Aren't you the one who stomped the scrub team with me and Paulink? If you're up for being patient with us I promise I'll listen to what you ask us to do, lol
If people really want to get their ranks higher, I can try to be of assistance.
This guy is the most racist one I've met. Don't believe his racist lies.Getting ranked up is secondary, but getting better is first. I'll listen to any help you can give. Dealing with racism myself I would never act in such a manner, and I'm a good sport. It's just online game after all. Also sent ya a request.
This guy is the most racist one I've met. Don't believe his racist lies.
Aren't you the one who stomped the scrub team with me and Paulink? If you're up for being patient with us I promise I'll listen to what you ask us to do, lol
This guy is the most racist one I've met. Don't believe his racist lies.
So uh, i'm a lonely silver but I want to get better and playing solo just isn't that fun when people in silver don't really communicate, how would I go ahead and start playing comp with you eurogaf people? Is there a steamchat you use or irc?
This guy is the most racist one I've met. Don't believe his racist lies.
I love the Bizon on rounds when the enemy teams don't have armor. Once they do though, its really shitty and takes waaaaay to many bullets to kill someone.Bizon, best gun ever, or best gun ever?
Bizon, best gun ever, or best gun ever?
I'm in.eurogaf uniteeeee we should start a steamchat and/or irc.
Yes, that's me. I have invested in another smurf account so, we will queue up with people that are within your ranks.
Didn't you use family sharing?
eurogaf uniteeeee we should start a steamchat and/or irc.
You can't. Family sharing locks off matchmaking.
Since when?
I thought it only carries over VAC bans.
It is not a bad decision anyway.
I wonder which functions are present in the API for family sharing
It is an open group atm and I joined it. It's fun teaming up with GAFers from different ranks, very varied teams and opponents usually.I'm not sure if a new group is the right way to go but here goes - ; let me know if you want an invite and invite others yourself who play in eu servers/timezones. Perhaps we can get enough interested people from Gaf so we'd always get a 5 people lobby going.
This lag is unbelievable. Fix this shit valve.
yeah theyll get right on not getting ddos'd
yeah theyll get right on not getting ddos'd
The lag seems to be done with now? Played a comp game just now and it felt normal again. Phew.
I like your moustache. Err, never mind. Does anyone here use a 144hz monitor? If so, how much of a difference does it make if you're upgrading from 120hz?
More importantly, how is 144 after 60? Thinking of upgrading my shitty old 17 inch Sony LCD into one of those 24 inch ASUS beasts. Dropping 270 on a monitor is a lot right now but I can make it work if it makes a world of difference.
More importantly, how is 144 after 60? Thinking of upgrading my shitty old 17 inch Sony LCD into one of those 24 inch ASUS beasts. Dropping 270 on a monitor is a lot right now but I can make it work if it makes a world of difference.
I'm never going to rank up.Also stat tracking for this game is just sad.
Edit: are there any guides that show important smoke/flash grenade throws? I really need to start using grenades, I rarely use smokes and frags and never use flash grenades.
I have 120hz and it makes a big difference. Really helps my aim as the mouse movement is so smooth.
I'm a global on 144Hz, and a DMG on 60HZ. The difference it makes insane.
I'd play better with a basic keyboard, shitty wireless mouse and a 144hz screen than I would with a zowie mouse, mechanical keyboard and a 60Hz monitor.
Are we down to play some CS:GO later this afternoon? We shall play competitive matches, but they will be for teaching some of the mechanics of the game. So, we might not win them (we will probably win, but I just want to add that there's a possibility that you might lose your current rank).
You talking US or EU? I'm definitely down for some competitive with EUGAF later on, probably wouldn't be too enjoyable with US ping though.
Yeah, I'm using light boost @ 120 here as well for CS. I have one of those BenQ monitors. I'll never go back to 60 Hz. I play games in 120/144 if the option is there. I'll never forget the moment I hooked it up... Even my Windows mouse cursor felt smooth as silk.Agreed, makes a massive difference. I don't think I can go back to 60Hz. Also, if you have the capability, lightboost @ 120 > 144.
Are we down to play some CS:GO later this afternoon? We shall play competitive matches, but they will be for teaching some of the mechanics of the game. So, we might not win them (we will probably win, but I just want to add that there's a possibility that you might lose your current rank).
Edit: It is US (Eastern).
I'll try to make it Atsuo, no guarantees though. If I'm on steam just message Unknown.
I still get this feeling every day: my top screen is 60Hz so doing anything on that is jarring when I've been using the nice monitors for a while. It still feels smooth... but it's very obvious that the motion you're seeing is made up of discrete images, like looking at a zoetrope.I'll never forget the moment I hooked it up... Even my Windows mouse cursor felt smooth as silk.