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Company of Heroes 2 |OT| The Motherland is Calling - [Western Front Armies out now]


As a (former) top 10 2v2 ranked arranged team CoH player, I'd like to chime in any say that auto-match is broken and is hampering the enjoyment of the game.

I'm sorry, but a 2v2 with 3 rank 40's and 1 rank 5 is not going to be a fun game. Nor is a game with 2 rank 40's against 2 rank 5-10's.

There's plenty of players in the pool. The game is just doing a shit job of picking fair teams.

I can't count how many times I've been the lowest rank player in the game (20-30 rank difference) and ended up with the most damage/caps/best k:d ratio. Rank means very little when you can play singleplayer to level up. Hell, look at SC2. You play 10 games (it was 10 when I played SC2, it may have changed) and you can bet your ass if you win the first 5 the system matches you against very high skilled players to find out which matchmaking tier (league) you will fit into. There is a good chance something like that exists for this game, since that's standard in matchmaking these days. This is a new game and that means lots of new players that weren't in the beta, give it some time to settle out the matchmaking.

I'll also say I'm sick and damn tired of people saying "rank means nothing!". Rank means a lot. It's a direct translation of time spent playing the game. I'd rather play with a rank 40 who has never played anything other than easy to medium AI's than a rank 5 who played a couple real games.

I would rather play with the smarter player. AI games and singleplayer are very different from human vs human games. Yeah, the rank 40 AI player will have more experience with game mechanics, but AI players tend to come to a point where they have solved the AI and it becomes a rhythm. It is easier to push an AI player out of his comfort zone than a non-AI player.

The argument that "we need to find their upper skill ceiling" is also bunk. Any good player who does bigger than 1v1 knows how frustrating it is getting one of these extreme low rankers in your game. They have ZERO business being there. You can test their upper skill without throwing them to the sharks in a way that ruins the game for everyone.

No, it isn't bunk. A rank 5 player can be: new to RTS, experienced in RTS but new to COH, experienced in COH1, COH2 alpha/beta player, COH2 player smurfing. The last two possibilities would certainly warrant matching the player against rank 40s and the COH1 player, depending on skill level, would also be ok to match. This is a new game and that means lots of new players that weren't playing in the beta, so give it some time to settle out the matchmaking.

Getting owned in 1v1 is fine, some of the time. Getting owned in 2v2, where you know you just ruined the game for 3 other people, for no other reason than match-maker threw you into an extreme mismatch, is frustrating.

Maybe in some perfect little My Little Pony world everyone would take a deep breath and help the "new guy" to learn the game. In real life, however, he's getting yelled at and mocked for the entirety of the game, and getting curb stomped every time he hits the front line.

This happens in every multiplayer game ever. Yes, even the MLP scenario, though infrequent.
Meh, I don't think it's worth discussing. Extreme mismatches aren't fun for anyone and people defending them and the broken auto match system causing them are wrong. They may have good motives for their beliefs, but they're still wrong.

Moving on, has anyone been able to beat Shildkroterberg(sp) or Winter Defense on General? I've gotten golds on everything, having beaten the last co-op on gold with my buddy last night, but I am hitting a stone wall on those 2 missions.


It's a shame this game has only peaked at 21k concurrent users according to the Steam stats page. Probably the lowest a high profile Steamworks PC exclusive has peaked at.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's a shame this game has only peaked at 21k concurrent users according to the Steam stats page. Probably the lowest a high profile Steamworks PC exclusive has peaked at.

$60 didn't help, it's a tough sell for a game like this.


It's a shame this game has only peaked at 21k concurrent users according to the Steam stats page. Probably the lowest a high profile Steamworks PC exclusive has peaked at.

$60 didn't help, it's a tough sell for a game like this.

I don't think the open beta helped, frankly. It showed everyone that the game performs terribly, is at times unbalanced, has few maps, and isn't a patch on the original.

I'm enjoying it, don't get me wrong, but it could have been so much better... One shudders to think what state the game would have been in had THQ forced it out the door on the original release date, before they went bankrupt.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Personally though I don't care - I'm sure I will throw any money I have at Relic because games like this last me ages, and I'm fine with a drip-feed of new shit to do. I love it. No complaints at all and my performance is fine. Gameplay is king and this one's got it. So many fun-ass tactics.

The best thing ever might be the ram. On ice.
Was there a performance patch? Ran so much better for me today.

Seems to me like the audio and visuals are even more punchy when they need be than CoH1, which already was top tier - tanks rolling around, artillery, AT guns all carry an immense sense of raw power. I'm also impressed by how well the brutality of combat is captured: having a squad torn apart by an AT shell or ripped through by MG fire when exposed looks and feels devastating, much more so than in the original.


Yeah I've seen an entire 6 man squad get wiped out by one mortar shell, I don't remember them being that devastating in VCoH.


Was there a performance patch? Ran so much better for me today.

Nothing here, still the same performance.

Meh, I don't think it's worth discussing. Extreme mismatches aren't fun for anyone and people defending them and the broken auto match system causing them are wrong. They may have good motives for their beliefs, but they're still wrong.

Moving on, has anyone been able to beat Shildkroterberg(sp) or Winter Defense on General? I've gotten golds on everything, having beaten the last co-op on gold with my buddy last night, but I am hitting a stone wall on those 2 missions.

lol "you are wrong, let's move on".


It's a shame this game has only peaked at 21k concurrent users according to the Steam stats page. Probably the lowest a high profile Steamworks PC exclusive has peaked at.

It released in the middle of the work week, I'd give it til the weekend to see if concurrent player count rises. I know 3 people who bought it and won't be playing it at all until the weekend, anecdotal sure but big new releases always do best on the first Friday/Saturday after they release as far as my memory serves.


It's a shame this game has only peaked at 21k concurrent users according to the Steam stats page. Probably the lowest a high profile Steamworks PC exclusive has peaked at.

The Beta killed it. I've bought CoH and all it's DLC/xpacs and pretty much every game Relic have ever made. If the OB had never existed I would have bought CoH 2 Day 1.


The Beta killed it. I've bought CoH and all it's DLC/xpacs and pretty much every game Relic have ever made. If the OB had never existed I would have bought CoH 2 Day 1.

There is a flip side though, I would never of bought it had I not played the Beta, they should of level capped it though
So far the game is fantastic and the upgrade I was hoping for...except the UI....what the hell happened? I can only hope and pray someone from Relic see's this and release a patch to remove flashing strobe light disco mode.

I unlocked the commander tree option and almost thew up on my keyboard because a bright light was flashing over the generals repeatedly, I though my game was glitching out, but then it kept happening.

Then there is a flickering light next to each unit that fires a round....in the middle of an all out war.....I can barley focus on what the hell is going on. What the hell is this bull crap?

Relic please create a patch that removes or tones this down, for the love of mine and all your fans cornea's. Otherwise a fantastic game.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
People have been complaining about the UI since the closed alpha, hopefully they're working on it as it's easily the worst part of the game. I really dislike how you need to hover over the icons to see just what is damaged on your vehicle. CoH did this so much nicer.

Also want more city maps, give us a nice 4v4 map set in a proper city.


Hell, look at SC2. You play 10 games (it was 10 when I played SC2, it may have changed) and you can bet your ass if you win the first 5 the system matches you against very high skilled players to find out which matchmaking tier (league) you will fit into. There is a good chance something like that exists for this game, since that's standard in matchmaking these days. This is a new game and that means lots of new players that weren't in the beta, give it some time to settle out the matchmaking.
I wouldn't mind if my problem was that after 5 win I ended up in a too high bracket for 2-3 games because the game thought I was that strong ( it happened on my smurf account in dota 2 ). My problem is it make me play with people too strong ( can't judge how many multiplayer game they did, but at least from their rank I know they spended 10x more times in the game than me ) after a series of loose from the beginning. It's either a shity mm or the game thought I was sooo strong that I took pity of my opponents and let them win.
$60 didn't help, it's a tough sell for a game like this.

This is why i didnt get it, aside from it being available elsewhere for $45 on day 1 (and currently), I've been trained to wait for the Steam sale. My hunch is that we'll see it at 50% off for this summer's steam sale, or a deep discount when they release the inevitable first DLC pack.

Would have likely bought day 1 at $40.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I really want to bite the bullet, but can anyone explain what the commander archetypes are? Are they the equivalent of the different army specs from CoH?

[edit]Whoa, reading the performance stuff a few pages back. I guess a 6770M is out of the question? :(


I really want to throw money at Relic & grab this game (COH was my favorite RTS of the 21st century), but there's a lot of offputting factors:
-not much internet activity surrounding this game (amazon only has 8 customer reviews, low forum activity at various COH sites) --> is the game going to have a premature death (as opposed to Coh1)?
-supposed balance issues, too many useless things maybe? And relics sluggish balance attempts with previous COH iterations (how long were kangeroos a menace to the germans lol?)
-less features than COH vanilla at release + bad design decisions-->UI and what no
-DLC abuse & moneygrubbing
-low map count
-connectivity issues
-$60 price tag jesus

It would be wonderful if someone who bought this game could comment on some of the above, especially on the community size & balance issues
I really want to throw money at Relic & grab this game (COH was my favorite RTS of the 21st century), but there's a lot of offputting factors:
-not much internet activity surrounding this game (amazon only has 8 customer reviews, low forum activity at various COH sites) --> is the game going to have a premature death (as opposed to Coh1)?
-supposed balance issues, too many useless things maybe? And relics sluggish balance attempts with previous COH iterations (how long were kangeroos a menace to the germans lol?)
-less features than COH vanilla at release + bad design decisions-->UI and what no
-DLC abuse & moneygrubbing
-low map count
-connectivity issues
-$60 price tag jesus

It would be wonderful if someone who bought this game could comment on some of the above, especially on the community size & balance issues
I don't see COH2 dying a premature death at all, I am always able to get into multiplayer matches quickly. Not much internet activity is somewhat worrying, but I feel a game like COH2, with its focus on tactics and world war 2 setting, might not have the widest appeal.

Balance issues? German armor is strong at the end game, but nothing that a smart Russia player won't be able to counter. I have actually been getting stomped hard by well placed AT guns, definitely have to constantly adjust my tactics depending on the person I am playing against. I really don't think there are many useless units at all, I feel that there is a range of units/commanders that will appeal to the individual gamers play style.

Less features that COH vanilla? I don't agree. Full campaign, theater of war and multiplayer, I am not sure what COH2 is missing, that COH vanilla had. I do feel the UI should take up less of the screen, but that is the only complaint I would have against it.

DLC abuse and moneygrubbing? Wah? I don't see that at all and am not sure where that is even coming from.

Connectivity issues? Only an issue during the closed beta, haven't had any issues with the open beta or retail as far as that is concerned. Game isn't really well optimized, so there are people lagging due to rigs not able to handle the poorly optimized games, but no connection issues.

$60 price tag, that is up to the individual whether it is a negative or not. I have already played the closed/open betas and retail for 60+ hours, which meets my game purchase requirement that for every dollar I spend it equals one hour of gameplay. As a dedicated COH fan, $60 was nothing for me for a franchise I have and will spend hundreds of hours on.


Subete no aware
I think everyone who preordered the game either got it for like 35/40 dollars or paid the full 60 because they wanted the Team Fortress hats. No one actually paid 60 for it unless you bought it after it came out - which is fair if you don't believe in preorders I suppose.


$60 price tag, that is up to the individual whether it is a negative or not. I have already played the closed/open betas and retail for 60+ hours, which meets my game purchase requirement that for every dollar I spend it equals one hour of gameplay. As a dedicated COH fan, $60 was nothing for me for a franchise I have and will spend hundreds of hours on.

I actually think AAA PC exclusives being $60 is fine, the expectation they should cost the same as console ports is ridiculous when consoles have a userbase on ps3/360 of 140mln that PC exclusives don't have access to. Console ports, or console centric games, should still launch at $50 though.
Someone has to have played these damn challenge modes. Help a brother out.

Winter Defense (soviet) and the Schild (german) ones are slaughtering me on gold.

Winter Defense has such ridiculous waves of units I get pushed back even in green cover.

Schild or whatever has you starting with almost no resources and then faced off against a half dozen squads.


Wut, it's an awesome idea. Tiger tanks were a price target during the war, a tank hunting missions makes sense.

Sure, but having your engineers plant mines and then try to lure the tank toward the mines only to have the tank fire at your troops and blow up all the mines you just placed... until you run out of resources then, shortly afterwards, troops and fail the mission.

What a waste of time.

P.S. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but holy shit that was a frustrating 45 mins.


With only ten pages in the OT, and the previous mentions of low web activity, I have a sinking feeling that this game is bombing.

You are kidding? Any game that is a dry RTS game, war simulator or whatever doesn't go down well here or anywhere. If it isn't the latest PEWPEW of Duty, Mario or whatever there's rarely any activity.


Holy fuck, this game thrashes my HDD. It runs at 40-60fps for the majority of the time, but suddenly it will drop to single digits and my HDD sounds like a blender. I have a new Seagate Barracuda, it has very good read speeds most of the time for a non-SSD drive.
You are kidding? Any game that is a dry RTS game, war simulator or whatever doesn't go down well here or anywhere. If it isn't the latest PEWPEW of Duty, Mario or whatever there's rarely any activity.

That is about as bitter and reductive as I've seen you in this thread. Chill.

It'll be interesting to see the actual numbers and whether they made a profit or not.


That is about as bitter and reductive as I've seen you in this thread. Chill.

What, because I'm stating the truth? We have people in here who doesn't even play the game, we have people calling doom and gloom, we have people talking about retarded 1/5 reviews and there's barely been a single discussion about tactics, missions or anything related to the game - It's just the most inane shit being discussed and now someone's making judgements on how the game is doing based on this thread? Jesus.

Now I'm stating a cold fact, NeoGAF in general doesn't care about these games. What happened to the Wargame threads? Oh another military RTS game with barely any activity. Look at the ArmA 3 threads, nothing. Oh look at the DCS threads, dead. Oh look at the flight sim threads, dead. Oh look at the Men of War threads? Barely any activity.

So does anyone actually want to talk about the GAME, like tactics with the various factions, interesting strategies, stuff to watch out for, good replays to watch - ANYTHING?


I'm sorry I don't spend much time here but I tend to watch live streams and vods a lot and organise tournaments for this game. I mostly play 1v1 and the occasional 2v2.


I'm sorry I don't spend much time here but I tend to watch live streams and vods a lot and organise tournaments for this game. I mostly play 1v1 and the occasional 2v2.

Are you guys uploading any replays of the matches and any replays you can recommend? Not good with all the live streaming, I'd like to control what I'm watching =)


most of the replays should be uploaded in this sub forum http://www.gamereplays.org/community/index.php?showforum=4288 and here are the group brackets as well http://tfn.challonge.com/

I haven't had a chance to watch them because I've been busy running brackets so I can't recommend any right now unfortunately. These players invited specially so you may want to take a look at their games; Aimstrong, Aljaz (Fir3ball), Symbiosis, HelpingHans, Sepha, Marcus2389, BartonPL, Golradaer, DevM, Seb

If you want to download random replays a lot of them get uploaded to Coh2.org and Gamereplays.org


what's troubling you at the moment? I'd like to add on the relic side of things a lot of the devs frequent the dedicated forums such as the official forums and coh2.org, a lot of them are going to try and steam more often and I have to be honest they have been really good at interacting with the community lately. Especially when some members have acted like total dicks.


I love the propoganda perk, I always think I wonder if my opponent is complaining on forums that his troops are retreating or going to pinned status automatically :)


what's troubling you at the moment? I'd like to add on the relic side of things a lot of the devs frequent the dedicated forums such as the official forums and coh2.org, a lot of them are going to try and steam more often and I have to be honest they have been really good at interacting with the community lately. Especially when some members have acted like total dicks.

Nothing is giving me trouble at the moment, per say. I just feel like my overall tactics are pretty generic and lacks the creative edge. Like a certain unit that is excellent at something, perhaps a vehicle that can turn the tide early on, what not to build and generally just find a tactic that works.

Right now I'm just a bit willy nilly, I haven't really found my go-to strategy and I haven't found my backup strategy either.

Also the little stuff that can change a battle or transform a unit. I remember the AT Halftrack in vCoH had an ability to increase the accuracy of the shot. That ability also made it a one-shot kill on infantry ... Something which would have been great to know a few months prior :p Just little stuff like that I also want to know.

However I am starting to like the Russians, they have some amazing units and the Guard Rifle are insane, especially against a German pushing out light vehicles. Also fallen in love with AT mines, especially in the last updated where they decreased the plant time.

I'd watch the HelpingHans vs. MorgenGrad matches, I really enjoyed them! (I've been watching the touney).


Thanks man, will check it out.
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