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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT3| Halo and Goodbye

I don't think I have ever watched a CEVO match so that would make sense I guess.

Thanks for sharing the vid, I recognize some of the plays, but geez...this is may seem like a 10 years old comment but kennys hasd the sickest plays this year.

I somehow missed that Niko deagle ace. Holy shit that was good.
I'm off work and travel til New Year's. Gonna be playing almost nonstop til then. Finally been playing really well in the MGE ranks. Feel like I can finally do some MM with some fellow Gaffers and not embarrass myself, if anyone wants to lol. EU and I usually play Mirage/Inferno.


I'm off work and travel til New Year's. Gonna be playing almost nonstop til then. Finally been playing really well in the MGE ranks. Feel like I can finally do some MM with some fellow Gaffers and not embarrass myself, if anyone wants to lol. EU and I usually play Mirage/Inferno.

I'd play but I've got 3 more days of finals ahead of me and then one free day to pack for my one month trip to Asia :D


I'm happy the Glock and USP are back to how they were (I enjoyed pistol rounds) but the other pistols did not need reverting at all. The p250, 5/7 and tec9 were still strong enough to pose a big threat.

Don't particularly care about the rifle change. Could definitely notice the recoil reset increase but idk... pretty much all of my stats stayed the same over those few days. Kills, HS% pretty much locked in to what they were before the nerf.

For me the AWP change was much more egregious and I'm still disappointed about that. But I only ever go to the AWP when I feel my rifling is off so whatever.

I'd play but I've got 3 more days of finals ahead of me and then one free day to pack for my one month trip to Asia :D

Ah shame, but have fun on the trip man, gonna be awesome. Was almost a month and a half gone myself as well and really started missing the game near the end of my trips. Looks to have done wonders for my ingame form lol
I'm off work and travel til New Year's. Gonna be playing almost nonstop til then. Finally been playing really well in the MGE ranks. Feel like I can finally do some MM with some fellow Gaffers and not embarrass myself, if anyone wants to lol. EU and I usually play Mirage/Inferno.

if my group has a spot you are more than welcome to join. We lose a lot though loooooooool


Something something valve ranking changes. Deranked. Had 28 kills. And a team of 4 for 80% of the match.

I probably deserved it



i just had to work with a dude for 8 hours who went from sandy hook truther to "isis aint even real bro"

as soon as i clocked out i had that speech played out in my head


Got deranked tonight. 2 losses out of my last 7 games. Feels fair. First game back at LE, get 38 kills on Cache.

Pls Valve I was LEM for life.


dogmen? did 3sup get dropped by the 3sup org?

also i disagree, adren is at least consistently bad on lan and online. fugly is just a mediocre mosbeck



Ha! I will remember this as the day Quiche ALMOST had the clutch!


my point is that its not just the na players' fault that liquid lost that game lmao... he pulled just as little weight as they did if not less

It was more wait and do nothing while everyone else takes the bullets.
Maybe if you guys could entry It would work.

I tried two rounds trusting you guys to entry. :( Saw 3 go A and one go Mid, I went B thinking "Okay, They'll get the entry, B rotates off fast, I'll go b to CT and kill them."

Both rounds we lost the entry duels and my two lurk kills don't matter when it's a 1v5 ;P

I successful got the entry kills all three times I went for Entry 8)

I'm Friberg and GeT_RiGhT.


Maybe if you guys could entry It would work.

I tried two rounds trusting you guys to entry. :( Saw 3 go A and one go Mid, I went B thinking "Okay, They'll get the entry, B rotates off fast, I'll go b to CT and kill them."

Both rounds we lost the entry duels and my two lurk kills don't matter when it's a 1v5 ;P

I successful got the entry kills all three times I went for Entry 8)

I'm Friberg and GeT_RiGhT.

It's kinda hard to entry when everyone else is taking all the goddamn bullets and grenades.


Maybe if you guys could entry It would work.

I tried two rounds trusting you guys to entry. :( Saw 3 go A and one go Mid, I went B thinking "Okay, They'll get the entry, B rotates off fast, I'll go b to CT and kill them."

Both rounds we lost the entry duels and my two lurk kills don't matter when it's a 1v5 ;P

I successful got the entry kills all three times I went for Entry 8)

I'm Friberg and GeT_RiGhT.

as much as im sure youre satisfied when you play with yourself, you have NO idea how frustrating it is for other people to play with you. i played 1 game with you on cobble and it was incredibly frustrating to watch you play. iirc i had 20 or so frags in 25 rounds losing like 16-9 or something. so i was entrying, i was getting baited by you, and it wasnt wroking.
as much as im sure youre satisfied when you play with yourself, you have NO idea how frustrating it is for other people to play with you. i played 1 game with you on cobble and it was incredibly frustrating to watch you play. iirc i had 20 or so frags in 25 rounds losing like 16-9 or something. so i was entrying, i was getting baited by you, and it wasnt wroking.

I suck at Cobblestone though. :(

Just played a game with Valk, went like 15-23 or something.

I just can't play Cobblestone well, not sure if it's my lack of knowledge on the map (not knowing angles/corners, common pre-aims) or if it just doesn't suit my playstyle, but it's like the only map in Active Duty that I avoid playing haha.


I suck at Cobblestone though. :(

Just played a game with Valk, went like 15-23 or something.

I just can't play Cobblestone well, not sure if it's my lack of knowledge on the map (not knowing angles/corners, common pre-aims) or if it just doesn't suit my playstyle, but it's like the only map in Active Duty that I avoid playing haha.

you can put me on santorini, which ive played twice, right now and i PROMISE i will manage to not bait every round


So i bought the random knife skin case on Kinguin for 60€ and got a Flip Knife Damascus Steel MW which is Wort 82€

(There was a Discount on all of the random skin cases on kinguin)

Sooo...nice Deal i guess?


Dang am I glad I went to bed last night and did not join the game that SBD invited me to after reading all these baiting horror stories, and SBD blaming other people etc etc etc etc etc etc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I just got voted off and kicked from a MM game, as far as I remember that never happened before lool. Note to self: Don't mock russian premade lobbies.
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