EZ Cheese EZ Slice
Oh come one, after all these delays you're not even cutting back on the post-game stuff?
the teams are taking the break, its not that they want to talk about it perse, they're just filling time.
For some reason i really really dislike titan. They played amazing though. At least I have a small winning from their game against fnatic, so my loss on this one destroyed me not as bad.
That can't be it though because I actually really like LDLC.probably because they're French
That can't be it though because I actually really like LDLC.
Supernatural *highfive*
Do you use an addon for that graph?
I won a Stat Trak SSG08 Blood in the Water (MW). Is it any good? o.0 I never heard of it before.
finally. im so glad i bet low.
I won a Stat Trak SSG08 Blood in the Water (MW). Is it any good? o.0 I never heard of it before.
That's the one with the shark on it. Dun really like the Scout myself, but u can sell it for a good price I think.
Maybe... betting just isn't for u. :d
Fishing for upsets only because of extreme odds (like your history suggests) will get you nowhere in the long run, you gotta pick your battles based on research and expected value. I had to learn this myself after only getting into CS betting recently and since then, between stat sites and discussion here, it's been relatively smooth sailing. Worked my way up from a devastating -$20 or so (fuck you IBP) to +$15.I would agree, but I'm still about even thanks to some big upsets. And plus, I'm never over $2-3 dollars per bet (even that sounds high tbh). I'm learning the intricacies for sure, such as team performance on LAN vs. Network games, good and bad maps, etc.
Plus I should also say, it makes watching competitive games MUCH more interesting hahaha
resell value 58.74 right now so even if you don't plan to use it
blood in the water is a great skin wasted on a poop gun