The top 10 selections are either fairly obvious and non-political selections (Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, Mao) or examples of a standard social conservative agenda (The Kinsey Report, The Feminine Mystique). But the honorable mentions are more interesting:
The top 10 selections are either fairly obvious and non-political selections (Mein Kampf, The Communist Manifesto, Mao) or examples of a standard social conservative agenda (The Kinsey Report, The Feminine Mystique). But the honorable mentions are more interesting:
Honorable Mention
These books won votes from two or more judges:
The Population Bomb
by Paul Ehrlich
Score: 22
What Is To Be Done
by V.I. Lenin
Score: 20
Authoritarian Personality
by Theodor Adorno
Score: 19
On Liberty
by John Stuart Mill
Score: 18
Beyond Freedom and Dignity
by B.F. Skinner
Score: 18
Reflections on Violence
by Georges Sorel
Score: 18
The Promise of American Life
by Herbert Croly
Score: 17
Origin of the Species
by Charles Darwin
Score: 17
Madness and Civilization
by Michel Foucault
Score: 12
Soviet Communism: A New Civilization
by Sidney and Beatrice Webb
Score: 12
Coming of Age in Samoa
by Margaret Mead
Score: 11
Unsafe at Any Speed
by Ralph Nader
Score: 11
Second Sex
by Simone de Beauvoir
Score: 10
Prison Notebooks
by Antonio Gramsci
Score: 10
Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson
Score: 9
Wretched of the Earth
by Frantz Fanon
Score: 9
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
by Sigmund Freud
Score: 9
The Greening of America
by Charles Reich
Score: 9
The Limits to Growth
by Club of Rome
Score: 4
Descent of Man
by Charles Darwin
Score: 2