Deleted member 102362
Unconfirmed Member
Valve needs to:
Ban shitty servers from the competitive playlists (pinion white label).
I'm hoping cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 will take care of this for now.
Valve needs to:
Ban shitty servers from the competitive playlists (pinion white label).
Someone be honest. Is this worth playing on the PS3 with a controller?
Valve needs to:
1. Ban shitty servers from the competitive playlists (pinion white label).
2. Fix ELO. Tired of getting matched with people who have no game sense. Stop running in front of me when I'm awping. Stop getting me killed by blocking me from the side/behind.
Come on Valve... if you want to bridge 1.6 and Source players at least make the game work.
I'm hoping cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 will take care of this for now.
I agree 100%. Anyone who blathers on about this not being the true spirit or being vastly inferior to the pc is just plain wrong. The game handles well, the maps are well crafted and the community is there to support it. I've had no trouble adapting to the ps3 version nor have I had any problem getting competitive games going. Obviously the lack of spray pictures and the lack of mods is a big downer, but everything else is perfectly fine. This is coming from someone who used to be in a clan, do pick up tournaments etc etc. Don't let the naysayers dissuade you from this game, it really is worth the money.
Also gamepad players and kb/m players are usually separated but not always.
I wanna buy this game on the 360. I played CS on the PC once and fell in love with it but that was the last time I played it because I practically use PC's for surfing and typing documents up. Never did gaming on the PC. I'm hearing that the PC to console ports suck and it loses it's flavor when that happens. I guess keyboard and mouse is better than a joystick with this game and the frame rate is better than the console editions. Right?
It does have bots, but I still think you need to connect to some kind of server.
Pubs had anywhere from 10 to 32 players, competitive games were always 5v5.I don't recall but in the original CS on PC, was it 5 on 5?
Hate to be a pain in the ass, but what was added to the classic game? Stat trivia between rounds, bots?
Pubs had anywhere from 10 to 32 players, competitive games were always 5v5.
I wanna buy this game on the 360. I played CS on the PC once and fell in love with it but that was the last time I played it because I practically use PC's for surfing and typing documents up. Never did gaming on the PC. I'm hearing that the PC to console ports suck and it loses it's flavor when that happens. I guess keyboard and mouse is better than a joystick with this game and the frame rate is better than the console editions. Right?
I don't recall but in the original CS on PC, was it 5 on 5?
Hate to be a pain in the ass, but what was added to the classic game? Stat trivia between rounds, bots?
I think the maps are a factor in this. They feel very cramped in this game compared to 1.6, specifically inferno and train, but dust2 feels like its been squished and so does nuke.It's funny because after having played 5v5 I think it would be hard to go back to anything more. 10v10 is just too hectic, even 5v5 seems like a lot at certain times... But I guess my mg spray and pray strat would benefit from more players. Ive already gotten the awards for both mg expert ranks![]()
so I have the game on PC and 360, but my PC is shit so I'm stuck with the 360 version right now. what is the official reason why the 360 version can't use mouse/keyboard but the PS3 version can? is it microsoft being strict?
been thinking of grabbing an XIM...
So hey. Ido said an update is supposed to come out today.
No idea what's in it, though.
Probably Microsoft being strict again.
Kinda surprised party matchmaking hasn't been fixed on 360 yet...does it work at all for PS3 users?
I just saw someone on twitter mention de_mirage (same as de_cpl_strike I think?) but don't know where he got that from. Also said de_tuscan soon as well.
rate "80000"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_interp "0"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_resend "1.5"
cl_resend_timeout "10"
cl_timeout "999"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.02"
fps_max "129"
Ill go even further and say Source in general is just flat out the better GAME. Way more maps, way better animation, better art style, interactive environments...Im still disappointed by the graphics of this release. It looks only marginally better than source and in some areas I'd say source looks better due to art style.
DLC maps are mentioned in the game files, but not those. Dunno where people are hearing about those from.
I read somewhere that these values which affect the netcode should be added to my autoexec.cfg file to fix lag/fps issues:
I don't know if these are helpful or not but I'm going to try them tonight. Anyone knowledgable on the subject care to chime in?
I understand the first 5 commands are pretty essential. I understand the rate commands will only work on a "128 tick" server. On "64 tick" servers, 64 is the max values for cmdrate and updaterate.
I don't know about the other commands besides fps_max.
No one has been up for a match so far
I presume Guild Wars 2 has been too much of a distraction.
Maxing out those values on a bad connection or bad server will make registry worse than defaults.
I made a post about this a few pages back with a wiki link on the subject.
Some don'ts
Do not mess with cl_resend
Do not make cl_interp 0 outright look at the net graph 2 or 3 and verify your lerp can support the server
I was mistaken, the comment I said was talking about a port. Doesn't really matter that it's not official, the competitive map pool could do with some more maps.
Edit: Maybe it is official? I don't know.
Release Notes for CS:GO update 2012-08-30
[ Gameplay ]
- Adjusted footstep volume fade out and maximum audible distance to match source/1.6.
- Increased default Casual match length to 15 rounds.
- Fixed an issue that caused the AWP to zoom to the wrong level after reloading.
- Tuned flinch aimpunch values.
- Fixed a bug in the penetration code that incorrectly determined the exit spot as being not solid when it was which allowed penetrating much further than it should have.
[ UI ]
- Added x-ray vision of own teammates for dead players.
- Added new spectator UI that shows both teams active weapon, player name, health, armor, etc, when spectating a 10 player match.
- Added a new convar "sv_competitive_official_5v5" that:
o Forces a match to display 5v5 scoreboards regardless of maxplayers setting ( Allows setting maxplayers to 12 to allow spectators into a 5v5 match ).
o Allows connected spectators to see both teams in x-ray.
- Added support for international characters in play with friends lobby chat.
- Fixed an issue that caused the mouse cursor to reset its mouse position when clicking on the UI when the window didn't have focus.
- Fixed being able to open the radio menu when you were an observer.
- You can't toggle the scoreboard in half-time now
- Fixed the scoreboard win animation firing before the scoreboard was told to come up in the end match state and was usually missed
- The countdown timer now flashes prior to the start of a match.
[ General ]
- Reduced frequency of polling server console to save CPU.
- Fixed a rare crash when applying decals.
- Significantly improved precision of dedicated server frames to match tickrate.
- Clamped dedicated server fps to match quantized tickrate.
- Fixed two exploits. One that would allow players to see out of smoke with much more clarity than players could see them if they were boosted up while inside the smoke volume. Also made the smoke a tad shorter/smaller. Two, fixed players being able to see through a few trains out of the corner of their screens on de_train and de_train_se. Thanks Volcano.
- Fixed messages in scoreboard overlapping at end match.
- To pass a vote in competitive mode, all eligible voters minus one must now vote yes
[ Community Servers ]
- Fixed cases when values of some convars set on community servers would not correctly replicate to clients.
- Game modes configuration file now specifies cfg files to exec instead of keyvalue pairs of convars to make it easier for server operators to configure their game modes. To tweak game modes it would be sufficient to provide gamemode_competitive_server.cfg and _server.cfg files for other game modes which will exec after stock cfg files.
- Linux: running srcds_run with -autoupdate will now update the server during hibernation, in addition to changelevel.
- Fixed an issue that was limiting connectivity to community servers to only 25 players.
- Deprecated mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half. Use mp_maxrounds instead.
- Changed timelimit matches to stop at round end instead of exactly when the limit expires.
I realllllllllllly regret buying this game.
It's like they SOCOM: Confrontation'd counterstrike
I'd be very surprised if valve doesn't eventually release new maps for this but it really seems their focus is on dota 2 for the near future.
I don't expect go to receive the support it deserves initially.
I hope I'm proved wrong though.
Thanks. Did some past reading through this thread... looks like I'll have to play around with the values keeping a close eye on net_graph 3.
I have a shitty DSL connection from AT&T, so this might be tricky.
Put me in the camp that's fucking ecstatic that KB/M isn't supported on 360. I've played a ton of CS on PC, and I'd hate to have the mouse players in with the controller players, it makes no sense and would ruin the game. If a controller player kills the mouse player at any range other than close quarters, the mouse player is doing something seriously wrong. I'd hate to be wondering if I was killed because of skill, or because of an inherent imbalance in input methods.
What's the point in playing a game that tests skill, and competitiveness, when some people are running around with a huge advantage over everyone else?
If the two populations were segregated, then sure, but not if they're mixed. No fucking way.