC stuffs.
You should be ashamed.
Seriously, though. What show is she going to be on? And more importantly, will she be nude in this show?
Seriously, though. What show is she going to be on? And more importantly, will she be nude in this show?
Seriously, though. What show is she going to be on? And more importantly, will she be nude in this show?
wow, that is awful
what a shame coming off how good Archie is... hopefully she's pulling a Staples and is only on for the first 3 issues
So the first arc of Injection ended with this week's issue. Some thoughts:
-Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire are still an amazing team.
-I was kind of expecting a big finale at the end of each arc but it was mostly still world building and a proper explanation of what the Injection is.
-Probably the best fight (comic) scene of the year in issue 2
-The end of issue 4 was great
-Characters are interesting but some of them weren't featured enough
Last thoughts: Incredible artwork and has a lot of potential
Have you heard the good word about a book called Squirrel Girl. It is wonderful and delightful and amazing. It kicks butts and eats nuts.
Does anyone here eat pizza with a fork and knife?
Declan and Jordie shop in the same store as me. They are gonna sign the trades there and sell them off the shelf. I have the #1 variant signed by both.