This looks like a PS4 screenshot thread![]()
I think its just cos most of us dont have capture cards, so its just easy to grab something from PS4 or WiiU. I'm sure when the Xbox One gets a screenshot feature we will see loads more Xbox One shots than we are getting now.
WTF? Is this actually in the game, some sort of joke level?
WTF? Is this actually in the game, some sort of joke level?
Is the game not 1080p?
Is the game not 1080p?
You should read the OP. Game title + platform is required for you posts. Even when it's obvious.
Someone needs the slap BioWare (and/or DICE) with a shiny glove. Everything is wet. EVERYTHING. Why. It makes no sense. I've seen pics of even sand or rocks being wet. IN A DESERT. It looks completely ridiculous, like some early gen UE3 nonsense.
Well, it's wet there as Storm Coast is a rainy area, as shown in the outdoor pics on my post. IIRC, the caves in the Hinterlands didn't look the same, but I don't have any screenshots of them. This one in Haven is the only indoor capture I have from the other areas.
I know it's not literally everywhere but I've seen enough shots now with random out-of-place shininess that made me lost me hat with that post![]()
It's an amazing game. You won't regret it.Every post you make of this game continuously piques my interest. I think I'll grab this in the next two months.
It's in CrestwoodIs that cave the one in Storm Coast?
I didn't find a way inside last night.
It's in Crestwood
Love all the Dragon Age shots even if the game is dominating the thread. I'm not sure it looks as good in motion, but close (I have it for the PS4).
Would love more Far Cry, LittleBig, or Super Smash if anyone can do it.
Booooo!My brother sold our Wii U so no 1080p Smash pics or any other Wii U game for a while, don't know when I'll get another one.