Zombeen's manga reviews!
Monster Musume is legit good, though.
It teaches you great morals like monster girls are people too.
Zombeen's manga reviews!
Monster Musume is legit good, though.
Persona 5 got delayed til 2016
Not surprised myself, tyt Atlus, it's def. gonna deliver, dat style, dat music, dem characters.
probably for the best. Zestiria, Trails of Cold Steel, and XCX within weeks of each other. Something has to give
How about we are all a little bit more welcoming than we have been in the past few days? It's been borderline toxic at times this week.
Lissen, i can tolerate mango talk, but talk of jrpgs that aren't part of the smt umbrella can fuck rite off.
Kinda like that thing mangaf does where they do a paragraph bolding what they've read with a short description of feels/comment on what happened. like so:
Doom Patrol #20
eh, overrated.
How about we are all a little bit more welcoming than we have been in the past few days? It's been borderline toxic at times this week.
Had a feeling Davey would be the focus for some. His dialogue was pretty bad but I don't think that will be a persistent thing throughout the series at least, so I'm pretty optimistic. I really dug the setting, Debbie and Led, and the art of course, so I have a lot of hope for the future.
Glad you're enjoying Lady Killer too! Seems up your alley.![]()
I'll gladly talk about SMT when it gets a new console iteration that isn't some weird Fire Emblem mix up with idols exclusive to the WiiU.
I know most of yall to an extent. I weigh the recommendations or praise yall give according to how much my taste align with yours. I *could* get manga recommendations from Manga Gaf but some people have suspect taste
I'll gladly talk about SMT when it gets a new console iteration that isn't some weird Fire Emblem mix up with idols exclusive to the WiiU.
hear, hear
FYI these are as sfw possible as I could find in short notice :V
SMT umbrella. Includes persona because reasons.
To be fair, that... thing they doing on the wiiu looks pretty rad, provided one is willing to swallow his pride and give it a go.
Worst comes to worst, could be a xenosaga 1 deal, where it was all "dude, i don't care how interesting this story might eventually become, don't make a big budget rpg that i cant play in front of other people because 10 year old pantsu shots". Momo was some real creepy stuff.it didnt
I'll take whatever SMT I can get. 4 was rad as fuck.
Josh Fialkov going on Twitter, talking about the abuse he went through at DC is some depressing shit man.
Are we talking SMT?
Cuz you don't start talking SMT without posting Kaneko da kami art-
FYI these are as sfw possible as I could find in short notice :V
Yeah I saw that. Pretty interesting.Josh Fialkov going on Twitter, talking about the abuse he went through at DC is some depressing shit man.
Lissen, i can tolerate mango talk, but talk of jrpgs that aren't part of the smt umbrella can fuck rite off.
Yeah I saw that. Pretty interesting.
I've heard in real life from very talented artists that shitty editors is what drove them out of comics
Which I mean... it's not terribly surprising?
There are a lot of bad editors. Editors who wish could write or draw and micromanage creatives and ask for abrupt changes before deadline. Some who contribute or uphold toxic environments.
Even good editors can make bad decisions or judgements.
A young David Marquez was told by Nick Lowe when he got his portfolio reviewed that he didn't have the talent it took to make it in mainstream comics. Lowe would eventually end up being his editor on All New X Men with Bendis.
Actually, I felt the need to return to this statement. Falcom should get a pass for actually having some of the best gameplay across any genre in their games. The Ys series is what every action rpg should aspire to.
RE: Josh Fialkov, and people wonder why I don't buy more DC books.
i'll readily admit that i've never got the hang of that "hitting slightly misaligned enemies to avoid damage" thing.
And i dunno, i feel that mgs and far cry are good directions for rpgs to go. Then again, ive always despised diablo-likes. Excited about grim dawn tho.
Always depends on the editor and your relationship with the editorIs there a lot of editorial input on the art side of things? I had always assumed editorial was more concerned with writing and continuity and story pacing. (And trying to spot mistakes, of course).
If it makes you feel better, the American comics industry isn't so big that issues in its culture can't be changed.Bleh. I don't even know what to add to this, just bleh. I wonder if the comics business will ever not be super problematic given all the issues it has had since the very start.
Always depends on the editor and your relationship with the editor
I'd say standard process is:
Approved script is sent out to artist
Artist makes rough mock up of pages
Editor OKs rough mock ups
Artist draws.
Editor either oks the pages or asks for some changes to be made such as fixing visual inconsistencies (character was holding a fork in their right hand, now it's in the left hand) costume changes if the artists drew the wrong one, and other bits like that.
Finished pencils go over to inks if it's not digitally done artwork. As far as I know, inkers don't get much editorial interference
Then the colorist comes in. Colors are mostly completed and passed to editor who can ask for some changes or okay it.
Then the book goes to the letterer who asks the editor why the hell the artist drew the characters out of speaking order in the panels.
Then tada! A comic is born
Wow, some great covers.
Paolo Rivera
David Mack
Some more here.
Wow, some great covers.
Paolo Rivera
David Mack
Some more here.
Depend. Is your last name Bendis?I assume there is a lot more back and forth between the writer and the editor before the script is approved.
Wow, some great covers.
Paolo Rivera
David Mack
Some more here.
WOW, I read the first issue of Astro City, and it was fantastic. I love the feel of the comic. Just really cool.
I still have no idea where to start with Astro City.
I still have no idea where to start with Astro City.
I still have no idea where to start with Astro City.
OK, OK. So I'll consider Astro City. Is everything on sale worth picking up or only parts of it?
OK, OK. So I'll consider Astro City. Is everything on sale worth picking up or only parts of it?
ಠ_ಠMonster Musume is legit good, though.