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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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Wait, wait, wait. I'm confused.

Is Wood trying to say abused women shouldn't speak out because their abusers might commit suicide?

I think that's literally what he's saying yeah.

ALSO: the newsletter was basically sent unsolicited to a bunch of comic pros, which, there's so many goddamn layers to that I can't even
I thought that was also about the torture and whatnot.
Yeah it's all of it, the mask, the drugs and the torture. He's basically doing to others what he did to himself in a way.
So he's not mind-controlling, just abusing them into obedience?


Mad Hatter: Best mind-controller in the DCU? He did beat Dr. Psycho.

And by "beat" I mean "murder."

Anyone that gets that mask glued to their face seems to be completely obedient to him, so yeah.

I thought that was also about the torture and whatnot.

Correct, the mental torture makes them subservent to him it's not like Hatter's mind control.

Also as per Final Crisis, Sivana does the better mind control headgear.
So, having not read Identity Crisis, I never got to experience the glorious scene (glorious is sarcastic here) that was Dr. Light raping Elongated Man's wife.

HOWEVER Secret Six has been more than happy to enlighten me by, whenever Light is on screen, having him be the most mysoginistic, rapey motherfucker ever. I mean, I'm pretty sure he threatened to rape several people in just a few pages. One of them being Talia.

Goddamn DC what happened during those years?


Correct, the mental torture makes them subservent to him it's not like Hatter's mind control.

Also as per Final Crisis, Sivana does the better mind control headgear.

So, having not read Identity Crisis, I never got to experience the glorious scene (glorious is sarcastic here) that was Dr. Light raping Elongated Man's wife.

HOWEVER Secret Six has been more than happy to enlighten me by, whenever Light is on screen, having him be the most mysoginistic, rapey motherfucker ever. I mean, I'm pretty sure he threatened to rape several people in just a few pages. One of them being Talia.

Goddamn DC what happened during those years?




When keeping it real goes wrong.

I agree with Slayven, it's shaped the DC 'verse in ways they're still recovering from, even rebooting the universe a few times hasn't really fixed it.
When keeping it real goes wrong.

I agree with Slayven, it's shaped the DC 'verse in ways they're still recovering from, even rebooting the universe a few times hasn't really fixed it.
It's ridiculous. I'd say it's DC's Ultimatum, but Ultimatum was largely inconsequential to the company at large, since it only affected an alternate universe (which is now dead anyways), but damn. Reading the synopsis has convinced me, despite the horrendous taste in my mouth from it, to read the book.

I have to know. I just have to. Like...christ what the hell. Everything was just a mess from that until Infinite, wasn't it?

Also a little fun fact I discovered:
wikipedia said:
The miniseries was selected by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA)'s 2007 recommended list of Great Graphic Novels for Teens.

Lovely, really.
Hey man, whatever works. Who are we to judge, really?

Fair point


goddamnit, the industry is just fucked up to women

Alex DeCampi wrote about an unnamed harrasser senior editor at DC and two writers at Marvel

The main Wonder Woman comic is part of the Superman office. Now, the Superman office allegedly employs no women, and a cursory glance over the mastheads of several Superman titles and Wonder Woman seems to confirm that allegation. The reason, I’ve been told by several people who work or used to work at DC, is because one of the most senior editors is a sexual harasser with multiple incidents on his HR file. I don’t use “alleged” here because at least one incident (grabbing a woman’s breasts) happened publicly at a corporate social gathering with multiple witnesses. There was also something about sticking his tongue down an artist’s girlfriend’s throat when the artist was in the bathroom. Again, public gathering.

It is not known to me whether the no-chicks-in-Supes-office diktat is the preference of the harasser, or whether it’s the HR department crossing its fingers and hoping to Jesus they don’t get hit with a liability lawsuit so big it’s visible from space. This guy was kept in the move to Burbank despite his record – allegedly because he has blackmail on one of DC’s most senior staff members.

The irony is that nothing will be done by DC and Marvel about these harassers, but I will be blacklisted (even more than I already am) at the Big Two. And I do not care. While I have great affection for some of the characters owned by these companies, and love many of the creators and editors who work there, these corporations have repeatedly shown to me over 2015 that their senior management’s values and priorities are not a good fit with my values and priorities.

(Don’t worry about me, folks – my current creator-owned workload right now is more than enough to keep me working 12 hour days for the foreseeable future.)
(also, inb4: “I’ve worked with everyone in that office and they are absolutely lovely and committed to world peace and hugging squirrels” “she was asking for it” “misandry!” “but Gail Simone!” “she couldn’t take a joke” “I love current Wonder Woman, shut up bitch” “you’re just sour grapes, fuck u” “where is the PROOF, does anyone have videos or pictures” “men can be victims too!” “they just put a black woman in Superman, sit down, it’s all good now” “u can grab titty and be a good editor too!”)


Eddie Bazinga

Mental image of someone trying to swing a cat, hitting another abusive person in the comics industry, getting really frustrated.


So, having not read Identity Crisis, I never got to experience the glorious scene (glorious is sarcastic here) that was Dr. Light raping Elongated Man's wife.

HOWEVER Secret Six has been more than happy to enlighten me by, whenever Light is on screen, having him be the most mysoginistic, rapey motherfucker ever. I mean, I'm pretty sure he threatened to rape several people in just a few pages. One of them being Talia.

Goddamn DC what happened during those years?




When keeping it real goes wrong.

I agree with Slayven, it's shaped the DC 'verse in ways they're still recovering from, even rebooting the universe a few times hasn't really fixed it.
Told you guys, there were an 18 month period were folks would just have Dr.Light in a comic just to make rape jokes.
Told you guys, there were an 18 month period were folks would just have Dr.Light in a comic just to make rape jokes.

Wasn't there a moment when Dr. Light had kidnapped (and presumably raped) a bunch of women and dressed them like the female Titans? I swear I read that somewhere?

EDIT: I'd always considered Identity Crisis to be DC's Civil War in terms of reception/sales - super popular commercially + considered something of a "gateway" back into comics for some readers (at least in my experience).
Hopeless had made some comments on Twitter about how as a younger man he had been strongly against the idea of having children, but that he changed. That might be something he wants to talk about in his writing.


Wasn't there a moment when Dr. Light had kidnapped (and presumably raped) a bunch of women and dressed them like the female Titans? I swear I read that somewhere?

EDIT: I'd always considered Identity Crisis to be DC's Civil War in terms of reception/sales - super popular commercially + considered something of a "gateway" back into comics for some readers (at least in my experience).

Yeah that was the Spectre killed him at the beginning of Inifnite crisis.

Who the hell recommends Identity Crisis to someone to get them into comics? Civil War has it flaws, but it wasn't offensive like IC
Yeah that was the Spectre killed him at the beginning of Inifnite crisis.

Who the hell recommends Identity Crisis to someone to get them into comics? Civil War has it flaws, but it wasn't offensive like IC

According to wikipedia, the Young Adults' Literature something. I posted it up above.

Valiant December Solicits

Nothing crazy (Archer and Armstrong OHC #2, $1 Harbinger and Bloodshot Reborn tho), but I need an excuse to post this Ivar cover. I swear, they just keep getting better.




I mean Judas Contract is praised but lets not forget that Deathstroke wanted to kill the male titans and keep Starfire and Raven as sex slaves.

And lets not forget Bane's original plain for batman was to break him and keep as a pet/ sex toy.
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