Dude, nice. Getting MG1 as a first rank is pretty sweet.
Mist was great!
Mist was great!
Insertion gave me cancerous diarhhea.
nah batman/wutang lives forever
how much was that beauty tho
you guys are taking your rickeh act too far.
$17 for a safari mesh for a player that will never been seen in international competition again. That's like trading a souvenir kennyS dragon lore for Bravado stickers.
baby youre a nut man.
i couldnt have spent $17 dollars on that
You should have used that money for betting skins.
I always had way too much fun playing on mist. So many Negev rounds
got this in a trade up
much better rickeh AK
It's funny because I did hot garbage in every gaf game, but when we played normal comp with GN4s, we steam rolled over the other team. So, it's not that we're bad, it's just everyone else on gaf is way above our level lol.
Bring Black Gold and Mist to active duty roster.
pretty sure i'm going to get overwatched now
Yes, because I'm reporting u every game we play.U are too good.
Btw guys, add Overgrown in the map pool of the GAF server. That map is so much fun.
what about Blackgold
and PLEASE that map from the last operation, i dunno how it was callled but the one with the tennis field in the middle and the basketball field on the left
Fcking Workout.
"CT bun" "T bun"
best callouts