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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread



What the fuck @ those rules


at least Japan loves Mew2King again

Moon's neonebulous losers run was fantastic to watch. Can't wait for him to keep getting better.

Moon's pretty solid. Only things I don't really like is that sometimes he falls into the same habits (tech-ing one direction all of the time) and this weekend he was very unaggressive in his edge guarding

Now Ryobeat though =) Good Peach good loser's run

How did you screw up against an IC's though....kept attacking their shield in front of them and making these super unsafe airdodges


I want to see Axe (or anyone else really) pull off that falco firebird edgeguard, except in a situation where it's optimal.

Would be so hype.


Smash 4 hit ~3.5k in the end? dunno

Melee was at least double that, it's higher than PM is right now

Smash 4 was around 3.6K I think. Melee was around 7.5K, and PM is around 4.5K.

Melee had the benefit of Clash Tournaments hosting Tourney Locator when Smash 4 ended though.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally info on PM 3.6. Can update that OT I've been waiting to post for a few months.

Bowser's caslte looks great visually, but I don't like the layout as much as the "unofficial" one. Can't really complain though, theirs is more true to the Mario series.


This looks fantastic and definitely thread-worthy. I do prefer the style of the original Saffron City but I guess the remake tries to portray how the city actually looks in the Pokémon games. The new Peach's Castle looks great!


Media Create Maven
I've kind of wondered whether it'd make sense for the PM devs to invest in making their own game instead of just doing PM. I feel like PM is always going to be in this odd legal position anyhow, and clearly these devs are pretty talented in how they mod Brawl already. I figure if Sony can blatantly copy Smash Bros and get away with it, indies could get away with something similar. Anyways, was it just me or the Bowser stage's lava looked off for some reason? Everything else looked good though.


I've kind of wondered whether it'd make sense for the PM devs to invest in making their own game instead of just doing PM. I feel like PM is always going to be in this odd legal position anyhow, and clearly these devs are pretty talented in how they mod Brawl already. I figure if Sony can blatantly copy Smash Bros and get away with it, indies could get away with something similar. Anyways, was it just me or the Bowser stage's lava looked off for some reason? Everything else looked good though.
Making your own game is a lot harder than using an existing engine, existing assets, and existing data. Not to mention that a lot of the appeal of Smash, whether casual or competitive, is simply the allure of playing as Nintendo characters. Trying to sell (for a given use of the term) a Smash-alike without Fox, Marth, Mario, or whoever is going to be inherently harder to do than having them.


From what I've seen from the PMDT, they have no desire to make a smash-alike.
These are dudes who stuck with the game/series for decades plus plus and loved it for lifetimes.
They don't want to make a ripoff, they just want to give back something to Smash by culminating mechanics and balance they love from the entire series into one platform.


I've kind of wondered whether it'd make sense for the PM devs to invest in making their own game instead of just doing PM. I feel like PM is always going to be in this odd legal position anyhow, and clearly these devs are pretty talented in how they mod Brawl already. I figure if Sony can blatantly copy Smash Bros and get away with it, indies could get away with something similar. Anyways, was it just me or the Bowser stage's lava looked off for some reason? Everything else looked good though.

Aside from how hard it would be to create a game like this from the ground-up and Nintendo franchises being the games' primary appeal - how would they even go about that? This is not a small indie-like team. Literally hundreds of people from all around the world have contributed to the project. Many have come and gone. How would they set up a company and divide profits, based on that?

The voluntary basis is what makes Project M and other impressive non-commercial community-made efforts like Black Mesa possible in the first place.


Media Create Maven
Aside from how hard it would be to create a game like this from the ground-up and Nintendo franchises being the games' primary appeal - how would they even go about that? This is not a small indie-like team. Literally hundreds of people from all around the world have contributed to the project. Many have come and gone. How would they set up a company and divide profits, based on that?

The voluntary basis is what makes Project M and other impressive non-commercial community-made efforts like Black Mesa possible in the first place.

Ah I didn't realize it was volunteer based. That's pretty cool then.


Posted this in the FGW thread, should post it here too.

There's a random tournament at UCI that has a $10,000 pot bonus for Melee. WTF. I never heard of this tournament.

League of Legends: $10,000
Super Smash Bros. Melee: $10,000
Dota 2: $3,000
StarCraft: $3,000
Hearthstone: $2,000
CS GO: $2,000

Why does this tournament have Melee with prize pool than Dota 2, StarCraft, Hearthstone or CS GO?
It's at the Bren Events Center on May 8-9th.

Melee is eSports now.


anyway upcoming major tournaments? isn't NCR supposed to be this weekend, though I dunno if it will have a big Melee turnout


Smash 4 hit ~3.5k in the end? dunno

Melee was at least double that, it's higher than PM is right now

Awareness/hype has a lot to do with it. Most people only enjoy watching Smash 4 casually i.e some Twitch streamer who plays on For Glory and talks to the chat or something akin to ZeRo's Youtube content.

I linked the tourney in the Smash 4 thread and no one seemed interested at all, I think most people only are willing to watch EVO, CEO, MLG, Apex, etc. A majority of the people watching the Aftershock stream were probably people who watch Smash 4 at Xanadu too.

Really sucks that Apex and it's super defensive playstyle and fucking the bracket up soured so many people's initial opinions, but I have hope everything will sort itself out in the future. Looking at ZeRo's playstyle and how he is definitely more aggressive than defensive in Smash 4 is a pretty good example of how I and many others think Smash 4's meta will evolve into, especially considering he looks like he is a few months if a not a year ahead of everyone else based on his grip on the game.

Basically as long as people play the game and love playing it a scene will form.
Awareness/hype has a lot to do with it. Most people only enjoy watching Smash 4 casually i.e some Twitch streamer who plays on For Glory and talks to the chat or something akin to ZeRo's Youtube content.

I linked the tourney in the Smash 4 thread and no one seemed interested at all, I think most people only are willing to watch EVO, CEO, MLG, Apex, etc. A majority of the people watching the Aftershock stream were probably people who watch Smash 4 at Xanadu too.

Really sucks that Apex and it's super defensive playstyle and fucking the bracket up soured so many people's initial opinions, but I have hope everything will sort itself out in the future. Looking at ZeRo's playstyle and how he is definitely more aggressive than defensive in Smash 4 is a pretty good example of how I and many others think Smash 4's meta will evolve into, especially considering he looks like he is a few months if a not a year ahead of everyone else based on his grip on the game.

Basically as long as people play the game and love playing it a scene will form.

eh like M2K in early Brawl, people will catch ZeRo eventually, and it's probably gonna be faster especially if Diddy does get nerfed

also look what I found while trying to search up a player


If it comes down to it, other things roughly equal, I'd almost always rather go to a Melee/Smash only tournament over a fighting game tournament that has Melee at it.

That's fair, just don't get mad if more FGW events don't host Melee though.
That's fair, just don't get mad if more FGW events don't host Melee though.


most of the other FGC subgroups (anime/NRS/Tekken mainly) would be better off getting out of Capcom's shadow too, but for whatever reason they don't have their own tournaments for the most part (in the US at least)

but that's a discussion for another time

edit: random, but imagine if Miiverse was picked at Evo and Miiverse comments were actually turned on and showed up during the match (I know it won't be because it didn't come out before the rules were finalized, but still)


Oh man, just finished hanging out with a new Melee player. He is really into Melee and has dreams of Melee becoming even bigger than it already is. His Falco was okay, good considering his lack of real opponent experience, but his devotion and ambition give me a lot of hope for the new generation of Melee players.

I'm excited to see where Melee will be in 5 years with a brand new batch of committed players.


OP is missing why the game got yanked from Evo in the first place.

It's important to remember the lessons of history.


New Project M trailer



I'm so glad the 64 mode is a real thing, I seem to remember it being hinted at a while back?

An option to remove airdodging and increase hitstun for the 64 mode would be so much fun.

E: also it looks like olimar has a new jetpack move?
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