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Competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee Discussion Thread


If you just watch some of the videos recommended above, specifically the Wak tutorial for more competitive moves, just play with people in your region or on gaf with netplay, and i'm sure they'd fill you in.

No, i mean i can't afford the game. I'm sure there's some other ways around it but I just wish Nintendo would release on VC for wii u


Amazingly, despite being the best selling game on the console, Melee is also one of the most valuable Gamecube games today, according to pricecharting.com

It goes for $55 on average on ebay today. Amusingly enough, the price spiked in November and December 2013. In October 2013, the average price was only $26.

Only 7 GC games are more valuable than Melee, and two of those (OOT Master Quest, Pokemon Box) didn't even get regular retail releases.


He just said he thinks PPMD's Marth is better than his against floaties. Interesting to hear him say that.

If he said anything else he'd be deluding himself. M2K's game is built on punishment, but he hasn't actually put in the effort to learn any of the new Marth-Floaties meta (like Kadano's throw followups for Marth-Puff), so PP can outperform him just by playing his pristine spacing/stage control game.


It's crazy how well aligned the stars were for Melee. The passion was always there, but it just needed a little help to get to where it was today.

Also the stories for each era of Melee has been great. For a game where random spectators and even top players complain about spacies, there's so many things changing and making Melee interesting. Lots of players being dethroned and characters being examined more because of certain players.

We've seen people complain about Puff, have Pikachu showing how scary he can be against spacies with momentum on his side, Marth matchups changing all the time, among other things.


Despite being destroyed at APEX, Chillindude has a history with the game and the competitive scene since pretty much the inception of the game, if anyone was interested in a bit more of the Smash Documentary, Chillin fills the gaps from his perspective of being at that time in each episode of the Doc.

Likewise, if people enjoy Wife, his commentary or his showing on the documentary and want to know more about him, he made a short free book about stuff that effected more than his smash career but also his life.
Video preview of the book.
Actual book to read.

In more current news:


Amazingly, despite being the best selling game on the console, Melee is also one of the most valuable Gamecube games today, according to pricecharting.com

It goes for $55 on average on ebay today. Amusingly enough, the price spiked in November and December 2013. In October 2013, the average price was only $26.

Only 7 GC games are more valuable than Melee, and two of those (OOT Master Quest, Pokemon Box) didn't even get regular retail releases.
One of those is the GOAT: Phantasy Star Online Ep 1 and 2 and the Plus expansion.


Great thread, Anth0ny! You did not disappoint. So blown away.

The Early Days (2001-2004)

Was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Sean (Forward) with his Smash face on in the first image. (center, mouth agap.) Brought back memories.

Me and him just recorded some footage of MvC3 players (including Angelic) learning how to play Melee for a concept called "Smash Fighter." Competitive Non-Smash players learn how to play Melee for the first time.

Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but let's hope so.


Me and him just recorded some footage of MvC3 players (including Angelic) learning how to play Melee for a concept called "Smash Fighter." Competitive Non-Smash players learn how to play Melee for the first time.

Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but let's hope so.

This sounds really entertaining.

What does the broader FGC think of SSBM these days, anyway? I remember hearing the widespread "party game" complaint even a couple years ago, but has that changed?

If he said anything else he'd be deluding himself. M2K's game is built on punishment, but he hasn't actually put in the effort to learn any of the new Marth-Floaties meta (like Kadano's throw followups for Marth-Puff), so PP can outperform him just by playing his pristine spacing/stage control game.

PPMD's neutral game with Marth is wonderful. So nice to watch.

It's interesting when I go back and watch matches from 2007 or 2008, and then watch matches today, and I can see how much smoother people's play looks. Not just that top players are doing much more difficult technical stuff, but there's also more fluency than there was before.


Gold Member
Very nice thread! All my friends got into Brawl and Brawl+, so I usually play those now, but I have some fond memories of melee. Nothing would get me so excited, that's for sure. Perhaps I'll get back into it in the future, but I live pretty far from any tournament players, so my game isn't what it used to be. I managed to make a room cheer once at anime portland, only to have a tournament player from Boston come by later with jigglypuff and spank me. Good times


This sounds really entertaining.

What does the broader FGC think of SSBM these days, anyway? I remember hearing the widespread "party game" complaint even a couple years ago, but has that changed?

A lot of the more well known names (Ultra David, James Chen, Justin Wong, Yipes, to name a few) seem to have a ton of respect for the game and its scene.

On the whole? The vibe I still get is it's seen as "not a real fighting game/kiddy shit/whens mahvel". You are never going to convince those people, though, so it's better to just ignore.

Also, why did Hax have to drop Falcon?



Azure J

You should also add Spooky to that list Anth0ny.

If he said anything else he'd be deluding himself. M2K's game is built on punishment, but he hasn't actually put in the effort to learn any of the new Marth-Floaties meta (like Kadano's throw followups for Marth-Puff), so PP can outperform him just by playing his pristine spacing/stage control game.

I honestly feel like PPMD plays Marth overall better than M2K. M2K Marth is about making you feel suicidal when you're offstage. PPMD's Marth is about making someone feel like they just want to jump offstage and die.

Sure some of this is just theory mode me going off, especially when M2K Marth is a higher order Marth, regardless of my thoughts on how PP plays the character, but I've always felt like the matchups Marth supposedly "lost" (Puff and Peach specifically) were based on old and somewhat outdated data from metas past.


Sure some of this is just theory mode me going off, especially when M2K Marth is a higher order Marth, regardless of my thoughts on how PP plays the character, but I've always felt like the matchups Marth supposedly "lost" (Puff and Peach specifically) were based on old and somewhat outdated data from metas past.

Nobody will tell you that Marth loses to Peach anymore. It's probably her hardest matchup after Fox and Puff, although lots of mid and even high-level Marths still struggle in it. Marth basically just wins the ground game too hard for Peach to get in on him, and Peach's low mobility makes her reliant on maintaining ground control.

Marth-Puff is more debatable, but Puff's historic advantage in that MU came from that she punished substantially harder, and with PewPewU showing that Kadano tech isn't too difficult to be practical by whipping it out against Hbox, the punishment gap is shrinking substantially. Marth has always done well in neutral, so that shift either brings the matchup to neutral or swings it into his favor.


This sounds really entertaining.

What does the broader FGC think of SSBM these days, anyway? I remember hearing the widespread "party game" complaint even a couple years ago, but has that changed?

I would say it has, that stigma definitely is still known, I think some hardcore SF or MvC fans will always feel that way, but for the most part the FGC community here in AZ seems to really appreciate Smash. It probably helps that our #2 Melee player would get top 5 in most MvC3 tournaments and was pretty decent in MvC2.

I think that earned him and Melee a lot of cred in this region.


Great thread, Anth0ny! You did not disappoint. So blown away.

Was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Sean (Forward) with his Smash face on in the first image. (center, mouth agap.) Brought back memories.

Me and him just recorded some footage of MvC3 players (including Angelic) learning how to play Melee for a concept called "Smash Fighter." Competitive Non-Smash players learn how to play Melee for the first time.

Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but let's hope so.

It would be really interesting to see other prominant FGC players in other games take a crack at smash just to telegraph how they feel about the controls, the whole make your combo system and fox of course.


Great OP man. I've been an off and on follower of the scene (specially during the big tourneys), so I don't really know the full story, so your post helped me fill a lot of details.
Also, dat Armada-Leffen @ Paragon 2015.


What does the broader FGC think of SSBM these days, anyway? I remember hearing the widespread "party game" complaint even a couple years ago, but has that changed?

How anyone could see what modern SSBM competitive play is, or watch the Smash documentary and not be convinced that it's a fighting game worth playing/watching is beyond me. Anyone sticking to the party game or glitches talk doesn't know what they're talking about and has no power to hurt SSBM's scene.


Supposedly Armadas going to be at McSmashter. If I wasn't so busy with school I might have went, since my bro goes to uni there.

Was pleasantly surprised to see my friend Sean (Forward) with his Smash face on in the first image. (center, mouth agap.) Brought back memories.

Me and him just recorded some footage of MvC3 players (including Angelic) learning how to play Melee for a concept called "Smash Fighter." Competitive Non-Smash players learn how to play Melee for the first time.

Not sure if it will ever see the light of day, but let's hope so.

sounds cool, I'll be sure to give it a watch if it comes out.

Azure J

How anyone could see what modern SSBM competitive play is, or watch the Smash documentary and not be convinced that it's a fighting game worth playing/watching is beyond me. Anyone sticking to the party game or glitches talk doesn't know what they're talking about and has no power to hurt SSBM's scene.

It's been a really good 4 or so years lately that even while these things continue to get said or find themselves enter conversations regarding Melee's meta game, a lot more folks have seemingly moved on beyond vehement hatred for the idea of discussing/watching Smash and are now actively taking looks into what makes the game tick and finding that it's a really novel entry in the fighting game genre.


RE: FGC's opinion on Smash.

I feel like Evo 2013 was a real turning point for this. The game was still getting a bunch of hate while the fundraiser was going on. A common sentiment was that Skullgirls and Smash fans were throwing money at this thing, one to gain legitimacy and one to gain popularity, and neither would get what they were after even if they won.

If the game wasn't respected before that $90+K and largest showing at the time, it certainly was afterwards. It had the viewer count, the comebacks, the hype, and some of the most competent commentators in all of video games helping you follow along even if you'd never played the game.


Supposedly Armadas going to be at McSmashter. If I wasn't so busy with school I might have went, since my bro goes to uni there.

sounds cool, I'll be sure to give it a watch if it comes out.

fuck I could so go to this if I wasn't bombarded with essays and midterms :(


Sup guys. I saw how easy it was for the Tohou Smash guys to make a Smash clone in Unity (took them about 6 months IIRC) so I'm thinking about doing one myself as a fun project (using Brawl models & animations). Would anyone be interested in working on it with me?
Hype for McSmashter! I hope that M2K still decides to attend some of the larger tournaments despite what he says. I'll watch anything involving Armada though haha.


If you guys live in AZ or are close to Arizona you may want to enter our tournament in April.

Here's the info

PC Chris

It will feature Melee, PM and Smash 4.

I'll be entering Melee Singles, Smash 4 Singles and Smash 4 doubles. It's shaping up to be a pretty big tournament.


I just finished reading the whole thing. I also watched the first 2 hours of the Smash Bros Documentary. This is deep. I am liking it.

From the documentary:
ISAI's personality is interesting. He does great during doubles and not always in singles. He deserve a full movie similar to King of Kong.
I just finished reading the whole thing. I also watched the first 2 hours of the Smash Bros Documentary. This is deep. I am liking it.

From the documentary:
ISAI's personality is interesting. He does great during doubles and not always in singles. He deserve a full movie similar to King of Kong.

Isai has always been fascinating to me, which all started when me and some friends found videos of his 64 play which changed how we played completely. When he was dominant in his prime and wanted to win he was on another level completely, it's too bad he lost interest in Melee because he had amazing potential.


So MIOM's going to be doing a new series on Twitch that I think could really help people get into Melee (understanding the why's and how's to certain things).

Read here

It sounds really neat, I hope it goes well.
If you guys live in AZ or are close to Arizona you may want to enter our tournament in April.

Here's the info

PC Chris

It will feature Melee, PM and Smash 4.

I'll be entering Melee Singles, Smash 4 Singles and Smash 4 doubles. It's shaping up to be a pretty big tournament.

I look forward to Armada and Zero winning Melee and Smash 4 respectively


I look forward to Armada and Zero winning Melee and Smash 4 respectively

I dunno, Axe beat M2K last time he was here, not sure how well Axe usually does against Armada though. Either way, don't count Axe out.

Zero actually makes Smash 4 entertaining for me. He has such clear dominance over other players that I appreciate watching it.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
A lot of the more well known names (Ultra David, James Chen, Justin Wong, Yipes, to name a few) seem to have a ton of respect for the game and its scene.

On the whole? The vibe I still get is it's seen as "not a real fighting game/kiddy shit/whens mahvel". You are never going to convince those people, though, so it's better to just ignore.

Also, why did Hax have to drop Falcon?




don't ever pick fox again

white marth forever


I dunno, Axe beat M2K last time he was here, not sure how well Axe usually does against Armada though. Either way, don't count Axe out.

Zero actually makes Smash 4 entertaining for me. He has such clear dominance over other players that I appreciate watching it.
I think I've seen Axe play a solid set vs Armada before. At Evo maybe? Loser's finals will probably be the hype part though. Axe can definitely take down M2K.

Zero in Smash 4 reminds me of M2K in Brawl's early days. Just clearly the best. The fun part is when someone comes along and starts beating him, eventually.


Subbed. Any good Dr. Mario gifs? He's my main. I'm good but not pro-good, and would like to see how the pros play as him.


Subbed. Any good Dr. Mario gifs? He's my main. I'm good but not pro-good, and would like to see how the pros play as him.

Although he's switched to Sheik now, Shroomed is probably still the best Doc out there. Check out any games with him, he regularly destroyed pretty high ranked players.


Subbed. Any good Dr. Mario gifs? He's my main. I'm good but not pro-good, and would like to see how the pros play as him.
Basically, look for "Shroomed" on Youtube. Also, HomeMadeWaffles. Both have switched now to other characters though, so you might need to look for older results. Fake edit: Actually, don't use just Youtube, try on vods.co for Doc matches too.


Neo Member
Thanks for making the topic Anth0ny.

So I've been watching Melee for a long time and know the game pretty well on the theory side of things, but I've never had opponents to play in my area so while I know some tech skill, I can't apply it. But once exams are over I'd like to start via netplay. Are there any Ontario Melee netplay players here that mind beating the bad out of me?
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