Question, is it possible for some monitors/computers to automatically remove aliasing from images? When ever I use my laptop from work on office monitors, all Mario Kart 8 shots suddenly become really smooth and Jaggyless.
How do you take XBO screens??
Capture card.How do you take XBO screens?? ._.
Ahhhh. I need to get on that. Quoting myself from another thread.Capture card.
Joining the legion of redhead female elves. Made sure that the eyes were almost the same shade of green as the rift.
How did you get up there!!!
You just reminded me to make a redhead elf when I get the game.Ahhhh. I need to get on that. Quoting myself from another thread.
Love the detail in this game's face.
Your laptop has a higher PPI than whatever other screen you are viewing screenshots of the game on. The higher the PPI of a screen, the less aliased an image will look when viewed at 100% size.
This game is excellent. [Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker]
This game is excellent. [Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker]
definitely a great game,
I thought this was a cut scene when it started stood around for a few seconds waiting for something to happen before I realized I had to move him
![]()[IMG][/quote]Love the way they did her hair, wish that hair isn't massively downgraded when the game switched back to gameplay from a cutscene.
[quote="nbnt, post: 142195615"][IMG][IMG][/QUOTE]Nice shot.
[quote="23qwerty, post: 142258411"]Woah her hair looks really good there, that's ingame?[/QUOTE]In-engine cutscene, it's not ingame.
Does TombRaidert have Photo Mode?
Love the way they did her hair, wish that hair isn't massively downgraded when the game switched back to gameplay from a cutscene.
Nice shot.
In-engine cutscene, it's not ingame.
All cutscenes are realtime except for the ending cutscene.I thought the cutscenes were realtime since you can customize your character's clothing?