What's up fellas. I finally made the switch from console gaming to PC gaming by getting a new rig last week. I played exclusively on the Playstation for 3 generations and my go to games by far, and I'm talking light years distance to my other games, were the Socom games. I was so into it, that during the Socom 3/CA days I became one of the best players in Europe and got the 2nd place in the doubles ladder with a friend of mine.
Anyway, since there still hasn't been a Socom on the PS4, nor do I see an announcement coming any time soon, I decided I've waited long enough and wanted a new challenge. No PS4 but a new PC. Fuck you, Sony.
I've been itching to get back into the competitive, tactical shooter genre after a 2+ year long hiatus since it took up almost a decade of my life with Socom. So the logical go-to game is Counter Strike.
Started playing it this weekend for a very first time, ever. I've been reading up on tips/tricks, watching videos, and all that.
I realize it's gonna take an immensely long time to get good at this game with the gigantically steep learning curve. This is definitely a couple of levels higher than Socom and bragging rights there don't mean shit here. The big problem is, I got nobody to play with. That's the issue with sticking to 1 console series for several generations, I guess. I lost touch with quite a few people from PS2 to PS3 and now lost touch with everyone from the last Socom to now the PS4. Almost everyone moved on, some of them to the PS4. Quite the contrast from going to full friends lists on the Playstation to literally 0 on Steam lol.
I was hoping if I could play with some Gaffers who don't mind hitting me up at Casual games right now and later help me out a bit in competitive, so I can try to diminish the decade long experience gap I got on many, many players. I joined the CS Gaf groups on Steam, same name. (and it's not as fun playing by yourself with a bunch of Russians and some kids).
In the process of getting a better mouse and headset, but yes, this looks definitely my kind of game. Shame I didn't start playing this earlier.