Any news on how this cooldown works now? Seems I can just do 1 missione every 2 days...
What do you use to edit videos?
Sony Vegas 13, though in the case of that video I just recorded the raw footage and uploaded it without editing.
Odah pls
Odah, that shit is getting ridiculous...
At least tell me you got new headphones to go along with those bad boys.
Sony Vegas 13, though in the case of that video I just recorded the raw footage and uploaded it without editing.
Seems to me you set it on fire on purpose for the insurance money. But I'll never tell : PU planning on making another CSGAF montage some day?My best clips were on my old laptop though, but too bad that thing turned into flames. T_T
When are you getting a micAt least tell me you got new headphones to go along with those bad boys.
The movement is actually different from 1.6. Though it is closer now from what I heard. The shooting is handled differently as well. CS GO is much easier to aim. 1.6 had a much more accurate AK for the first shot. The Deagle was much better in 1.6. I'll argue the M4A1 was better, though M4A1-s in GO is ridiculously easy. Awping was much easier in 1.6.
1.6 is better mechanically to me. Everything felt better. It's a shame the community is trash now. Nothing but Dust_2 16k games.
Great job on the montage Ludono!
I really enjoyed watching CoolS with his glock, nice shooting.And Atsuo hacks
I wish i'd be THAT lucky...
the best weapon drop I ever got was a G18 Candy Apple FN
I wish I was gifted an AK from the sky.
U planning on making another CSGAF montage some day?My best clips were on my old laptop though, but too bad that thing turned into flames. T_T
I didn't screenshot but last night on a demolition mission myself and another guy both got P2000 Scorpion drops.. Mine is Factory New. ;D Bout a $5 mission reward.
Yeah, I'd like to do one centered around the new Operation maps if possible actually, so be sure to save any sick plays you guys might have on them ;D
Yeah, I'd like to do one centered around the new Operation maps if possible actually, so be sure to save any sick plays you guys might have on them ;D
I suggest you take a look at the nearest calendar.
There are a lot of non-Americans in here you know ;D
aww yeah
There's going to be a thread, right?
There are a lot of non-Americans in here you know ;D
why would anyone want to live in those countries?jk
I meant in game literally, but thanks anyways. I already got a redline. I will friend you when I get home though.I have a blue lam with your name on it sir. My steam name is the same as on here, go on b mah friend. I'm the young black man with a pizza hat avatar.
Who are you?Mokoi's avatar makes me laugh
aww yeah
There's going to be a thread, right?
Yeah don't be demoralized like I was. I had to relearn almost everything since the maps and shooting changed a bit. We can always rebuild our aiming.I actually think it's ok that it moves on it may not be the same but to keep CS style games popular and played the success of GO is important.
So Im now Silver 3 :/ . If I want to get better I will have to invest some serious time into aim training and a bigger mouse-pad would certainly help I feel my 2.25 Sense at 400 DPI is a bit to much but lower and I would have to re grip a ton.
As an American not living in the USA....
Actually it's quite funny, since they don't really have any holiday in November here they started bringing out Christmas decoration already, Christmas drinks at Starbucks, Christmas trees.... and it's still around 78 degrees every day![]()
Stores do that in the states here too. There's places selling live pine trees already which, I mean, they'll be long gone by the time Christmas comes around.
Edit: More on-topic, I'm really annoyed at this mission cooldowns. I've gotten to do THREE whole missions since I bought the operation last week. It's so annoying.
Yeah. what's with the mission cooldowns? I got to do 2 when I bought the op. Then one a day later, now I have a 3 day cooldown? So 1 every 3 days? It'll take forever to get all the missions :/
Should be one every 4 days unless you get the extra campaigns