You're right, that wasn't a very good example.
Still, I think that the gap in women's and men's world records will continue to close. The seconds and milliseconds between men's and women's swimming records will continue to close over the years. Ye Shiwen is young, and will continue to improve and get better. And there will soon be successors who best her.
I'm very confident in that, and looking forward to the achievements of Ye Shiwen, and anyone who might best her. The difference in the men's and women's records will someday become far less than 20 seconds. And some day, less than 10 seconds. And someday, less than 5 seconds. And some day, less than that.
Can Ronda Rousey beat Tommy from Power Rangers though? I think that is the question we should be asking here.
Of course she could. Maybe not against the elite of the elite, but sure she'd be competitive with a lot of guys. The thing with these sports is they have weight divisions.. she's going to be fighting someone with the weight as her.
Also, pure strength and athletics doesn't mean everything in MMA.. as technique and proper training will make someone better than someone who is stronger and more athletic. Sure it's great to have both.. but people saying "no" are just full of it.
No men will fight her though.. it's lose/lose for them.
Going back to 1930's men in the same weight category were destroying Zhou Lulu's record.I don't know which ones to start with but...
Ye Shiwen has broken many men's old records in swimming.
And Zhou Lulu has lifted 333 kg, which is more than many men's old records.
Phew. Thank god.
He was banned.
Hope Evilore culled him since he was most privy to this BS.
Can Ronda Rousey beat Tommy from Power Rangers though? I think that is the question we should be asking here.
Still, I think that the gap in women's and men's world records will continue to close. The seconds and milliseconds between men's and women's swimming records will continue to close over the years.
k so back to the topic at hand. Would Ronda Rousey beat Michael Jordan in his prime?
Is he in or out of his Zord?
I can see where you're coming from but I guess IMO it seems kinda dark that we enjoy watching men beat other men's asses. In my mind we disrespect women by banning them from participating against men. That's not to say that they SHOULD fight men- but they should always have the choice. And should they so make that choice, we should treat them as any other person in the ring. I don't think this has any relation to domestic violence as it's two trained athletes who agree to fight each other in a sanctioned match.
I want her to fight that Ian fellow and beat his ass for talking shit, doing "men" things like getting his ass kicked by a woman.
I know HolyBaikal is banned but I'm genuinely curious to know if the gap in swimming records has actually become smaller over time.
Not a lot. For instance, the absolute time difference in the 50m free has shrunk slightly in the last few decades, but the proportional difference has actually gotten a tiny bit bigger. In some events if you look back really far (i.e. the 50s) the women's times start to get pretty far behind, but the current course has been holding since maybe the 70s or so.I know HolyBaikal is banned but I'm genuinely curious to know if the gap in swimming records has actually become smaller over time.
I'd like to see Ms. Olympia with some training in the ring. Clearly smaller than Mr. Olympia but damn. Pretty impressive.Mr. and Ms. Olympia winners in the same year
Holy Bananas please stop embarrassing yourself, it's not even close.
That is an interesting one. I think if Ronda manages to clinch at least one of Jordan's legs, she might have a chance. Of course the issue is we all know, from Space Jam, what kind of tricks Michael Jordan has up his sleeves.
IMO any sport that requires technique gives women the chance to dominate. If Tiger Woods were a woman, he'd still have dominated golf for so many years. A woman could be the best bowler in the world. In more physical sports, women would have to have a significant skill gap to overcome their physical disadvantages. I'd never say it's impossible though.
I'd like to see Ms. Olympia with some training in the ring. Clearly smaller than Mr. Olympia but damn. Pretty impressive.
I agree at the top level skills are likely to be similar (especially due to technological advances which allow athletes to be recorded and analyzed (as well as copied)). Just saying that there's a possibility.Not quite. Many people seem to expect that because men have the strength/speed advantage, a woman could have the technique advantage. But the fact is that at the top level of these sports, you're talking technique that us every bit as fine across genders, but with more speed and strength added on the men's side.
First of all all the top guys in her weight class and below have better technique that her, and are faster and stronger.
She is heavier than Dodson would you like to see her fight him?
The worst part about dealing with an insane person under these circumstances is having to assert the overall athletic inferiority of women, which makes you feel like a total asshole to point out over and over.
And it would be their last PPV event.
The domestic violence crowd is already watching so there isn't as much expansion potential as you'd think
Surviving a kick to the neck from a trained MMA male is a whole different ball game than what she has been hit with.
I know HolyBaikal is banned but I'm genuinely curious to know if the gap in swimming records has actually become smaller over time.
I agree at the top level skills are likely to be similar (especially due to technological advances which allow athletes to be recorded and analyzed (as well as copied)). Just saying that there's a possibility.
The fact that Ronda achieved the top of the game in women's MMA, and a high level of proficiency in general, speaks volumes about her tenacity and fighting spirit, on many different levels.
So he's going to learn how to stop an Olympic Judoka from throwing him on his ass by starting a training camp at the age of 38 without ever having a ground game in his life.
Money Mayweather sure as hell knows how to promote himself man.
shit, im like a foot taller and 30 pounds heavier and he looks too jittery to take on :/
You'd think that out of all the heavily physical spots for mixed sex competition, MMA would be one of the best suited since it pairs you up based on weight. There would still be disadvantages for the women, but there would be a lot of ways for skill to overcome them compared to say, football or basketball, for example.
the current womens world record was beaten by the last place men's finalist that year. by 14 seconds.
ISure there's a reliable defense to it: being significantly faster than the person trying to get ahold of you. He doesn't have to knock her out as she's trying to grab him, he can just move away.
It would be same result if the best College football team played the worst NFL team.
So he's going to learn how to stop an Olympic Judoka from throwing him on his ass by starting a training camp at the age of 38 without ever having a ground game in his life.
Money Mayweather sure as hell knows how to promote himself man.
A surprising amount of what Mayweather and Toney did in the ring is, for lack of a more sport specific word, wrestling. The idea that boxing is just the punching part hurts a great many fighters when they get in the ring with a throwback fighter who will wrestle them around, push them to the corners if they get lazy, or lean on them.
It doesn't. MMA isn't a sport with leagues or seasons as such, just fights (tournaments are rare nowadays, especially in the UFC). If Ronda was to fight a man in the UFC it would require the promotion to support it and the relevant athletic commission to sanction it, neither of which are going to happen.I'm sorry, i don't follow MMA, would guys mind explaining me the reasoning here?
Weight categories are made for fairness, but she is a grown woman, and if she wants to test out her skill or whatever, if she wants to fight, why is anyone else's business? It's not like it has to be an official tournament fight. And what does domestic violence has to do with it?
As for the danger, i get that, but you're always in danger when you get on the ring, and again, no one is forcing anyone, it'd be her choice.
EDIT: For clarity, i was thinking of a "one off" sort of thing, not like inserting her in the male league or anything like that, if that makes any sense.
This is offset by the nature of the sport; in fact, the very existence of weight classes reveals how much of an impact strength and power advantages have in combat sports. For another example, look at records for men and women in racing sports (swimming, running etc...) which don't have weight classes compared to those in strength sports (Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting) which do. Women's records average around 90% of men's in the former, but are closer to 80% in the latter.You'd think that out of all the heavily physical spots for mixed sex competition, MMA would be one of the best suited since it pairs you up based on weight. There would still be disadvantages for the women, but there would be a lot of ways for skill to overcome them compared to say, football or basketball, for example.
Nah, I think the best college team would have more than a chance.
I don't like seeing women fighting regardless, but there is no way they can compete and it would be pretty fucked up for it to happen and I don't think any dude would step in the ring and do it. Unless they don't plan on swinging and going for a submission without any strikes.
I believe Bakai identifies as a woman.Phew. Thank god.
He was banned.
Hope Evilore culled him since he was most privy to this BS.
Ok, thanks for the clarification.It doesn't. MMA isn't a sport with leagues or seasons as such, just fights (tournaments are rare nowadays, especially in the UFC). If Ronda was to fight a man in the UFC it would require the promotion to support it and the relevant athletic commission to sanction it, neither of which are going to happen.
Nah, I think the best college team would have more than a chance.
I'd rather just end bloodsport.
You're kinda weird if you want to see people break each other's arms.