Tonnes of resources online. Search corridium studios on YT to see some of his design process videos;they act as good tutorials. That's how I started learning.
Any way this is possible in something like Blender? I don't have enough for something like Zbrush or 3D Coat
No need to buy ZBrush for CS Skins, that's definitely not the right software for the job.
got a nice 1 week cooldown on my alt acc
no more solo mm for me
The black in the back is going to have a design of some sort probably.
I think the style and execution looks much better. As I mentioned before, I think trying to make the entire thing a pool cue doesn't work. But limiting the cue part to the barrel itself and then using other design elements on the rest of the gun, as you've done now, works much better.How that design would look on an AWP
disclaimer: quick and dirty mock-up
How that design would look on an AWP
disclaimer: quick and dirty mock-up
I think i'd go with more felt green on the gun.
And i like the idea of a set of pool balls with all the colors and numbers being on the butt of the gun, and a white ball nearer to the barrel.
Almost like this overhead view of a pool table. I think the scope and barrel design are awesome though. I just think it's missing that felt green and the colors of the pool balls. You could put the balls fanning out to the rear of the rifle's butt and bleed them over the edge of the weapon.
NA won the Dota 2 TI5. At least one esport in which NA isnt a shameful failure anymore :^)
Just you wait, were gonna go to your little country and rock it harder than we did in WWII.
Carried on the back of a Canadian!
Ill go there, and take a selfie with the stage in the bg the second C9 wins the major. Which is totes gonna reveal my identity.
Thank god C9 isnt gonna win.
What gave you the cooldown? I thought being kicked didn't give you a cooldown unless overwatch actually voted against a nice 1 week cooldown on my alt acc
no more solo mm for me
What gave you the cooldown? I thought being kicked didn't give you a cooldown unless overwatch actually voted against you.
On another note, I apparently saw my first VAC ban in CSGO today. A bunch of people were asking that a cheater be reported, and shortly after they got kicked by console as having an untrusted account. I checked their profile and yep, it said VAC ban 0 days ago.
Why not just right click block communications from the scoreboard? This means no stress from ragers, and you don't get cooldowns as far as I know.It's an alt account for solo mm, so I just leave when people start raging too hard (which turns out to be pretty much every game on eu north servers)
dudde we should have won. i actually played p good even tho fucked up. obvs cheaters no other way to explain losing. i am globals elietz master first class, so i know when cunt cheater with his fresh steam account with one game.Moko, "lets play casual"
Proceeds to queue for competitive then realizes in game what he did. :/
That Patrick pickdudde we should have won. i actually played p good even tho fucked up. obvs cheaters no other way to explain losing. i am globals elietz master first class, so i know when cunt cheater with his fresh steam account with one game.
Moko, "lets play casual"
Proceeds to queue for competitive then realizes in game what he did. :/
dudde we should have won. i actually played p good even tho fucked up. obvs cheaters no other way to explain losing. i am globals elietz master first class, so i know when cunt cheater with his fresh steam account with one game.
Cs ladies and gentlemenRanked back up to DMG again. The inconsistency in the opponents and teammates I am encountering is getting ridiculous. Winning a game 16-4, losing the next 4-16. Some people running and gunning and missing all their shots like silvers, other people playing like they are nex on adderall.
Ranked back up to DMG again. The inconsistency in the opponents and teammates I am encountering is getting ridiculous. Winning a game 16-4, losing the next 4-16. Some people running and gunning and missing all their shots like silvers, other people playing like they are nex on adderall.
Just tried out Faceit, way better than the servers in regular Competitive.
we rely largely on aim duels.
problem is, the group we play in doesnt really execute strats at all, we rely largely on aim duels. groups on faceit however, have some set smoke and molotov executes that we just dont see in MM
if we ran some strats, i think faceit would be way more satisfying
also i hope you cunts get banned
welpOmega tried out Dust2 on the EU servers today too. :'D