Inferno is also an official tournament map, doesn't mean it isn't garbage. My comment wasn't about the quality of the maps, but rather this mindset of abusing one or two that you're not shit at just to get some rank you don't actually deserve.
also I'm 7 wins, 2 losses and 2 ties in my solo queue adventures. That goes up to like 12-3-3 if you count my duo queues with impact. There's people that make it to global by solo queue.
In other words, get good. Stop making excuses/blaming everyone else and focus on improving. There's always something you could have done differently to maybe win your team key rounds.
looks like I rustled your Jimmies
also that game was the worst since a few weeks. Anyone who remembered that Famas spray would call me a silver 2 ez
also Inferno is 3rd best map easily, what u smoking!