At the very least he is as good as Terry Moore.
Way BETTER than Terry Moore!
He's on the level with Cooke!
At the very least he is as good as Terry Moore.
Way BETTER than Terry Moore!
He's on the level with Cooke!
Hey if you are all adding people for PS4 here's mine Sylar996. I'm working through Taken King the now (just hit 40 woot woot) but I don't mind helping out with earlier stuff.
Way BETTER than Terry Moore!
He's on the level with Cooke!
I would put them both up there with Cooke. Moore is one of the best in the business.
Maybe you have your Moores mixed up?
Sylar huh? lol
Hey i've had that name for nearly ten years can't help it if the show I got it from is shit.
Man I'd love to own some Madman but wow those prices raise my blood pressure
Hey i've had that name for nearly ten years can't help it if the show I got it from is shit.
Man I'd love to own some Madman but wow those prices raise my blood pressure
Hey i've had that name for nearly ten years can't help it if the show I got it from is shit.
Man I'd love to own some Madman but wow those prices raise my blood pressure
Hey i've had that name for nearly ten years can't help it if the show I got it from is shit.
Man I'd love to own some Madman but wow those prices raise my blood pressure
Zombone owns an iZombie page.
I'll pay one dollar more than his offer Isak.
He was the one redeeming part of that show, though, so respect.
Also, my psn is after a Gundam whose show I never even finished, so yeah lol
I've been a fan for about twenty years so got in on the bottom.
Zombone owns an iZombie page.
I'll pay one dollar more than his offer Isak.
The first season was the only good season everything is mediocre to terrible.
Which Gundam show? You aren't SpaceJesusYamato73625 are you?
Gundam 00
Bye Bye Physical comics
Ah, I am sorry to hear that. Not that much about the marriage, but more about your unemployment :/Not really, I would prefer to keep them but got married this week and need to purge.
I also haven't been able to get a job after CMX so getting rid of everything.
Not really, I would prefer to keep them but got married this week and need to purge.
I also haven't been able to get a job after CMX so getting rid of everything.
Holy shit, you got married? Mazel tov!
Ah well I can't really blame you for that I never got past the first season and I'm a huge Gundam fan.
I actually loved the first season. The second one is the one that got boring as fuck, then the movie takes a piss all over everything or so I've heard
First season is great I cried manly tears for Lockon. Yeah the movie is shiiiiiiit. Best thing to come out of that was this weird in universe movie.
Man, Ultimates Vol. 1 is the onliest moment in comicbook history where authors let characters speak german and its not stupid garbage.
Say what you want about Miller, but he earned respect for this from me.
He doesnt seem to think that good about frenchDon't let him write anything about France, though.
Man, Ultimates Vol. 1 is the onliest moment in comicbook history where authors let characters speak german and its not stupid garbage.
Say what you want about Miller, but he earned respect for this from me.
Meh, tossing my Omnibus collection in too!
Ed Brubaker's Cap Run all the omnisbus
Hickman EVERY marvel work omnibus
Walt SImonson Thor
Kirby Fantastic Four Vol.1 & 2
Lee, Ditko, Romita Vol. 1 & 2
Super interested in Simonson Thor. Sent you a pm.
You wouldn't happen to have a copy og the the Madman omnibus would you? I have been wanting to read that too.
Meh, tossing my Omnibus collection in too!
Ed Brubaker's Cap Run all the omnisbus
Hickman EVERY marvel work omnibus
Walt SImonson Thor
Kirby Fantastic Four Vol.1 & 2
Lee, Ditko, Romita Vol. 1 & 2
Jealous. I could never afford an omnibus.
Finally got time to read through Captain Marvel Vol3, and, while I don't know who Tracy is (I only picked it up with Vol1 of the 2014 series), that's one hell of a way to end things.
I could probably leave the series at that.
Well, at least the armor in Destiny looks cool. Time to hide my face forever![]()
Wait till you see some of the high level armor and helmets. Even the unique weapons look awesome.
Zombine's armor, lawdd
Zombine's armor, lawdd
Made some good choices and got lucky. I've been exploiting the three of coins farming as well.
hah I was lucky and got an Obsidian Mind from my first use of three of coin. Now all I need is a Bad Juju.
Make an offer if you want one.
Any indication of how long Low is going to be? Got the first trade at the library and read the first couple of issues. I don't think it is something I will enjoy reading in bits and pieces.
Its ongoing and he said he has no plans to end it soon. He said that Deadly Class and Black Science will all likely end up at 30 plus issues. Tokyo Ghost he has 10 planned and a wait and see approach.
Wait till you get The Last Word. That gun will be your best friend. I haven't tried the year 2 version of it yet.I just got Bad Juju earlier after installing TTK. But that is my first exotic.
I started to PM you but honestly I don't want to offend you with such a terribly low price, so I just went back, lol. I can't really spend more than ~$25 on one thing. As cool as it would be to have an omnibus, it just doesn't fit my buying style.
Wait till you get The Last Word. That gun will be your best friend. I haven't tried the year 2 version of it yet.