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Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Laughing Out Fucking Loud.

I just watched what was quite possibly the funniest episode of COPS ever. It just aired on Court TV.

During the episode, a woman's house catches on fire and a police officer is trying to get everyone out of the house. He approaches the door and bangs on it for like 2 seconds and then he procedes to bust out at least a dozen of the woman's windows to get her attention. He keeps breaking the windows over and over again yelling "get out! your house is on fire!"

A little old lady answers the door and she is completely bewildered. The officer orders her to open the door. She does. He tries to pull her outside but she's like "Wait a minute, I have to put on my robe." She goes in her bedroom and the whole time the officer is like "hurry up the roof is gonna colapse". The woman is like "Why did you have to break all my windows? Why didn't you just call me?". Meanwhile there is ZERO smoke anywhere in her house.

They step outside. At this point I was already rolling but it gets better!! So much better!! The officer then gets some news... the woman's house... you know the one that he busted all of the windows out of and nearly gave the woman a heart attack in? Well it turns out IT WASN'T EVEN ON FIRE. IT WAS THE NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE!!! By this time I was just no fucking good. Then they showed the woman being held by the officer and he was like "I'm so sorry maam. It looked like the smoke was coming from your house. The department will replace the windows."

Did anyone else just watch this? Was this not the funniest thing ever?? I wish I knew it was coming on because I would have taped it.
JC10001 said:
Laughing Out Fucking Loud.

I just watched what was quite possibly the funniest episode of COPS ever. It just aired on Court TV.

During the episode, a woman's house catches on fire and a police officer is trying to get everyone out of the house. He approaches the door and bangs on it for like 2 seconds and then he procedes to bust out at least a dozen of the woman's windows to get her attention. He keeps breaking the windows over and over again yelling "get out! your house is on fire!"

I little old lady answers the door and she is completely bewildered. The officer orders her to open the door. She does. He tries to pull her outside but she's like "Wait a minute, I have to put on my robe." She goes in her bedroom and the whole time the officer is like "hurry up the roof is gonna colapse". The woman is like "Why did you have to break all my windows? Why didn't you just call me?". Meanwhile there is ZERO smoke anywhere in her house.

They step outside. At this point I was already rolling but it gets better!! So much better!! The officer then gets some news... the woman's house... you know the one that he busted all of the windows out of and nearly gave the woman a heart attack in? Well it turns out IT WASN'T EVEN ON FIRE. IT WAS THE NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE!!! By this time I was just no fucking good. Then they showed the woman being held by the officer and he was like "I'm so sorry maam. It looked like the smoke was coming from your house. The department will replace the windows."

Did anyone else just watch this? Was this not the funniest thing ever?? I wish I knew it was coming on because I would have taped it.

W...TF! LOL.


Drunky McMurder
That episode was hillarious. He broke the tiny windows (probably about six inches of glass each) one by one, and even after they realized it was the wrong house, the other officers asked him "What were you even smashing those windows for?" and he had no answer for them.

It was like he thought one of the windows would be large enough to crawl through or something.
Oh, man. Out of all the years of watching COPS, I've never seen this episode!! I wonder if someone has it on the interent somewhere.

And yeah, the famous kiddie pool episode was great.


Drunky McMurder
Diablos said:
Haha. Was this actually Cops or Reno 911?

What happens with the kiddie pool?

It was cops, I saw it first a couple years ago. Long before Reno 911! premiered.

I *think* the kiddie pool was a guy hiding underneath one of those plastic pools turned upside down.

I seem to recall seeing it on cops, but I do know they did the same thing on Reno 911. The latter might have been an homage of sorts.

Just a little while ago they repeated the house on fire episode on Court TV. Truly the funniest thing I have seen on television in years. Even though I already knew what had happened because of this thread, I laughed my freaking ass off while watching it. I just couldn't believe how that happened. The actual house that was on fire was like 100 yards away! Man, that cop was going crazy with his baton on those windows. LOL
Kiddie Pool episode:

Two guys are being chased by two cops, and then they lose them. The cops and cameraman show up to a walkway between two houses, and there's a kiddie pool which is flipped over upside down. One cop flags down the other one and flanks the guy, guns drawn. The other cop runs up and kicks the shit out of the kiddie pool, which flies like 20 feet, and you see the two idots laying on the floor.

Best segment EVER. - also, it was used in the Cops theme/intro for a few seasons before they cycled it out...

Then there are ones involved with animals. One time there was an epsiode in Las Vegas where they had to catch a python. Antoehr was these cops had to get people out because of some fire, and these cats attacked his arm, and he flung them at the cameraman.
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