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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread


So is moonwalking harder in PM or am I just completely awful? Or maybe I'm not doing it right. Feels bad to try to do it for like 20 straight minutes and not even get a little wimpy one.

Need to try it in Melee and fail spectacularly there too.

I actually think moonwalking is easier in PM. I'm not sure if it's just a placebo effect, but I can get better and longer moonwalks more often in PM than Melee.

Last year I would practice moonwalking on FD almost every day for a while until I got it. It just takes some getting used too. Try doing it from a dashdance.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, progress is progress.

Can get a little backwards slide/momentum, more consistent going right. No steps or much distance at all, and it doesn't seem to be enough momentum to even transfer to anything. The backwards jump distance still seems to be the standard jump length without momentum.


Unconfirmed Member
Dash left/right, then move the stick to the opposite bottom corner, then slide it up to the center notch on that side.


Probably just need get faster. I was definitely getting the moonwalk effect, just bare minimal distance. And since my focus was doing movement 2 on that as fast as possible I think I might have been doing 3 too slow and lost momentum there (sort of like how sticky walks work?)


Dash left/right, then move the stick to the opposite bottom corner, then slide it up to the center notch on that side.


Probably just need get faster. I was definitely getting the moonwalk effect, just bare minimal distance. And since my focus was doing movement 2 on that as fast as possible I think I might have been doing 3 too slow and lost momentum there (sort of like how sticky walks work?)

Wow, thanks for posting that image. I've been struggling with moon walking for a while and I totally get why now.



Dash left/right, then move the stick to the opposite bottom corner, then slide it up to the center notch on that side.


Probably just need get faster. I was definitely getting the moonwalk effect, just bare minimal distance. And since my focus was doing movement 2 on that as fast as possible I think I might have been doing 3 too slow and lost momentum there (sort of like how sticky walks work?)
It's pretty much one fluid motion. Do 3 quickly, but then hold there for a second to keep pulling that way.

The really tricky part for me is try to go back from 3 to 1 for successive moon walks. Feels easier in PM though. If you're trying in Melee, I'd say start off with Link or M2. Their's isn't as long as Falcon's, but seems easier to notice/do.

Azure J

Dash left/right, then move the stick to the opposite bottom corner, then slide it up to the center notch on that side.


Probably just need get faster. I was definitely getting the moonwalk effect, just bare minimal distance. And since my focus was doing movement 2 on that as fast as possible I think I might have been doing 3 too slow and lost momentum there (sort of like how sticky walks work?)

You know for all the stuff I know about Melee/PM, it's funny that moonwalking is something completely missing out of my repertoire. Guess I'll try to learn it for learning's sake too.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, thanks for posting that image. I've been struggling with moon walking for a while and I totally get why now.


I'm glad a scrub like me was able to help somebody with something!

Once I can use the CRT this morning I'm going to jump back on and practice more. Maybe with some different characters too.


Bad Moon Rising should be going live in about two hours. Pretty solid bracket. http://challonge.com/BMRfinalbracket

Look for Twitch.tv/kneedeepgaming
You know for all the stuff I know about Melee/PM, it's funny that moonwalking is something completely missing out of my repertoire. Guess I'll try to learn it for learning's sake too.
If you're missing something, moonwalking is a good thing to lack. It's not too useful lol.


Unconfirmed Member
My first attempt of the morning was a slick moonwalk that actually took a step!

Unfortunately it has been the only one though, rest are about the same as yesterday, only going about 1/4 the distance backwards as his minimum dash length.

Also practicing retreating SHFFL nair (this is kind of hard too, lot of accidental bairs) and jump cancel grabs because I've never really bothered to implement that (this is easy!). And shield stops, but not much, I'll work on that once I have some other stuff down.

One of these days, ONE OF THESE DAYS, I will learn to short hop consistently without random full jumps when I don't want them.

Edit: Links moonwalk seems easier for some reason. I'm going slightly further than with Falcon, but he moves slower so it seems like it lasts longer.

Not much luck with Mewtwo, about the same as Falcon.

Heck, I can already do multiple moonwalks in a row with Link, though he doesn't really gain much distance in either direction. More like walking in place.

Editedit: Wait I think I'm getting it. So the entire motion needs to be really fast. Including getting out of the initial dash. That is where my problem is. I'm not moving the stick to the other side fast enough so there isn't enough momentum being conserved to get significant distance.

Feel kind of dumb just now realizing that, but it clicked for me after doing better with Link. Doing slightly better with Falcon too now that I'm actively trying to get out of the dash input faster.
I spent some time learning competitive Melee, but I wasn't making huge progress, and I wasn't in a place where I could go and actually compete, so it petered off. I was making decent progress learning Peach and Sheik, and against my friends who were also practicing, I did pretty well (though I was the worst of the three). I kind of miss it and now that I can practice, there's no one around who plays it no more. Sad days


why is PPMD not in singles?
He didn't feel ready to enter. Not a registration issue and he didn't get knocked out in pools (lol) or anything like that.

I kind of miss it and now that I can practice, there's no one around who plays it no more.

Where do you live? If you're on either coast, chances are there are people playing near you. Only some remote parts of the midwest and south don't have Melee scenes.
He didn't feel ready to enter. Not a registration issue and he didn't get knocked out in pools (lol) or anything like that.

Where do you live? If you're on either coast, chances are there are people playing near you. Only some remote parts of the midwest and south don't have Melee scenes.

Northwest Minnesota. I mean there might be some place in Fargo to go, but AFAIK, the closest place to go is Wisconsin.
Wow, that is really something.

the best part is that it's literally fearmongering ("oh man, what if Smash 4 at Evo turns out to be totally shit"), which:
1. isn't likely to happen to begin with (really, what's the worst that could happen?
inb4 every match goes to time and the crowd starts a Marvel chant
2. nobody will buy that explanation if, somehow, Smash 4's showing at Evo actually is terrible, largely because the difference between 5 and 6 minute timers is indeed severely overexaggerated
3. as long as the scene remains active, it should not even matter, unless you easily get salty over internet comments

if I didn't know better (i.e. how dumb some people are), I'd think it was some Melee dude concern trolling Smash 4, but no, some people actually do believe that

OT: will Kentucky go 40-0 ;)


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck plup is dropping samus :(


why are all the best ____ players dropping their mains for top tiers? first hax, then shroomed, then armada, now plup. god damn it.

I predict s2j will pick up fox next. then wobbles.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck plup is dropping samus :(


why are all the best ____ players dropping their mains for top tiers? first hax, then shroomed, then armada, now plup. god damn it.

I predict s2j will pick up fox next. then wobbles.

I'm just glad it's not spacies or Marth, at least with Sheik we could see even more crazy meta advancement and new blood like with Shroomed.

His Samus will be missed though. ;__;7

I honestly think S2J will only switch when he starts to really feel the limits of his character like Hax. Wobbles will always be IC's though, he has to do it for the crowd. D:


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck plup is dropping samus :(


why are all the best ____ players dropping their mains for top tiers? first hax, then shroomed, then armada, now plup. god damn it.

I predict s2j will pick up fox next. then wobbles.

Doesn't samus have a good matchup against fox, hopefully he'll keep her around for him so we can see her more.


So happy to see PP hyped for his bro. I don't know if I've ever seen him that visibly excited before. <3 those guys.

I feel like I'll have to go rewatch the whole tournament, since Kevin and Yay on commentary seems like it'll be too good.

Doesn't samus have a good matchup against fox, hopefully he'll keep her around for him so we can see her more.
Literally no one has a good matchup vs Fox. Samus loses it for sure. Marth and Fox (and maybe Falco) at least have even Fox matchups though.

I was a little sad to see Plup going with Sheik, but wow his Sheik is great. So was DruggedFox's.

Did you guys catch the Colbol vs Wizzrobe set? Amazing stuff.
I watched Twitch lose to Colbol at Apex this year, which was a really hype off stream match so seeing Twitch beat Colbol twice was extremely exciting and satisfying. Love seeing the "new generation" come into prominence as it expands the depth of the game even further. I'm hoping that the Nanneys decide to do some team play too as it would be really cool to see brothers tear through brackets like Armada and Android!
I watched Twitch lose to Colbol at Apex this year, which was a really hype off stream match so seeing Twitch beat Colbol twice was extremely exciting and satisfying. Love seeing the "new generation" come into prominence as it expands the depth of the game even further. I'm hoping that the Nanneys decide to do some team play too as it would be really cool to see brothers tear through brackets like Armada and Android!

Apex 2020 Melee singles grand finals: Twitch vs Android



I knew Twitch was capable of doing it, but I didn't really think he would do it twice. After the first set, I was thinking Colbol would have won if not for SDs. The second set, other than giving away game 1 with Marth, both seemed to be playing really well. Twitch is just that good. :) The hero we need!


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck plup is dropping samus :(


why are all the best ____ players dropping their mains for top tiers? first hax, then shroomed, then armada, now plup. god damn it.

I predict s2j will pick up fox next. then wobbles.

This makes me mad. Especially if this is a choice because he was losing. Maybe the solution is to just play better and make less mistakes? Hopefully he keeps his Samus around. I wish more people would keep trying to push their characters (and themselves) rather than jump ship. Plup and many others have shown that Samus is quite a capable character. Sure you may need to pick up another character for certain match ups, but who doesn't have multiple characters at this point?

This makes me mad. Especially if this is a choice because he was losing. Maybe the solution is to just play better and make less mistakes? Hopefully he keeps his Samus around. I wish more people would keep trying to push their characters (and themselves) rather than jump ship. Plup and many others have shown that Samus is quite a capable character. Sure you may need to pick up another character for certain match ups, but who doesn't have multiple characters at this point?


Leffen and Hungrybox? :p


RIP Melee/Smash 4 /s


I would honestly hate a meta where Yoshi is at all common. In any Smash Bros game.

Though aMSa is great, and I always enjoy seeing him play.

Azure J

don't do this in smash 4 threads

I made this thread for a reason!

People shouldn't do it in general! How hard is it to silently accept the difference in two games knowing that others prefer one style and check out what you prefer more?

It's just simple etiquette.

Fuck you. Yoshi is great.

He kinda has a point regarding Smash 4 though, Yoshi is being slept on badly. It's kinda reminding me of early Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3:

Diddy is to the darkest WESKERRRRRR as Yoshi is to "will probably only be top 15 at best" Vergil.


People shouldn't do it in general! How hard is it to silently accept the difference in two games knowing that others prefer one style and check out what you prefer more?

It's just simple etiquette.

He kinda has a point regarding Smash 4 though, Yoshi is being slept on badly. It's kinda reminding me of early Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3:

Diddy is to the darkest WESKERRRRRR as Yoshi is to "will probably only be top 15 at best" Vergil.
I feel like Yoshi's recovery sets him back a lot. In a game of great recoveries, Yoshi is a shockingly easy character to gimp. No doubt that he's being slept on, and his tools are pretty crazy, but I really can't fathom him ever becoming Smash 4's Vergil.


He kinda has a point regarding Smash 4 though, Yoshi is being slept on badly. It's kinda reminding me of early Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3:

Diddy is to the darkest WESKERRRRRR as Yoshi is to "will probably only be top 15 at best" Vergil.
Good or not, I just find him weird and annoying to fight. I think he's way underrated in Melee though (I think that's already been discussed in this thread).

Not saying he's not great though. :) Just that he confuses me.
I feel like Yoshi's recovery sets him back a lot. In a game of great recoveries, Yoshi is a shockingly easy character to gimp. No doubt that he's being slept on, and his tools are pretty crazy, but I really can't fathom him ever becoming Smash 4's Vergil.
In Smash 4, it seems like between super armor, egg toss, air dodge, and his aerial mobility, he has the tools to make it back most of the time. Most of the time I played against him, he could just float back no problem without even using the second jump.
I feel like Yoshi's recovery sets him back a lot. In a game of great recoveries, Yoshi is a shockingly easy character to gimp. No doubt that he's being slept on, and his tools are pretty crazy, but I really can't fathom him ever becoming Smash 4's Vergil.

I dunno Yoshi's recovery seems stronger than ever in 4, and I think that his up + B tricks to recover haven't been explored much so far. I like Yoshi's uniqueness in Smash but I really struggle to control that character. Also using air dodge to recover as Yoshi is pretty weird not to have in 4 for me.


Oh yeah, I'm not saying Yoshi's recovery is bad or anything, and eggs can mix it up a lot, but all I feel like is that it's a good recovery in a game with amazing ones. Yoshi below the stage is a lot more disadvantaged than most other characters because of how conservative he needs to be his jump. It sets his off-stage play back a bit.


don't do this in smash 4 threads

I made this thread for a reason!

It's unavoidable because this thread isn't posted in as much unless there's a tournament going on or someone is looking for advice/tips to improve.

That said, this weekend is Final Round 18... but there'll probably be an OT for it considering it'll encompass not just Smash but Tekken, SF, etc etc. But then I don't even know what the competition is like for Melee for FR...
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