I got some stuff back from the framers that I forgot to post.
Some of the stuff Bii got me at SDCC (that I will never be able to thank him enough for)
Allycat sketch (my pride and joy)
Sunstone 5 covers print
Sunstone Dragon fantasy
Revival by Jenny Frison

it's huge
I'm always amazed at how a frame does wonders for (most) prints. Excellent choice in getting the Sunstone ones matted.
What are the dimensions of that Olivia print? 20"x30"? I have a print that size that I need to get framed/matted so I can put it up in my bedroom.
So I went to the Cincy Comic Con today. I usually go on Saturdays but this year I had to work so Sunday it was. I really wanted a sketch from Phil Noto and Ming Doyle so those were going to be my first targets.
Thats my con experience in a nut shell.
My plans for a mid- to large-sized con never goes as expected. haha. It is a downer to get commissions that you're not satisfied with but from what I see, they're not all that bad. The major issues I see are Joker's eyes seem to be too far apart and Kylo Ren has a boring pose...then again, I'm not sure how much you paid for those, so the pricing might be relevant to the quality that you'd expect. I can honestly say that the 40+ sketches I now have, I've only been disappointed with one. I've mentioned it before but that particular artist did end up contacting me and says she'll do a better job the next time I catch her at a con. Plus, she'll do it for free.
My girlfriend also bought a Cheshire Cat Funko from this year's SDCC. We couldn't find it at our local stores and it was only $15 from one of the vendors there.
Who did that Marilyn Monroe/Poison Ivy mashup?
so i went to Long Beach Comic-Con these past two days and surprisingly spent way more on books than i did sketches (even though i got 5 of those - oddly not that expensive at this show?). Like jesus guys, i bought sooooooo many books from people
tl;dr everyone at LBCC was nice and i had one of the best all-in-all con experiences this time
I'm kind of bummed that I missed LBCC this year. Had my hotel reserved, sketchbooks ready to go, plans on what to do while in Long Beach when we're not at the con...but it was my birthday on the 8th, my SO's on the 11th and my son's is later this month. A lot of our friends and family planned celebrations for us that we couldn't work our schedules around to free up this weekend. I will definitely try again next year.
Of the sketches you got, my favorite is Jill Valentine by Justin Greenwood. I have seen Justin twice now at BigWow and at Stocktoncon, and have yet to get a sketch from him. I had bounced around an idea that I think he would do wonders with but I didn't get a chance to drop my book off to him when I was at Stockton. I'll have to catch him at the next con if he has a booth.
I'm going to go to two more conventions before the year is over so I'm hoping I can spot some local artists with decent talent.