Eh, I didn't mind Traviss that much. She was very good at writing military fiction, that much is certain. But man, I'm enjoying Aftermath so far. Do you dislike it that much or are you just having a hard time letting go of the old EU?
People don't like Traviss because she tends to fixate on fantasy, unsustainable warrior cultures that she absolutely obsesses about. These people will invariably be the biggest, baddest motherfuckers on the block to the detriment of characters who already exist in the shared universe. Also she hates, and she'll make sure you know about it, even if it goes completely against everything that already been written. Hence the Jedi turning into amoral, incompetent assholes who can't stand a chance against the glorious
Mando'ad (and I won't even touch what she does to the Jedi heroine of the Clone Troopers series) or basically everyone hating on Dr. Catherine Halsey for running the highly unethical SPARTAN II program that arguably saved the human race... including the shady Office of Naval Intelligence officials who directed her to run it. That said, she is a competent writer despite those foibles.
Wendig is just unreadable. It's a shame because the premise was pretty good and it'd be nice to have books with female characters that didn't die pointlessly at the end.