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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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Other Japanese game developers do that; Kamiya games have Sentai inspirations, Guilty Gear series is Metal and Music inspired.
To name a few.

Once you widen your gaming horizons you get to appreciate stuff a little differently.

my personal favorite is suda51, but the convergence of western and japanese design in kojima's games is unmatched imo. although much of V felt tedious and unfinished, it's highs got me loving kojima again. and this is after 4 almost made me swear off the series.
my personal favorite is suda51, but the convergence of western and japanese design in kojima's games is unmatched imo. although much of V felt tedious and unfinished, it's highs got me loving kojima again. and this is after 4 almost made me swear off the series.

Weird, I really liked MGS4. It was a bit different, but I found it more accessible from the beginning than earlier games.


Something I'm curious about that crossed my mind. Do issues ever get changes when they are published in trades? I mean corrections/changes to the art and/or dialogue.

Infinite Crisis has half the dialogue changed to fix retrospective continutiy issues in the trade. It's almost a different book.

Lots of books have typos etc fixed. I know TF:MTMTE has had a few editorial references fixed.

Some of the dialogue in the Civil War trade was changed to make Tony come across as slightly less of a supervillain IIRC.

Sometimes. I know it happened for sure with Sex Criminals from Image. But that was more to do with not having the licensing paperwork for the lyrics they wanted to use go through in time. But this was changed in the trades.

I thought that was the original plan but they didn't do it in the end as it was funnier?


my personal favorite is suda51, but the convergence of western and japanese design in kojima's games is unmatched imo. although much of V felt tedious and unfinished, it's highs got me loving kojima again. and this is after 4 almost made me swear off the series.

dAMN CAN't believe I forget Suda51, if anything I'd say his is the best because it's intentionally bizarre and he does subtly an unsubtle really well.


My daughter and I have been reading through the current run of Silver Surfer and I'm blown away by how great it is. Tonight we read the 3 issue arc where The Surfer encounters a planet full of refugee from worlds he helped Galactus destroy-really moving stuff in this arc. Surely I'm not crazy seeing the Doctor Who influence on this run?


SWERY is the best if you want weird as fuck games that are kind of horrible but amazing nonetheless.

Kojima is the man though and he really is unique especially in Japan where large scale console games are a death knell. The next few years are going to be exciting to see what he does now he doesn't have MGS around his neck like a noose. Now that Konami is solely a PES and Pachinko seller my dreams of Shuyo Murata and Kojima doing another Zone of the Enders are firmly dead and buried.

Miyazaki from FROM SOFTWARE is the only other Japanese auteur I give a shit about.


SWERY is the best if you want weird as fuck games that are kind of horrible but amazing nonetheless.

Kojima is the man though and he really is unique especially in Japan where large scale console games are a death knell. The next few years are going to be exciting to see what he does now he doesn't have MGS around his neck like a noose. Now that Konami is solely a PES and Pachinko seller my dreams of Shuyo Murata and Kojima doing another Zone of the Enders are firmly dead and buried.

Miyazaki from FROM SOFTWARE is the only other Japanese auteur I give a shit about.

I only know of 2 games SWERY made: Deadly Premonition and D4. What other games have they made?


Those are the only two games he's done that are worth playing. The other two are a Gundam arcade port and a shitty stealth game.

Holy shit he worked on Spy Fiction? I kinda wanna play that game again since I remember seeing it but never got to play it.
Also the Gundam game you mentioned was released on PSP.
Anyone reading The Fade-Out? I think a new issue is coming out this week. I recently re-read every issue and the story is way clearer in my head and actually much more rewarding on a second read through. Ed Brubaker is a great noir writer.

With that said, I'm just starting his Daredevil run and really looking forward to it.

Fade Out is awesome,, they're one of the best creative teams out there (one of my favs at least).. the most recent issue was freggin stellar.

I should say that I met all the amazing creators they had like Rick Remender, Jeff Parker, Ming Doyle, Cameron Stewart, Brendon Fletcher, Ray Fawkes, Tony Moore, Ryan Browne, Phil Noto, etc and I got to talk to them one on one and they were all very nice and that was an experience in itself that was worth it. Im coming off as a spoiled brat I guess with that other post.

Nice,, badass cat sketch! lol

Also.. did Tony Moore charge $ for the conversation??

lol sorry I had to



Nice artwork, but I don't think PG will like that.
People always gave Kojima too much credit. Still love that guy.

Isn't about expecting MGS to have good story, it's about expecting Avalanche to be even worse writers, given Just Cause 1&2, where it was simply bad, not stupid funny bad like mgs usually was. To find competent, sometimes even good, writing was a surprise.

I haven't played Mad Max but I don't believe you. All I hear about the game is it's a game not made by Ubisoft but plays like one and I'm out.

Again, the reason why Max manages what it does compared to MGS isn't because Max is particularly excellent, but because MGS so often arbitrarily decides to shit in the bucket to the point where it somehow manages to surpass Ubisoft Game with the grindy bullshit.

map, npcs and driving are flat-out better than mgs, mind.
My daughter and I have been reading through the current run of Silver Surfer and I'm blown away by how great it is. Tonight we read the 3 issue arc where The Surfer encounters a planet full of refugee from worlds he helped Galactus destroy-really moving stuff in this arc. Surely I'm not crazy seeing the Doctor Who influence on this run?
Nobody noticed it because Alonso didn't describe it as "Doctor Who in the Marvel Universe meets the sexual undertones of Labrynth."


but I am taking tiny steps forward
so i went to Long Beach Comic-Con these past two days and surprisingly spent way more on books than i did sketches (even though i got 5 of those - oddly not that expensive at this show?). Like jesus guys, i bought sooooooo many books from people

So awesome!
Gaaah. I'm so jealous. I wish I could've been there. It sounds like you had an amazing time.
Super cool sketches too, by the way!

I ended up staying at work until almost 2pm yesterday though, so even if I had been planning to go, it wouldn't have worked out in the end. Definitely next time though. And Wondercon.

But seriously, that sounds like you had such a great time. I'm super jealous. Glad you had such a good experience!


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I'm taking a break from Daredevil to get in the Halloween spirit with some old Marvel monster comics. Things are getting kind of... Strange. People are super paranoid about the sexuality of Frankenstein's monster.
Justice League
Justice League 3001
Justice League of America
Justice League United
Justice League Dark

Irrespective of the quality of each individual series, something had to give right?


I guess it depends on how many issues he can get out in a year. But yeah, one of my most anticipated new series

He said he's already thinking about the second set of six issues so if we can get two story arcs out of him I'll be happy. I'd hope this would be the title that he stays on for a long while though but he's always on the go.
He said he's already thinking about the second set of six issues so if we can get two story arcs out of him I'll be happy. I'd hope this would be the title that he stays on for a long while though but he's always on the go.

Yeah, I mean, he's gotta get to work on that new Harbinger series eventually.

JLD ended months ago. The supposed successor has been delayed forever, maybe even cancelled.

I mean, if you go into a store and see five different tpbs out on the shelves it has got to create some confusion in potential readers. And then the other books are in the shade and don't really have their own identity and seem like spin-offs. Demon Knights didn't work out in the long run but Demon Knights sounds a lot more interesting to me than Justice League Middle-Ages.


Yeah, I mean, he's gotta get to work on that new Harbinger series eventually.


I'd read Harbinger with Ellis on it. I mean I'm going to read it eventually anyway but I'll get round to it quicker with him on board.

Finally able to post again... Wanted to say sorry and I should close the internet browser when I am in a bad mood... Sorry.

Words to live by my friend. We all have bad days.
I'd read Harbinger with Ellis on it. I mean I'm going to read it eventually anyway but I'll get round to it quicker with him on board.

You may be surprised to hear me say this about Ellis, but he'd have some big shoes to fill. I'm actually struggling to say which Valiant series would fit Ellis style, but hell, Harbinger is as good as any.

Realistically, I'm curious to see who is coming on for the new Harbinger and A&A. The only Valiant full-timers that are seemingly free are Kindt and Asmus.


So I'm taking a break from Daredevil to get in the Halloween spirit with some old Marvel monster comics. Things are getting kind of... Strange. People are super paranoid about the sexuality of Frankenstein's monster.

Pretty weird, but those were the times I guess. If I understand the context of the second one, the joke is that the thespian is sort of negging Frankestein's Monster for being homosexual while trying to subliminally come on to him.


Full werewolf off the buckle
..what in blazes were they going for?
Well, best as I can figure it, Frankenstein's monster has just hanging out in cities not being noticed for a couple hundred years or so. Made his way to some big American city. Just kinda bumming his way around. He can't speak evidently. People just keep kind of assuming he's some predatory gay giant.

He sees some lady going to a costume party dressed as a princess and starts fantasizing that she's like the avatar of acceptance and love and shit. He bumblefucks his way into the party while he's creeping her from outside, stumbles upon a murder plot somehow, and has a magical evening of romance and self discovery. I'm not done with the issue yet so so knows what happens next?

I'm going to go ahead and assume that he ends up saving the multiverse somehow because, hey, comics.
Edit: Unlimited says it was made in '75 so, yeah, product of its time. I just thought it was silly.
I kinda expected Mad Max to have the better open world and driving compared to MGS5. That was a given.
Didn't quite see it also having better writing, tho. And yet here we are.

Chumbucket is good peoples.

One of the best things about the game is how they managed Chumbucket, IMO.

I'm really enjoying it. It's oddly relaxing for a game about a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I've never cared for Deadpool much until I read Remender's Uncanny X-Force. If he can do that with Wade, someone can do it with Lobo. I feel like, at least with the design change they were trying.

I'll agree with that.

My daughter and I have been reading through the current run of Silver Surfer and I'm blown away by how great it is. Tonight we read the 3 issue arc where The Surfer encounters a planet full of refugee from worlds he helped Galactus destroy-really moving stuff in this arc. Surely I'm not crazy seeing the Doctor Who influence on this run?

The Doctor Who influence is partly why I love Silver Surfer so much.

Finally able to post again... Wanted to say sorry and I should close the internet browser when I am in a bad mood... Sorry.

Welcome back, GAMEPROFF!
I've never cared for Deadpool much until I read Remender's Uncanny X-Force. If he can do that with Wade, someone can do it with Lobo. I feel like, at least with the design change they were trying.

Deadpool already had a history that supported Remender's take, though. Lobo's very deliberately one-note.
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