Tawney Bomb
Just saw some of the Marvel solicits. Greg Land on X-Men again just feels so right.
Hey y'all. Long time no see. Fell off into some other hobbies. Starting to chip away at my backlog now. Good to be back.
Ew that Catwoman cover is horrible.
What the hell is with all the delays at Marvel? even the Star Wars books are getting affected by this bullshit. Lando, Star Wars, Darth Vader and even Shattered Empire all shipping up to a month later. Shattered Empire just started!
Holy shit, you're alive. :O
Oh, I just remembered; read Shattered Empire #1. Wasn't terribly impressed (as you may have sussed out from how I forgot that I read it). Art was decent writing was okay, but... it was just that. Decent, and okay. Nothing really stuck out to me. I'm curious to see where the plot goes, but I think I'll just stick to the wikis.
I think they're trying to space stuff out due to the main Secret Wars book being delayed.
Shattered Empire was a fun book. I don't like it as much as, say, the Aftermath novel, but one can hardly compare a single comic issue to a novel. Either way, I'm really enjoying this new post-ROTJ stuff.
bleh the momentum has totally killed Secret Wars for me I'm just going to read whenever the trade comes out. Wish it wasn't fucking with the only books I'm really enjoying.
Hey y'all. Long time no see. Fell off into some other hobbies. Starting to chip away at my backlog now. Good to be back.
Anybody have thoughts on Rat Queens #11? Man, I thought Sejic had me sad about losing Upchurch, but Fowler damn near broke my heart. Good to have the Queens back, but the art is sad. I was getting more used to it as the issue went on, though. Hope that I can get over it.
Yeah, it's pretty brutal and kind of utterly ridiculous. Plus we're going to be getting into ANAD Marvel without even being close to the end of Secret Wars on top of everything.
• The clock is winding down for mutantkind and one of the X-Men’s oldest foes has come to speed up the process: MISTER SINISTER has returned! And he’s bringing the X-Men face-to-face with their greatest fear...
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Variant Covers by KEN LASHLEY (ISSUE #1) & KRIS ANKA (ISSUE #2)
In a world that’s never hated or feared mutants more, there is only one constant: BIGGER THREATS REQUIRE MORE THREATENING X-MEN. Refusing to accept one more mutant death, the most ruthless mutants on Earth have banded together to proactively mow down their enemies. But with a team populated by relentless killers, one question applies above all others: Can they stay away from each other’s throats long enough to sever their targets’?
32 PGS. (EACH)/Rated T+ …$3.99 (EACH)
Variant Cover by PASQUAL FERRY
• Terrible acts committed by mutant revolutionary Cyclops have placed mutantkind in extinction’s crosshairs…and no one is left to suffer the consequences more than his time-displaced counterpart—teen-aged Scott Summers.
• As Storm and her team whisk Earth’s remaining mutants away to safe haven, the original X-Men do just the opposite: emboldened by super heroic ideals, the ALL-NEW X-MEN set out on the road to save their world and write their own futures.
• But can youthful optimism reverse the damage Cyclops has done?
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Cover by BENGAL
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• It’s WOLVERINE vs. TASKMASTER in this explosive issue!
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Sometimes. I know it happened for sure with Sex Criminals from Image. But that was more to do with not having the licensing paperwork for the lyrics they wanted to use go through in time. But this was changed in the trades.
Infinite Crisis has half the dialogue changed to fix retrospective continutiy issues in the trade. It's almost a different book.
Lots of books have typos etc fixed. I know TF:MTMTE has had a few editorial references fixed.
Some of the dialogue in the Civil War trade was changed to make Tony come across as slightly less of a supervillain IIRC.
I thought that was the original plan but they didn't do it in the end as it was funnier?
The first volume of Lobdell's Teen Titans took out a monologue where Tim talks about being a Robin. I have the first issue on Comixology and I think it's still there.
Huh. I'll avoid getting single issues when I can to be safe.Sometimes, yeah. First example that comes to mind is Injustice, they fixed this panel that looked super fucking terrible in the original release. Which is a shame, because if it wasn't for the incredibly bad art, it would've been a really powerful moment.
Guess I shouldn't be giving DC or Marvel money.So a senior DC Editor is a serial sexual harasser.
And it's probably Eddie Berganza? And there's probably three other guys in Big Two comics who are just as bad as him and Edmondson?
Comics: I love you but stop being hella fucked.
Guess I shouldn't be giving DC or Marvel money.
Image is the only safe haven for your monies.
Image is the only safe haven for your monies.
I am sure there are some shitbags in indie comics.
Hmm. Anka Captain Marvel sounds like it's the same premise as Bucky's current book. Though Carol is getting Alpha Flight and Abigail Brand as her supporting cast.
Shitbags being protected. :|There are shitbags everywhere.
Image is the only safe haven for your monies.
Indie comics are not perfect at one of the companies I work for is a Bad Drunk, who again has done harassing shit (to other men, though het) at public social events. I believe hes been taken aside by HR and told ginger ale or GTFO, but I dont want your take-away to be that DC/Marvel Bad, Indie Good, cuz it aint that clear cut.
As if 1 Cyclops wasn't shit enough now we get 5 of them.
I can't be the only one who was hoping he was dead. Same goes for Wolverine.
That's just for the cover.As if 1 Cyclops wasn't shit enough now we get 5 of them.
I can't be the only one who was hoping he was dead. Same goes for Wolverine.
Sorry bro. Bubble burst. Indie is shit too.
Honestly expected a higher number.
De Campi is awesome. I got a good impression of her from a few interviews she's done.
Love that last bit.
The Business of Professional Comics panel she hosted at Special Editiion was great.
Kevin Wada's doing some drawing on Periscope right now
The Business of Professional Comics panel she hosted at Special Editiion was great.
Kevin Wada's doing some drawing on Periscope right now
Not too sure about the headpiece but its not bad.
Angela's new costume was revealed today. It will be used in Angela : Queen of Hel, Designed by Stephanie Hans who does the art for the book. Glad they killed that crap costume from the end of the last run real quick. The Witch Hunter costume has been great and I love this one too. Not too sure about the headpiece but its not bad.
Angela's new costume was revealed today. It will be used in Angela : Queen of Hel, Designed by Stephanie Hans who does the art for the book. Glad they killed that crap costume from the end of the last run real quick. The Witch Hunter costume has been great and I love this one too. Not too sure about the headpiece but its not bad.
looks a million times better than the previous ones
I may have convinced my wife to dress up as Angela for Halloween earlier. This is a much sicker costume than the dumb bikini she used to wearAngela's new costume was revealed today. It will be used in Angela : Queen of Hel, Designed by Stephanie Hans who does the art for the book. Glad they killed that crap costume from the end of the last run real quick. The Witch Hunter costume has been great and I love this one too. Not too sure about the headpiece but its not bad.
I may have convinced my wife to dress up as Angela for Halloween earlier. This is a much sicker costume than the dumb bikini she used to wear
Between the new one and the secret wars costume they have made a very obvious effort to move away from that design.
All of the costume designs so far have been more or less in line with her original Spawn designs. I don't think they want to stray too far from that.
All of the costume designs so far have been more or less in line with her original Spawn designs. I don't think they want to stray too far from that.
I was not aware she was from Spawn. Thank you for that bit of comic history.
Yeah, Gaiman won her from a lawsuit against McFarlane and brought her over to Marvel.
ok, that post was half to see if you'd respond to me if I said something nice lol