so everyone is on the normal one except mayhem?
What can I say, I know how to have a good time
so everyone is on the normal one except mayhem?
What can I say, I know how to have a good time
Thx for the game fellas.
Sorry I played dreadful.
Need to get used to the constant gossip on Mumble
Sorry I played dreadful.
Need to get used to the constant gossip on Mumble
Sorry I played dreadful.
Need to get used to the constant gossip on Mumble
Not everyone can pull off a Defoe.just get gud at the game m8
Try not to be depressed liek Vinka, works great. :^)
that feeling you get when you have a green light the entire drive does it feel to be a god
Only took three wins to go from MGE to DMG. Which means ima have to get 20 wins if i wanna go up. ;_;The new ranks have been kind of wierd. I think I've played around 25-30 games and I've only lost maybe three times? yet it took probably 95% of those games to get from MGE->DMG then 2-3 games to go from DMG-LE.
I'm not.
It's not just the gossip.
Your voice reminds me of this.
this sums up my thoughts pretty well after waking up from a nap
Yeah because I don't really give a fuck about what u guys think lol
Why would I? Most stuff that comes out of it is whining anyway. As if it's the end of the world when losing a game.Aint you a nice person, why are you even here and play with us? lol
What's so fulfilling about trolling ppl you clearly don't give a shit about? Why's there so many of you here anyways..
Whining because you're ruining the game for your 4 teammates.
While the others might not be vocal about this, trust me - they're thinking exactly the same.
Also "Haven't heard any strats in ages, so there is nothing to follow, since half the time people are just mute."
Yeah, we don't tend to call anything anymore when playing with you because you ignore everything we say anyways lol.
What a funny guy you are. Complain about delayed Gaf games, yet you're the reason they're delayed. Complain about the lack of strats, yet you're the reason there are no strats.
i complain during the 10 mans he just doesnt hear the complaints either
also u know the eu scene is weakening when minecraft guy awps clgs way out of groups
say hello to steve, most mediocre awp na, but definitely the best miner
Look at this fucker
did adreN die?