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COMICS! |OT| October 2015. ...Are just something we do while the patch downloads.

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But still no Runaways :(

Or Young Avengers, although Kate, America, Teddy and Billy are in books, Cassie will be in Ant-Man and Loki will surely show up in Thor at some point. I'm not really bothered about the rest. The Avengers Academy cast appear to have dropped off the face of the Earth, though given all the crap that happened to them in Arena and Undercover, they've pretty much earned early retirement.

In fairness,
Veil retired, Striker is doing the celebrity circuit, Mettle's incredibly dead, and Reptil is "dead, unless someone brings him back" according to Hopeless
Still, would be nice to see Hazmat and Finesse at some point.
I bought comics and the MGS V strategy guide today. Had to grab Mockingbird because that art so sexy. Didn't buy Silk because that lineart was too fucking wavy and weird. I thought it was some Ron Wemberly shit at first.

Damn, sorry to hear about that Messi. Especially after how you lost your job before this :/ hope you find something soon

What did you get fired for, Messi?

Time to start failing upward.

Daredevil was great and all, but these were the best cape books of the week.

I read those ages ago. Digital wins. Just wait until you get to volume 7 in six ten months*!

*Yes I am serious. I looked at the release schedule. Enjoy the wait.
Yeah i didn't think i'd be buying a $5 Mockingbird comic anytime soon but i saw Joelle Jones in it and well here we are

I was totally going to not even give it a thought. But there it was on the rack... And I remember a few preview pages I saw online looking cool, so I gave it a look. What could it hurt?

My wallet. $5, apparently.


Weirdworld ongoing from Humphries? Eh, I'll give it a shot... it will be beautiful at least, thanks to Del Mundo's godly art.
I'm actually excited for Quake, which is strange - me excited for a Marvel book. But Matthew Rosenberg is too good for me to pass on it.


How long will Weirdworld last.
It's one of the lower selling Secret Wars books, can't imagine it getting anywhere.


Aaron has a ton of titles upcoming, so I had a feeling that one was going to end up with a different writer, but I was hoping for someone like Spurrier or Bennett... or hell even Pak or Yost.


I bought comics and the MGS V strategy guide today. Had to grab Mockingbird because that art so sexy. Didn't buy Silk because that lineart was too fucking wavy and weird. I thought it was some Ron Wemberly shit at first.

What did you get fired for, Messi?

Time to start failing upward.

I read those ages ago. Digital wins. Just wait until you get to volume 7 in six ten months*!

*Yes I am serious. I looked at the release schedule. Enjoy the wait.

Not caring enough. Lack of interest.


Late, but good luck to you Messi!

I think it's a one shot like Mockingbird

It is. Mockingbird was fucking great, too. Reads like a pilot for an ongoing in a similisr style to Hawkeye.

Given that Agebt Carter is already s show and Quake/Secret Warriors are going to be on AoS, I'm sure Quake is a pilot for a longer series, too.

I don't know. All I know is I love Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde.

Yep. Haven't read #3 yet, but I love the first two issues against all odds.
Thor #361 - #362, Balder The Brave #2: Damn, so much awesomeness in #362. Now I see why that page is quoted so often everywhere. Hurin would have been proud.


Wait, Mockingbird is only a one-shot? What the fuck? It's really good, and the art is fantastic.

Lazarus #19 is great as expected, and Black Magick looks very good from the preview we got.


Wait, Mockingbird is only a one-shot? What the fuck? It's really good, and the art is fantastic.

Lazarus #19 is great as expected, and Black Magick looks very good from the preview we got.

Yeah, I hope it sells like crazy. It's totally fun and very probably the best the character's been in written in years.


Happy 69th Birthday, Walt Simonson!



If you're a fan of his, I'd recommend checking out Ragnarok, because it's basically him doing Thor again and I've thoroughly enjoyed it thus far.
Green Arrow #44 New plot is new. It's in keeping with the creepy folkloric overtones they were pursuing (but ultimately abandoned) in the last storyline, and I hope they stick with it this time 'cause DAMN that could've been great. No Emiko brings this issue down to a 7 at maximum, though.


This was a really light week.


Well he's also doing Marvel Zombies currently.
I'm not reading it though.

I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I really hope they get him on another ongoing too... like an Elsa Bloodstone solo series, perhaps? Or, y'know, Marvel could just go for it and relaunch Nextwave with Spurrier at the helm!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I really hope they get him on another ongoing too... like an Elsa Bloodstone solo series, perhaps? Or, y'know, Marvel could just go for it and relaunch Nextwave with Spurrier at the helm!

Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!
Ehhh you know what Spurrier has a very awesome Image project coming out called Cry Havoc that will have multiple colorist doing separate sections of the comic, I completely forgot about it. Releases in January.


He probably doesn't have time for a marvel book.
Finally getting around to reading John's GL run. Never been a fan of GL, besides Alan Scott in JSA. Hoping this will turn me. Read Emerald Twilight and
I felt something with Kilowog's death, even though I'm not even a huge GL fan. Pretty fucked up, I'd love to see fan reactions back then.
Read the first issue of rebirth and Johns painted Batman as an intolerable jump to conclusions asshole, I can see where some Batfans hate that :p.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Ehhh you know what Spurrier has a very awesome Image project coming out called Cry Havoc that will have multiple colorist doing separate sections of the comic, I completely forgot about it. Releases in January.


He probably doesn't have time for a marvel book.

The art for that looks phenomenal but I'm not so sure about the story yet. Gonna have to hear more on that.
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