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Company of Heroes 2 |OT| The Motherland is Calling - [Western Front Armies out now]

What, because I'm stating the truth? We have people in here who doesn't even play the game, we have people calling doom and gloom, we have people talking about retarded 1/5 reviews and there's barely been a single discussion about tactics, missions or anything related to the game - It's just the most inane shit being discussed and now someone's making judgements on how the game is doing based on this thread? Jesus.

Now I'm stating a cold fact, NeoGAF in general doesn't care about these games. What happened to the Wargame threads? Oh another military RTS game with barely any activity. Look at the ArmA 3 threads, nothing. Oh look at the DCS threads, dead. Oh look at the flight sim threads, dead. Oh look at the Men of War threads? Barely any activity.

So does anyone actually want to talk about the GAME, like tactics with the various factions, interesting strategies, stuff to watch out for, good replays to watch - ANYTHING?

Chill man. I love this game and RTS's in general. I'm just stating a sinking feeling I have. After all, the last one did pretty well, I believe.


Chill man. I love this game and RTS's in general. I'm just stating a sinking feeling I have. After all, the last one did pretty well, I believe.

Yeah, considering it was one of the best RTS games released during a time where WW2 was still the big thing and the engine was years ahead of its time, no wonder it did well.


with Soviets there are some strong openings you can do with regards to M3 scout cars and putting units into them, ideally you would put a flamer inside as it does the most damage but only if your opponent is using a lot of weapon teams.

If the German player is building a lot of grenadiers the putting snipers in the M3s works a lot better due to the panzefaust being able to knock out engines.

From then on I get T4 ( the building with su-76 and su 85) because at the moment the T-34 isnt great vs other vehicles. If I do get T-34s I back tech to T2 to get AT guns to support them.

Commander wise I really like Shock Motor Heavy Tactics because the ISU-152 is a beast.

With regards to sales I've been told they did better than they expected.


with Soviets there are some strong openings you can do with regards to M3 scout cars and putting units into them, ideally you would put a flamer inside as it does the most damage but only if your opponent is using a lot of weapon teams.

If the German player is building a lot of grenadiers the putting snipers in the M3s works a lot better due to the panzefaust being able to knock out engines.

From then on I get T4 ( the building with su-76 and su 85) because at the moment the T-34 isnt great vs other vehicles. If I do get T-34s I back tech to T2 to get AT guns to support them.

Commander wise I really like Shock Motor Heavy Tactics because the ISU-152 is a beast.

Must admit, never really toyed with putting infantry in that. Do they all die when it explodes?

Also I try to focus on MG crews to keep back the first influx of infantry and then quickly get the T-70 because that thing is a beast. The thing tears through infantry, light vehicles and it can even take down a StuG quickly if micro'd right. Plus when promoted you can use it to cap points. Crazy vehicle.

I just feel the Russian armour in general is too weak against a German with decent AT 'skills' or their tanks out. I really like using AT guns for some reason. While the Su-76 is an awesome vehicle for its artillery ability versus infantry, its gun as an AT weapon is way too weak and being self-propelled and with pathetic armour, it just becomes a mediocre vehicle.


infantry don't die when the vehicle gets destroyed

the SU-85 is the best tank the Soviets have at killing other vehicles, it out ranges all non commander units and it's main gun has good penetration vs frontal armour.

another good soviet commander is guard motor coordination, you get guards which can button vehicles, the 120mm mortar which has huge range and an ability called marked vehicle which makes the target vehicle take increased damage. The commander also has the T-34/85 call in which is a T-34 with more hit points and a better main gun but you have to call in two at a time which costs 720mp and 260 fuel.


Who the fuck thought that fucking hunting a Tiger Tank mission would be fun, Jesus Christ.

I tried the tactic the game tells you (lure into mines) and when that failed I tried again and realized you can just dance your 3 conscript squads around a house and endlessly chuck AT grenades for an easy kill.

I'm getting really tired of playing missions that have a "defend these choke points" objective and then the Germans zerg one point and kill what you have there before you can send your other defenders to help. Other than that I'm enjoying the singleplayer.


I'm having difficulty with the German AI Battles in ToW. Panzergrenadiers have rubbish weapons with a fairly short range, meaning they get annihilated by the tanks; PaKs seem to die super fast compared to normal Skirmish; the 1941 tanks are anti-inf only; my AI teammate is useless; and in general the Russian stuff seems superior in every way.

Any ideas, other than reducing the difficulty?


infantry don't die when the vehicle gets destroyed

the SU-85 is the best tank the Soviets have at killing other vehicles, it out ranges all non commander units and it's main gun has good penetration vs frontal armour.

another good soviet commander is guard motor coordination, you get guards which can button vehicles, the 120mm mortar which has huge range and an ability called marked vehicle which makes the target vehicle take increased damage. The commander also has the T-34/85 call in which is a T-34 with more hit points and a better main gun but you have to call in two at a time which costs 720mp and 260 fuel.

I'll try messing around with the M3A1 next time I'm playing. Do you still have to disembark the vehicle to capture flags?

Also, my biggest problem is probably the Tier 1 / 2 phase, when you move into armour I start to shine a bit more so I just need to work on that infantry, certainly isn't my strong suit.


Christ, I've been missing out! I need to go practice working that into my tactics now.

Put a sniper in a Russian half track. Ultimate dickery, and if the half track gets blown up the sniper emerges unscathed and can be retreated back to base.
Put a sniper in a Russian half track. Ultimate dickery, and if the half track gets blown up the sniper emerges unscathed and can be retreated back to base.

I lost all fear of using the half tracks when I discovered the transport unit survived. It seems a bit stupid.


I lost all fear of using the half tracks when I discovered the transport unit survived. It seems a bit stupid.

I agree, there should at least be the potential for casualties in a squad. Also they need to nerf sniper accuracy in a moving halftrack, the unit is way too accurate in a vehicle quickly moving across bumpy terrain.


infantry in the M3s take damage from small arms, as Germans the best way to deal with them is to get a scout car and get the 20mm auto cannon upgrade. Save ammo and get to T2 as quickly as possible, don't spend too long in T1.


If I'm honest I'm really annoyed at some reviews that critique the game as being more of the same and that's to it's detriment. Where as when I look at their reviews for SC2 when Blizzard deliver more of the same that's a good thing urgh video games are confusing at times.


Thats a fairncriticism of some but definitey not of Chick. He hammered Blizzard over SC2. After spending a number of hours with the game I kind of agree with Tom's review. Not the score but the sentiment. I'm enjoying it but it feels so cut and paste and little stuff just feels off/sloppy. I would love to know how detrimental the THQ stuff was.


If I'm honest I'm really annoyed at some reviews that critique the game as being more of the same and that's to it's detriment. Where as when I look at their reviews for SC2 when Blizzard deliver more of the same that's a good thing urgh video games are confusing at times.

Yeah, it just feels so hollow when these so-called journalists has a proverbial wank over the tons and tons of sequels that are identical to the previous games. However this one? Oh horror. Oh well, let them have at it.

On another note, just did a quick game versus the AI and worked in the M3A1, haha holy hell. With a squad of engineers following it, to repair the thing, I took out like 3 light vehicles and 2-3 squads of men. That was the easiest win I had so far -- I annihilated their entire Tier 1 offense.


Neo Member
Someone has to have played these damn challenge modes. Help a brother out.

Schild or whatever has you starting with almost no resources and then faced off against a half dozen squads.

Yeah, this one is insane. To get gold, I had to kinda cheat. I built a gren squad 1st and put them in the trench to the side of the base. Gave them the upgraded 42 and then just let the game run for around 45 min. The soviet infantry knocks down your HQ at most by half during that time and your panzer grens kill a few that get too close to them. While the Soviet conscripts are running around shooting the HQ with their rifles, I use the engineers to set up wire, mg nests, mines, etc. around the rest of the map. After about an hour, I have enough manpower and munitions to make loads of stuff.

I can only make it to wave 5 without this "trick". Hardest "mission" in the game that I've encountered. Kinda wish there were more that were this hard.
Played a few matches as the soviets last night, mainly a german army player. I really like the doctrine that has guards rifle, vehicle marking and the 120mm mortar. Those mortars are devastating and the guards rifle, while slow to move, are very good infantry units. I feel odd playing as the soviets as I don't have a good build order down yet, but they are fun to play. And yes, flamers in a scout car or half track are devastating if you can field them before you opponent does. They are very mobile, fast and can flank really well. Lately I will send in a couple gren squads for a frontal assault on a VP or capture point, and then flank from the side/behind with a flamer halftrack while the other squads are engaging my grens. All you see is enemy units retreating left and right. Of course once AT/armor is in play, this tactic isn't near as useful.

Another good tactic I have been using to counter enemy AT/Armor, is to produce my main armor force, panzers/panthers, and then one stug. Have the Stug lead a blitzkrieg so it can absorb the initial volley of at/armor and then flank with the rest of my column. Working great so far.

welp. you said the three magic words.

if the thread wasn't dead before, it certainly is now.

Now why did they have to do that?!?! This game and thread are doomed now.


Relic, I'm enjoying your game (though it really does seem more like an unoptimized expansion to the original CoH rather than a sequel), but for the love of all that is holy, the next time you decide to release a CoH title:


Holy shit, they are TERRIBLE in every way possible from the awful accents to the cliche-ridden dialogue to the Xbox/PS2 level graphics quality. Just give me a mission briefing scene at the start of every mission -- that's all really, no need for anything more!

Oh, and PLEASE make the minimap smaller. The goddamned thing feels like its taking up 25% of my screen!
With only ten pages in the OT, and the previous mentions of low web activity, I have a sinking feeling that this game is bombing.
It's the top seller on Steam currently, so that's something. I don't think CoH1 honestly came out of the gates with a bang either (could be wrong), but it sure had long legs. From everything I've read it sounds like Relic already has plans for the immediate future of the game, and they did an amazing job supporting CoH1... so my hope is that this game will have a steady stream of new players as it continues to get richer with time.

It would be a crime if CoH-style gameplay died :(

Relic, I'm enjoying your game (though it really does seem more like an unoptimized expansion to the original CoH rather than a sequel), but for the love of all that is holy, the next time you decide to release a CoH title:


Holy shit, they are TERRIBLE in every way possible from the awful accents to the cliche-ridden dialogue to the Xbox/PS2 level graphics quality. Just give me a mission briefing scene at the start of every mission -- that's all really, no need for anything more!

Oh, and PLEASE make the minimap smaller. The goddamned thing feels like its taking up 25% of my screen!
Yeah, they really are...meh. The animated art and maps and stuff they do are great, but any in-engine or CG stuff so far has been...bleh. They cut that crap out of the Dawn of War II games I played, so I don't understand why it's back.
I'm already anticipating the expansion with new teams :p I just miss having the choice.
Yeah, the variety is super nice. I'm so used to it too, it's weird to think that the original only had two at one point! Curious to see what they'll be, I imagine Americans will have to be one?

Also, I hope it's not little DLC bundles...just a straight up expansion, plz.


If I'm honest I'm really annoyed at some reviews that critique the game as being more of the same and that's to it's detriment. Where as when I look at their reviews for SC2 when Blizzard deliver more of the same that's a good thing urgh video games are confusing at times.

That's because anything Blizzard, Valve, or Naughty Dog makes is always an instant 10/10 even if it's a steaming pile of garbage.
Personally not looking forward to the DLC force feeding one bit. I can sort of understand why there are only 2 factions to begin with, but knowing that they finished their last game with several and we're now back to 2 is a little sour.


Yeah, the variety is super nice. I'm so used to it too, it's weird to think that the original only had two at one point! Curious to see what they'll be, I imagine Americans will have to be one?

Also, I hope it's not little DLC bundles...just a straight up expansion, plz.

Unless they move away from the eastern front, I doubt we'll see the British, America etc. however I would expect a variation of the current factions ala Panzer Elite. Imagine a Russian force working by Guerilla warfare. Like their siberian special troops, expensive but extremely powerful units that can traverse snow fast and are immune to cold - With the caveat they can't cap in a Blizzard. Add a lot of these annoying 'mosquito' tactics with mines, traps, makeshift weapons, vehicle camouflage and even German equipment they've taken.

With a German variation you could have a desperate fighting force, late war where they were about to lose Russia. A lot of mixed units, squads with like 2-3 different type of units extremely powerful units that are badly crewed ( Crews in 1944 were poorly trained due to the course of the war ), you'd also reach the 1944 stage with the STG44 etc. could also have the bruised and battered look on every vehicle and unit, vehicles missing skirts, worn down etc.

I mean, just brainstorming and it probably requires a lot more thought than that but just toying with ideas.

Personally not looking forward to the DLC force feeding one bit. I can sort of understand why there are only 2 factions to begin with, but knowing that they finished their last game with several and we're now back to 2 is a little sour.

Balancing teams in an RTS is a massive undertaking, you don't just add a heap of factions out of the gate. Next few months they will spend a lot of time just balancing what they have now.
Unless they move away from the eastern front, I doubt we'll see the British, America etc. however I would expect a variation of the current factions ala Panzer Elite. Imagine a Russian force working by Guerilla warfare. Like their siberian special troops, expensive but extremely powerful units that can traverse snow fast and are immune to cold - With the caveat they can't cap in a Blizzard. Add a lot of these annoying 'mosquito' tactics with mines, traps, makeshift weapons, vehicle camouflage and even German equipment they've taken.

With a German variation you could have a desperate fighting force, late war where they were about to lose Russia. A lot of mixed units, squads with like 2-3 different type of units extremely powerful units that are badly crewed ( Crews in 1944 were poorly trained due to the course of the war ), you'd also reach the 1944 stage with the STG44 etc. could also have the bruised and battered look on every vehicle and unit, vehicles missing skirts, worn down etc.

I mean, just brainstorming and it probably requires a lot more thought than that but just toying with ideas.
True. I mentioned Americans because I was thinking of that final push on Germany and the tension between who would arrive at Berlin first between the Americans and Russians, but you're right - there's a lot more potential for different sub-factions just with Germans and Russians, and it would make more sense to stick purely with the "Eastern Front" theme.
Sethos I appreciate you like the game, but the constant championing is a little tiresome. I said I understood why they probably went back to 2, which was me alluding to balancing issues. :)


Sethos I appreciate you like the game, but the constant championing is a little tiresome. I said I understood why they probably went back to 2, which was me alluding to balancing issues. :)

Put me on ignore then.

Also, if you felt that comment was 'championing' you are extremely sensitive.

True. I mentioned Americans because I was thinking of that final push on Germany and the tension between who would arrive at Berlin first between the Americans and Russians, but you're right - there's a lot more potential for different sub-factions just with Germans and Russians, and it would make more sense to stick purely with the "Eastern Front" theme.

Honestly though, it wouldn't bother me one bit if they added any of the other teams unrelated to the eastern front. While I like my historical accuracy, it just isn't super relevant in a highly competitive RTS.


Nothing is giving me trouble at the moment, per say. I just feel like my overall tactics are pretty generic and lacks the creative edge. Like a certain unit that is excellent at something, perhaps a vehicle that can turn the tide early on, what not to build and generally just find a tactic that works.

Right now I'm just a bit willy nilly, I haven't really found my go-to strategy and I haven't found my backup strategy either.

Also the little stuff that can change a battle or transform a unit. I remember the AT Halftrack in vCoH had an ability to increase the accuracy of the shot. That ability also made it a one-shot kill on infantry ... Something which would have been great to know a few months prior :p Just little stuff like that I also want to know.

However I am starting to like the Russians, they have some amazing units and the Guard Rifle are insane, especially against a German pushing out light vehicles. Also fallen in love with AT mines, especially in the last updated where they decreased the plant time.

Thanks man, will check it out.

Yea, these sorts of games just don't have a big following on GAF and it's a damn shame considering what they consider hardcore gaming. I thought about making a War Thunder OT but then realized it was going to be a waste of my time since no one here cares just like my DCS sale thread that was a ghost town even with the games being 50% off.

I'm more upset that I can't get COH2 at the moment since my $4,000 bill just finished off my bank account but I do enjoy coming in here from time to time. The game isn't perfect and people are allowed talking about its problems, but you know how negativity goes around here on GAF and it's even worse with a game that has little interest on here to begin with. The performance issues need to be ironed out for sure though.

I'm hoping to get someday to play the shit out of it and I can't wait to see where they go from here. I'd love more theaters of war focusing on the asymmetrical gameplay.


I wish the game ran decently on my 660. I'm averaging 40 FPS and it dips to the single digits whenever two units fire at each other. And this is on the lowest possible settings. I have 8GB of RAM and an AMD Phenom quad core with 3.4Ghz per core. Anyone know what it could be? I've tried the latest driver release as well as the beta drivers.


Yea, these sorts of games just don't have a big following on GAF and it's a damn shame considering what they consider hardcore gaming. I thought about making a War Thunder OT but then realized it was going to be a waste of my time since no one here cares just like my DCS sale thread that was a ghost town even with the games being 50% off.

I'm more upset that I can't get COH2 at the moment since my $4,000 bill just finished off my bank account but I do enjoy coming in here from time to time. The game isn't perfect and people are allowed talking about its problems, but you know how negativity goes around here on GAF and it's even worse with a game that has little interest on here to begin with.

I'm hoping to get someday to play the shit out of it and I can't wait to see where they go from here. I'd love more theaters of war focusing on the asymmetrical gameplay.

Yeah it really is a shame however you get used to it and you kind of get to know all the people playing the niche games. However it just becomes annoying when a niche game thread is suddenly inundated with irrelevant stuff, the usual GAF doom and gloom, weird conclusions and nothing concerning the game -- Especially because the negative in niche thread would quickly outweigh the positive. Then I tend to just be that annoying defender guy.

And yes, I was in a similar situation. I had pre-ordered the game but had a heap of bills this months which would put me at exactly 0 on the balance. So the prospect of a CoH 2 CE edition being charged was worrying me. Then I realized they withdraw the money when you order it, luckily. ( Also against our law but whatever :p )

Although, when you get the game let me know. We can do some comp stomps, ToW co-op or whatever you feel like.

I wish the game ran decently on my 660. I'm averaging 40 FPS and it dips to the single digits whenever two units fire at each other. And this is on the lowest possible settings. I have 8GB of RAM and an AMD Phenom quad core with 3.4Ghz per core. Anyone know what it could be? I've tried the latest driver release as well as the beta drivers.

Welcome to the club. Sadly the game is suffering from optimization issues, especially for Nvidia users and turning down the settings seems to do very little. I did hear AA could be quite a hog, so try turning that off completely and add some SMAA via injector or FXAA via Nvidia Inspector.


I wish the game ran decently on my 660. I'm averaging 40 FPS and it dips to the single digits whenever two units fire at each other. And this is on the lowest possible settings. I have 8GB of RAM and an AMD Phenom quad core with 3.4Ghz per core. Anyone know what it could be? I've tried the latest driver release as well as the beta drivers.

Turning off the AA completely did wonders for my GTX 570.

I hope that Nvidia will release some beta drivers for the game next week.


Now I'm stating a cold fact, NeoGAF in general doesn't care about these games. What happened to the Wargame threads? Oh another military RTS game with barely any activity. Look at the ArmA 3 threads, nothing. Oh look at the DCS threads, dead. Oh look at the flight sim threads, dead. Oh look at the Men of War threads? Barely any activity.

DCS and Men of War are pretty damn bad. Arma 3 isn't even out yet unless you were a big enough fan to pay for beta access. Regardless, it's a niche game tarnished by the roughness of its predecessors.
DCS and Men of War are pretty damn bad. Arma 3 isn't even out yet unless you were a big enough fan to pay for beta access. Regardless, it's a niche game tarnished by the roughness of its predecessors.
Woah hold on...you are like the first person to say Men of War is bad that I've seen (of those who've played it - assuming you have). It even rated highly critically.

/MoW plug


DCS and Men of War are pretty damn bad.



I tried the tactic the game tells you (lure into mines) and when that failed I tried again and realized you can just dance your 3 conscript squads around a house and endlessly chuck AT grenades for an easy kill.

I'm getting really tired of playing missions that have a "defend these choke points" objective and then the Germans zerg one point and kill what you have there before you can send your other defenders to help. Other than that I'm enjoying the singleplayer.

I'll have to try it out, didn't that take a really long time?


Hail to the KING baby
I am trying to decide between this and a proper xcom run. How is the SP campaign? As good as the original?


Neo Member
Played my first game with friends (3v3 comp stomp, standard, VP with 1k points). We got annihilated for 80% of it then managed to hold 2 VP's, then rushed the 3rd and held off to win 0-5 points left by base rushing!

Have to agree the game is more of the same having played hundreds of hours of vCoH. Graphics are a little better, I do like the level system with unlocks, models for Germans are nearly the same but that's expected. Haven't played enough to judge the gameplay but seems more fast paced and chaotic.
Put me on ignore then.

Also, if you felt that comment was 'championing' you are extremely sensitive.

haha ok. It was more an observation that you reply to every slightly negative post with a defensive rebuttal. You have nearly 4x as many posts than the next highest poster already.

You say you want discussions, but you seemingly try your best to correct and degrade (calling them babies for example) anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as yourself.
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