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Cooking GAF: OT


Parody of actual AJUMP23

Canned some peaches today.


Gold Member
I forgot to take pics, but I just made a plate of steak strips with...... pan fried spring rolls. Ya, weird combo. I'll post a pic next time.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I attempted to make a daquoise today but i got fucked by the recipe

Needed to double the merengue and the cream had way, way too much butter.

Shame... i tried the praline cream witout the additional butter and goddamn that was heavenly. Anyway, at least I learnt to make praline.
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Were going to have people over last saturday for some wild caught salmon, unfortunately we all came down with strep throat so had to cancel!! Had allready dethawed it, so decided to make some gravlax (oven baked the rest of it, been eating alot of salmon this week :p).

So easy, so delicious, just salt/sugar/white pepper/dill, cover salmon with the mix, 2-3 days in the fridge, and you get what I think is the best way to eat salmon.

I'll probarly end up snacking it all up, and have some hard bread sandwiches, just some black pepper on it. You usually serve with potatoes and a mustard sauce, potatoes naturarly have to be boiled with dill.. :D

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