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Cooking GAF: OT


Another wild mushroom lasagne (chantereles, fall chantereles, thornies, and coliflower chanterele in it).


Cant get much better than this. And, its nice to know that a single slice at a restaurant would run in the hundreds.. :p
That looks delicious are those green olives I see in there?


Keep the bottle the oil came in and when it's cooled down pour it in there with a funnel and throw it in the trash.

Yeah... but always felt bad about throwing out the plastic bottle with the trash.
Perhaps I should consult with the local recycling center. I know my next town does allow, but don't think my town's recycling center (much smaller) allows it.. but will see.
How do you dispose frying oil? I've been filtering it as best as I can up to 3 times, but after that - I use bunch of newspaper & let it absorb, and put it into smaller trash bag & dispose... but not really sure if it's a good way to do so.
I've seen some people just dump it on sink drain, which.. can't be good for the drain & environment... no?

I have a compost box down the backyard tucked away. I dump old oil in the soil there, great for our vegie garden.


I think I perfected my chickpea curry yesterday. Only the second time trying my hand at it, but I got a better consistency this time, and it was healthier (I think). Pretty simple to make. No spices that are difficult to find at a regular grocery store, even in a country town like mine.

This is actually a pic of the first batch I made a few weeks ago. It was really delicious, but it had a thinner consistency than what I wanted. This time I used less liquid from the organic beans, and used Fage yogurt instead of coconut milk. Very happy with it. The only oil I used was a tsp. of olive oil to saute the onions and garlic. Otherwise, it's just pretty much tomatoes, beans (I mixed lentils and chickpeas this time), spices, yogurt and fresh spinach. I also use half the salt the recipe calls for. Absolutely delicious and pretty guilt-free.
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I haven't had any luck replicating some of my favorite foods using an airfryer , but it makes for a damn good chicken wing machine.

Please post your results.
Been enjoying it so far,made a pretty good roast chicken. No results left to show but thats probably a good thing right


My air fryer broke and I am looking to replace it. I am leaning towards one that is a toaster oven, any suggestions?
Our son took some initiative today and wanted to cook for the family dinner. His effort was this -
  • Selected a recipe on his own
  • Went shopping with me and chose his ingredients vs what we had at home
  • We bought a whole chicken, cheaper and he thought about future meals and cost
  • Prepared the chicken breasts and separated the wings and thighs
  • He kept all the carcass and simmered his own chicken stock
  • We still have wings and legs in the fridge
  • Cooked the recipe with my help
So he chose Tuscan Chicken Pasta with sundried tomatoes and spinach, we added diced onion to the recipe and he whisked milk and flour so no cream required.

It was super delicious and he and the misses had seconds too. Here's the resulting meal.


Proud dad here, he's 12. Next time he wants to add kalamata olives.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Making a big old pot of turkey chili today.

Onions and garlic sweated in olive oil, seasoned simply with salt & pepper. Then some ground turkey until almost cooked through

In went some chicken broth, bell pepper, corn, and the first round of seasoning (cumin, chili, paprika, red cayenne pepper), fired gently until peppers were softened a bit

Finally in went my last two (edit: five - why the hell did I type two?) tomatoes (steamed and peeled then diced), some tomato sauce, kidney beans, and the second round of seasoning to taste

Time to let this baby simmer, checking in every once in a while, as I get back to some Halo Infinite.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Making a big old pot of turkey chili today.

Onions and garlic sweated in olive oil, seasoned simply with salt & pepper. Then some ground turkey until almost cooked through

In went some chicken broth, bell pepper, corn, and the first round of seasoning (cumin, chili, paprika, red cayenne pepper), fired gently until peppers were softened a bit

Finally in went my last two (edit: five - why the hell did I type two?) tomatoes (steamed and peeled then diced), some tomato sauce, kidney beans, and the second round of seasoning to taste

Time to let this baby simmer, checking in every once in a while, as I get back to some Halo Infinite.


I've really gotten into Sous Vide lately, I like my meat rare/medium rare and just being able to have it done through perfectly from top to bottom is such a huge thing to me.
This is Bison Rump Roast with Brussel Sprouts and Sauteed Mushrooms.



Our son took some initiative today and wanted to cook for the family dinner. His effort was this -
  • Selected a recipe on his own
  • Went shopping with me and chose his ingredients vs what we had at home
  • We bought a whole chicken, cheaper and he thought about future meals and cost
  • Prepared the chicken breasts and separated the wings and thighs
  • He kept all the carcass and simmered his own chicken stock
  • We still have wings and legs in the fridge
  • Cooked the recipe with my help
So he chose Tuscan Chicken Pasta with sundried tomatoes and spinach, we added diced onion to the recipe and he whisked milk and flour so no cream required.

It was super delicious and he and the misses had seconds too. Here's the resulting meal.


Proud dad here, he's 12. Next time he wants to add kalamata olives.
Great parenting.

And thread saved from that abomination haxan7 haxan7 posted.


My first attempt at smoking some sausages. What do you guys think

I'm no...

Ummm... errrrr... Are they weird used teabags on the left? And the right is... frostbitten penes? Think you had some shitty sausages with too much water in them there.


Thought I would post something I actually made so I don’t get a reputation as a pure troll. This is a fairly large filet mignon I just made with steamed cauliflower I made yesterday reheated inside the cast iron pan in the oven while I rested the steak.

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What do you guys think about my plate of rice, steamed broccoli, bacon, with a steamed tomato. Be brutally honesty

Too much water in the rice has made it clumpy and the tomatoes were left in too long. What I’d do with my rice cooker is start off the rice, then after a short time add the broccoli and then near the end but to too near the end add the tomatoes.

Unless your actually making tomato rice then follow the Mikie Chen video on YouTube for that.
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Kev Kev

ive done ~50 hello fresh meals over the last year, which is totally cheating but ive actually learned a bit about cooking along the way. heres something i made not too long ago. not necessarily the best one ive had but it was the first picture i found

sub the plant based meat for regular ground beef and your good to go




What do you guys think about my plate of rice, steamed broccoli, bacon, with a steamed tomato. Be brutally honesty

Everything looks like it's cooked nicely, but I'm not a bacon kinda person. And yeah, the rice looks (of what I can see of it) like it might have had too much water.
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