damn good stuff, son.
Well, some issues. Eventually moore crawls up his own ass.
They spent the previous arc mentioning why the vines needed to be stopped because an invasion fleet was coming, and all would be death. Its what forces brojak, the vine dude and broric into a truce. Then comes the name: PRELUUUUDE TO PLANET DEAAAATHHHHH. Fleet arrives, starts attacking. You think its gonna be a standard invasion arc, humanity fighting back, crap like that, and you just being served the intro.
Nope, invasion fleet pretty much instantly one shotted. Planet death is actually what mango intends to do with the vine planet. #whatatwist #didntseethatcoming
Kinda unable to determine if alric is a bigger aashole than gillad. All signs point to yes.
Well, you could always become borderline emotionally dead like me and avoid allathat.