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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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Valiant effort Messi.


I haven't got my avatars on my iPad and my laptop is currently dead so I can't change avatar to anything other than what you guys have. It's torture. I just want a new olivia avatar :(


I will say that so far Lemire's Extraordinary X-Men has been the only new X-title to spark my interest based on the cast of characters featured, but the revelations of that preview are such a retread of the last fifteen years of X-Men status quo that I am reconsidering that interest.

I'm going to be reading Extraordinary, Wolverine, and All New because I think those have the potential to be nice stories. The X-men are always going to be trapped in these kind of stories though.


nooooooo~!!!! I bought a year of Marvel Unlimited but it expires next month!!

a list of things I've read:

Fraction's Invincible Iron Man (so awesome!!)
Planet Hulk and World War Hulk
Original Sin
Avengers Academy / Undercover
most of Brubaker's Captain America stuff (up to issue #619)
Jason Aaron's Thor thru #25 (before female Thor)
Age of Ultron
Fear Itself (which was quite good, not sure why ppl hate on it)
Superior Spiderman
a few crappy Deadpool minis
Busiek's Avengers Forever

pretty good for $70?

my main goal with this was to get thru Brubaker's Cap, but there's just so much of it I couldn't finish in a year, of course have to read other things in between so I don't burn out on it (I love reading it but I literally cannot remember a bunch of stuff that happened lol)

I wanna renew eventually, but for now I'm gonna let it expire and focus on my DC / comixology backlog.

but I still have a month of the service left!!! so what's good quick hits to read in the last and final days of Marvel Unlimited?!?!?!

off the top of my head I want:

finish Uncanny X-Force
Messiah War / Second Coming (how've I not read any xmen with this??)
maybe Spider-Verse?

any other recommendations I should squeeze in??



wow, of all the Kool Keith albums.... but at least, it coulda been worse lol.
nooooooo~!!!! I bought a year of Marvel Unlimited but it expires next month!!

a list of things I've read:

Fraction's Invincible Iron Man (so awesome!!)
Planet Hulk and World War Hulk
Original Sin
Avengers Academy / Undercover
most of Brubaker's Captain America stuff (up to issue #619)
Jason Aaron's Thor thru #25 (before female Thor)
Age of Ultron
Fear Itself (which was quite good, not sure why ppl hate on it)
Superior Spiderman
a few crappy Deadpool minis
Busiek's Avengers Forever

pretty good for $70?

my main goal with this was to get thru Brubaker's Cap, but there's just so much of it I couldn't finish in a year, of course have to read other things in between so I don't burn out on it (I love reading it but I literally cannot remember a bunch of stuff that happened lol)

I wanna renew eventually, but for now I'm gonna let it expire and focus on my DC / comixology backlog.

but I still have a month of the service left!!! so what's good quick hits to read in the last and final days of Marvel Unlimited?!?!?!

off the top of my head I want:

finish Uncanny X-Force
Messiah War / Second Coming (how've I not read any xmen with this??)
maybe Spider-Verse?

any other recommendations I should squeeze in??



wow, of all the Kool Keith albums.... but at least, it coulda been worse lol.
Since you started Uncanny X-Force, definitely read through Uncanny Avengers if you can.

I also really love The Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Daredevil by Bendis is great too.
Quake #1 and A-Force #4 were super dope. Continuing with my weekly comic pulls...
Confused by The Avengers? How? The MCU movies couldn't be more accessible.
Because of all the major and minor plot device stuff that comes together. I think a lot of people are missing out on that kind of thing because they just take the movie as its own thing and don't put a lot of pieces together.
Really hoping that "unexpected new role" MJ is playing isn't the role everyone is already assuming she's going to play, that of new love interest. I mean, she can't be with Peter because he's got too much Spider- drama, but she can be with Stark who has too much Iron- drama? Come on people. Also, how sad is it that nobody at Marvel had anything planned for her so Bendis said "I'll take her!"
I don't think it will be and I'm excited.

Fucking sick.
Healing pee. That's a new one.
You know, it's funny when people talk about how "Japan is way better at coming up with cool and unique super powers. America is the same generic stuff over and over again."

Then we get this shit.
Just people complaining like every OT comic thread. "OH MAHVEL STILL TWISTING THAT KNIFE" "JEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAANNNNN"
I love comic OT threads because they always boil down to Slayven and Manmademan dropping ridiculous comic knowledge on people. Knowledge that, mind you, they were never prepared for nor asked for.
Oh boy, there's an Extraordinary X-Men preview on IGN and, well... remember
"No More Mutants?"


I'm....*sigh*....I'll read it. I don't like they way they're doing this but I guess they're doing it so I'll just have deal and flow with it.
I'm not really sure how this is going to work seeing as Terrigen has been used by mutants and depowered mutants in the past and only lead to a few exploding heads and crazy short term power gain with occasional horrible side effects. Sterilization seems like some Krogan genocide type shit where someone has purposely created something to wipe out Mutants.

I take issue with the whole retread of Mutants getting hunted down and hated by the human populace as well. Especially with the huge explosion in Inhuman population who really differ in name alone. Time will tell though.
It's more than just in name alone. That's my issue with the Terrigen thing, because Marvel's weakening a property they're trying to push.
Yeah probably plus Quicksilver is Inhuman now so you can throw all the sniffing crystals shit out the window.
No he's not. He's a product of the High Evolutionary.
nooooooo~!!!! I bought a year of Marvel Unlimited but it expires next month!!

a list of things I've read:

pretty good for $70?

but I still have a month of the service left!!! so what's good quick hits to read in the last and final days of Marvel Unlimited?!?!?!

off the top of my head I want:



wow, of all the Kool Keith albums.... but at least, it coulda been worse lol.

Quick reads?

Nextwave: Agents of Hate - 12 issues

She-Hulk - 12 Issues

Hawkeye (Fraction/Aja) - 22 issues (MU only has 21 at this point, you'll have to buy the last on comixology. Worth it though.)

Daredevil (Waid) - part 1 - 36 issues - you can read this and treat it as a complete series.

Daredevil (Waid) - part 2 - 18 issues - only first 13 on MU

Thor #337 - Thor #382 - 46 issues (Amazing series)


MCU meta-narrative is so light. I think it's much less that role don't get it/can't keep track of it and more that it's hardly even there.

Gonna sound like "that guy", but I don't think anyone is under the impression Infinity War is going to have narrative dept on par with Secret Wars or something.
MCU meta-narrative is so light. I think it's much less that role don't get it/can't keep track of it and more that it's hardly even there.

Gonna sound like "that guy", but I don't think anyone is under the impression Infinity War is going to have narrative dept on par with Secret Wars or something.

The problem is you're coming at this from a comic fan's point of view. Someone who already has experience with this kind of thing. People outside of that really don't, for the most part. The only thing outside of comics that has done this are probably the DCAU and the Buffyverse. Outside of that, you really don't get this kind of thing in any other medium. I'm not disagreeing that the universe building and everything isn't nearly as heavy as however many decades of Marvel lore and mythos, but it's very different from anything that's been done before and that has to be acknowledged.

Unless someone has counterpoints, that's my stance on it.


The problem is you're coming at this from a comic fan's point of view. Someone who already has experience with this kind of thing. People outside of that really don't, for the most part. The only thing outside of comics that has done this are probably the DCAU and the Buffyverse. Outside of that, you really don't get this kind of thing in any other medium. I'm not disagreeing that the universe building and everything isn't nearly as heavy as however many decades of Marvel lore and mythos, but it's very different from anything that's been done before and that has to be acknowledged.

Unless someone has counterpoints, that's my stance on it.

I've learned that ComicGAF is stubborn and opinions don't change on a whim.


I love comic OT threads because they always boil down to Slayven and Manmademan dropping ridiculous comic knowledge on people. Knowledge that, mind you, they were never prepared for nor asked for.

One day my encyclopedic knowledge of the Ultraverse will be needed on Gaf, one day....*stares off into the night sky*


Finally read Siege #1. Ooooooh what is this. I want more of this Abigail Brand lady. Good start. Glad I had been buying them as they release. I see Katie Kate is on the cover for 3. I hope to see more of Amerikate like the first issue #bantz


The problem is you're coming at this from a comic fan's point of view. Someone who already has experience with this kind of thing. People outside of that really don't, for the most part. The only thing outside of comics that has done this are probably the DCAU and the Buffyverse. Outside of that, you really don't get this kind of thing in any other medium. I'm not disagreeing that the universe building and everything isn't nearly as heavy as however many decades of Marvel lore and mythos, but it's very different from anything that's been done before and that has to be acknowledged.

Unless someone has counterpoints, that's my stance on it.

I see what you're saying, but you're giving my perspective more weight than it carries. I've been reading comics since, like, March. I've learned a lot, but I'm not an old guard type by any stretch.

If mainstream folk are having trouble keeping track of the MCU, I honestly think that's just a result of our collectively lowering attention span and a lack of interest in minutia. To be honest, I brought up SW because Hickman's Avengers was the first cape book I picked up and thought, "Wow, this is... actually a legitimately challenging read."

And that's what I love about it. It's Avengers as hard sci-fi. It has more in common with Mass Effect than what Bendis did with the book (and I do enjoy that run, myself.)

But yeah, MCU ain't that hard. I'm really not saying that as a comic guy, just more as someone that fancies himself decently smart and thinks about the stuff he engages with (I'm an active listener/reader/watcher/etc.) There ain't that much to the MCU which, as I said before, is actually my biggest issue with the films even while I still very much enjoy them. Probably more than anyone else in my most immediate social circle.

That's just my perspective though. I'm not really arguing you down or anything.

Finally read Siege #1. Ooooooh what is this. I want more of this Abigail Brand lady. Good start. Glad I had been buying them as they release. I see Katie Kate is on the cover for 3. I hope to see more of Amerikate like the first issue #bantz

Read Astonishing X-Men by Whedon/Cassaday. She first appeared in that and with a big role. She's also in a mini called S.W.O.R.D. which is also by Gillen.


Finally read Siege #1. Ooooooh what is this. I want more of this Abigail Brand lady. Good start. Glad I had been buying them as they release. I see Katie Kate is on the cover for 3. I hope to see more of Amerikate like the first issue #bantz

Probably one of the best SW books out there.

Oh yeah, you see some good stuff between those two.


Finally read Siege #1. Ooooooh what is this. I want more of this Abigail Brand lady. Good start. Glad I had been buying them as they release. I see Katie Kate is on the cover for 3. I hope to see more of Amerikate like the first issue #bantz

Siege is great, best SW book that nobody talks about. SWORD needs to have a comeback tour.
The problem is you're coming at this from a comic fan's point of view. Someone who already has experience with this kind of thing. People outside of that really don't, for the most part. The only thing outside of comics that has done this are probably the DCAU and the Buffyverse. Outside of that, you really don't get this kind of thing in any other medium. I'm not disagreeing that the universe building and everything isn't nearly as heavy as however many decades of Marvel lore and mythos, but it's very different from anything that's been done before and that has to be acknowledged.

Unless someone has counterpoints, that's my stance on it.

i think one of the things most superhero movies and especially the mcu fail at is that they spend too much time creating origins for everything--so a bunch of the movies just feel like they spend too much time introducing characters to use later and even when it's done along many movies in a cinematic universe like marvel's it still feels much thinner than the source materials because there's no way to, as you said, to recreate decades of lore and mythos over at most a dozen or so movies.

this is one of the reasons why i found Suicide Squad to be so exciting, because it seems to ditch the idea of introducing each character's backstory and just jumping in with two feet. it doesn't matter how that 6 foot tall crocodile man came to be, or how El Diablo got his powers, they're just there. most comics nowadays don't take out the time to explain who every single person is or how they got to where they were because they don't expect the reader to really want to know unless it's someone entirely new, and even then most of the time the villian/hero could go without a backstory and no eyebrows would be raised.

tl;dr superhero cinematic universes shouldn't focus so much on origin stories for any of the characters, but just establish that the character exists and let the viewer know that not knowing who that character is isn't so much a bad thing.


Since you started Uncanny X-Force, definitely read through Uncanny Avengers if you can.

I also really love The Superior Foes of Spider-Man. Daredevil by Bendis is great too.
I've already read thru all of Uncanny Avengers in floppy form, everything thru Axis. I stopped when they rebooted it, has it been any good since?

same with Superior Foes, what a great series! When I renew MU in a year or so I'll definitely be looking forward to reading Ant Man next!

Bendis DD has been on my to read list for a while. I thought I would eventually get to it but Cap just took over... it's actually on my list of Marvel trades to purchase in the near future, along with Priest's Black Panther series and Ennis's Punisher (which btw is not on MU!!!)

Quick reads?

Nextwave: Agents of Hate - 12 issues

She-Hulk - 12 Issues

Hawkeye (Fraction/Aja) - 22 issues (MU only has 21 at this point, you'll have to buy the last on comixology. Worth it though.)

Daredevil (Waid) - part 1 - 36 issues - you can read this and treat it as a complete series.

Daredevil (Waid) - part 2 - 18 issues - only first 13 on MU

Thor #337 - Thor #382 - 46 issues (Amazing series)
I've read thru all of those already =P except Thor.

is that the Straczynski run? I've heard that and his Spiderman run are awesome, definitely on the long list for another year of MU (I really hope the service continues to exist!)

regarding She Hulk, I really liked Juan Bobilo's art on it at the beginning of the series and was sad he did not continue for the whole thing. He drew another series called Mekanix which stars Kitty Pryde, I want to read it on MU but I love his art style so much that I think I'm just gonna hunt down the trade instead so I can have it on my shelf :)

regarding Nextwave, this book is out of print. It goes for quite a bit online, but I know a store in socal that has a copy (last I checked tho, which was months ago) if anyone wants to know where lmk lol.
Finiished the second volume of The Ultimates by Mark Millar. That was really great.

Starting Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman now. Tomorrow I'm getting eight new graphic novels in from Amazon and InStockTrades, which are:

Strange Science Vol. 1 (The first volume was only $5.60 and it seems kind of interesting)
Nightwing Vol. 1 Bludhaven
DC Comics Zero Year
Batman Eternal Vol. 1 (Really excited to read this...480 pages long!)
Batman Vol. 2 City of Owls (so excited to finish that owl storyline. It's amazing)
Batman Gates of Gotham
Batman Gotham by Gaslight
Batman Dark Victory

Don't know what I'll read next. Probably one of the Batman ones, and then go to Superman: The Men of Tomorrow.

get eternal done in time for b&r eternal
Alright, for the rest of my pulls:

Red Hood and Arsenal #4: Eh. I really want to like this book, but I can't seem to. It's still gonna be on my list though. Gonna give it one more to really pull me, and if it doesn't I'll consider it dropped. 5-6 issues is about a trade, right? I can say I read a full trade of the book, then.

Planet Hulk #5: Solid book with decent ending that is sadly perpetuated upon a shit twist.

Ms. Marvel #18: Very nice. Heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. Though, I am very interested in
that mist that gave Aamir his powers, though

Siege #3: Badass. Plus, that Bioshock reference was gold.

Little Marvel AvX #4: Love this book. Fucking wacky as hell.
Was the most godlike piece of ending dialogue ever.

I see what you're saying, but you're giving my perspective more weight than it carries. I've been reading comics since, like, March. I've learned a lot, but I'm not an old guard type by any stretch.

If mainstream folk are having trouble keeping track of the MCU, I honestly think that's just a result of our collectively lowering attention span and a lack of interest in minutia. To be honest, I brought up SW because Hickman's Avengers was the first cape book I picked up and thought, "Wow, this is... actually a legitimately challenging read."

And that's what I love about it. It's Avengers as hard sci-fi. It has more in common with Mass Effect than what Bendis did with the book (and I do enjoy that run, myself.)

But yeah, MCU ain't that hard. I'm really not saying that as a comic guy, just more as someone that fancies himself decently smart and thinks about the stuff he engages with (I'm an active listener/reader/watcher/etc.) There ain't that much to the MCU which, as I said before, is actually my biggest issue with the films even while I still very much enjoy them. Probably more than anyone else in my most immediate social circle.

That's just my perspective though. I'm not really arguing you down or anything.

i think one of the things most superhero movies and especially the mcu fail at is that they spend too much time creating origins for everything--so a bunch of the movies just feel like they spend too much time introducing characters to use later and even when it's done along many movies in a cinematic universe like marvel's it still feels much thinner than the source materials because there's no way to, as you said, to recreate decades of lore and mythos over at most a dozen or so movies.

this is one of the reasons why i found Suicide Squad to be so exciting, because it seems to ditch the idea of introducing each character's backstory and just jumping in with two feet. it doesn't matter how that 6 foot tall crocodile man came to be, or how El Diablo got his powers, they're just there. most comics nowadays don't take out the time to explain who every single person is or how they got to where they were because they don't expect the reader to really want to know unless it's someone entirely new, and even then most of the time the villian/hero could go without a backstory and no eyebrows would be raised.

tl;dr superhero cinematic universes shouldn't focus so much on origin stories for any of the characters, but just establish that the character exists and let the viewer know that not knowing who that character is isn't so much a bad thing.
I like both of these.
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