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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


"Danger" - please quantify that. Because apart from those over 70 years of age, I don't feel COVID is particularly dangerous. You're out here using words like that as if it's an *actual" dangerous disease as one typically conceives of danger. Delta variant kills something like 0.015% of people under 50 who it infects. I don't conceive of that as "danger." I actually think this is one of the main differences between people who are pro-vacine mandates and those who are opposed to them: their conception of what actually constitues danger, or acceptable risk. Other main differences include their degree of authoritarianism, valuation of independence (granted, these may actually be one category, since authoritarianism and independence can be views as points on a spectrum), and their proclivity for independent thought.

Less people vaccinated, more the disease can continue to spread and mutate. More chance of vulnerable being seriously ill or killed. You’re safe. They’re not. Grow a pair. Get vaccinated.


Rodent Whores
"Danger" - please quantify that. Because apart from those over 70 years of age, I don't feel COVID is particularly dangerous. You're out here using words like that as if it's an *actual" dangerous disease as one typically conceives of danger. Delta variant kills something like 0.015% of people under 50 who it infects. I don't conceive of that as "danger." I actually think this is one of the main differences between people who are pro-vacine mandates and those who are opposed to them: their conception of what actually constitues danger, or acceptable risk. Other main differences include their degree of authoritarianism, valuation of independence (granted, these may actually be one category, since authoritarianism and independence can be views as points on a spectrum), and their proclivity for independent thought.
In 2020 COVID19 was the third leading cause of death in the USA. Is that quantifiable enough for you?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Has there been a case of under 16s getting cytokine storm that was otherwise healthy?

Why are you even asking me this? Do you want to feel better about a percentage of children dying of COVID-19 because not all of them perished from the disease in a manner that is acceptable in some kind of fucked up psycho anti-vaxxer way? That it might make you feel better about two parents watching their child die behind glass sucking air through a machine because maybe that poor child had some kind of underlying condition? So that makes it OK?

I don't even get how some of you anti-vaxxers function in the real world. Heartless and cruel beyond measure.


Hard lockdown prevented cases, which led to complacency. Also, country is run by a towering idiot, who genuinely thinks god directly made him prime minister.
Lol that and they have had a number of issues with the vaccines they ordered.

There was one that caused HIV false positives in trials so that was cancelled. They had orders held back by the EU and they put all their hopes in the AstraZeneca vaccine which then had the blood clot side effect. That one is only being given to 60+ people(still?) which leaves a very small amount of Pfizer for the rest.


Lol that and they have had a number of issues with the vaccines they ordered.

There was one that caused HIV false positives in trials so that was cancelled. They had orders held back by the EU and they put all their hopes in the AstraZeneca vaccine which then had the blood clot side effect. That one is only being given to 60+ people(still?) which leaves a very small amount of Pfizer for the rest.

Yep, and that blood clot side effect has been proved no worse in AZ than it is in Pfizer. If Morrison and the rest of them hadn’t played politics with it, there would be a lot more vaccinated Aussies right now.
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I am a bit confused on the Ivermectin issue.

My understanding is that Ivermectin has been used by humans since the 1980s and has been used quite extensively in some parts of the world?

Obviously, I don't know how the hell a medication to kill parasites is supposed to do anything about Covid-19. That makes no sense.

What's up with the narrative that Ivermectin is somehow only a medication given to horses and other animals?

I don't understand the "all or nothing" attitude towards stuff like this.
How hard is it to just be honest and say "yes, Ivermectin is used for river blindness and lice and is also being investigated for potential use against malaria and potential anti-viral effects against yellow fever BUT there is no evidence it would work with COVID so don't take it"?
Why is the story "LOL, right wingers want to take horse medicine for COVID"?


I am a bit confused on the Ivermectin issue.

My understanding is that Ivermectin has been used by humans since the 1980s and has been used quite extensively in some parts of the world?

Obviously, I don't know how the hell a medication to kill parasites is supposed to do anything about Covid-19. That makes no sense.

What's up with the narrative that Ivermectin is somehow only a medication given to horses and other animals?

I don't understand the "all or nothing" attitude towards stuff like this.
How hard is it to just be honest and say "yes, Ivermectin is used for river blindness and lice and is also being investigated for potential use against malaria and potential anti-viral effects against yellow fever BUT there is no evidence it would work with COVID so don't take it"?
Why is the story "LOL, right wingers want to take horse medicine for COVID"?

Just soccer mom things trying to demonize the drug. Ivermetcin risk profile has been known for ages and it's a pretty safe drug. Might be useless against covid tho.

As it stands, WHO reccomendation is for Ivermectin to only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials, which is pretty common sense.


I am a bit confused on the Ivermectin issue.

My understanding is that Ivermectin has been used by humans since the 1980s and has been used quite extensively in some parts of the world?

Obviously, I don't know how the hell a medication to kill parasites is supposed to do anything about Covid-19. That makes no sense.

What's up with the narrative that Ivermectin is somehow only a medication given to horses and other animals?

I don't understand the "all or nothing" attitude towards stuff like this.
How hard is it to just be honest and say "yes, Ivermectin is used for river blindness and lice and is also being investigated for potential use against malaria and potential anti-viral effects against yellow fever BUT there is no evidence it would work with COVID so don't take it"?
Why is the story "LOL, right wingers want to take horse medicine for COVID"?
Yes it’s been used in humans so the “not a horse” line is kinda dumb but it’s also kinda dumb to be against a safe vaccine and instead using a drug prophylactically to try and prevent what the vaccine already does.

The rest is just tribal partisanship.


Just soccer mom things trying to demonize the drug. Ivermetcin risk profile has been known for ages and it's a pretty safe drug. Might be useless against covid tho.

As it stands, WHO reccomendation is for Ivermectin to only be used to treat COVID-19 within clinical trials, which is pretty common sense.
Yeah, I mean, my understanding is that it would pretty much be useless against covid.
People are getting convinced that because it MAYBE can be used as an anti-viral agent that they should use it for covid.
Other people for whatever reason think that it's only given to horses and "LOL humans aren't horses".

Then there is weirdness like this:
Indian State Will Offer Ivermectin To Entire Adult Population — Even As WHO Warns Against Its Use As Covid-19 Treatment (forbes.com)

So this was over 3 months ago. Did they go through with it? Did it work?
Is this where Americans are getting the idea from?

India COVID: 32,449,306 Cases and 434,784 Deaths - Worldometer (worldometers.info)
If you look at India's stats there was a really massive spike through April and May and then a pretty massive drop off.
Not sure how accurate India's stats would be.

A lot of news stories about it but who the hell knows what "side" many of the outlets are supposed to be on.

You can easily see where the idea comes from, though.
It's true that in May we had lots of stories about India basically spiraling out of control.
Then claims that the government will dose everyone with two very specific drugs.
Then a massive drop off in cases and deaths for some reason.
Then a few articles saying "we don't know how India got this under control but it was definitely nothing to do with those drugs!"
Now "hahaha people think Horse medicine protects against Covid but humans aren't horses."

Clearly though somebody somewhere thought that the best way to get India's cases back down was to go with these two specific treatments. So what's the story with that?


Yes it’s been used in humans so the “not a horse” line is kinda dumb but it’s also kinda dumb to be against a safe vaccine and instead using a drug prophylactically to try and prevent what the vaccine already does.

The rest is just tribal partisanship.
I totally agree with that. You might as well just get vaccinated at this stage.

It's interesting to see how the situation actually plays out. Especially online.

Over here on the news India was the headline news for a number of days and things were extremely bad there and looking like they would get so much worse. Then suddenly there's nothing? A few rumors that they were using Ivermectin and the other one that shall not be named.

Seems simple to me.

They either did dose their population with certain drugs or they didn't.
Those treatments either worked or they didn't.


Damn, I just read an article about the plight of a guy in Texas who led anti-mask rallies who is now in the ICU with COVID19. He said he didn't want to get a COVID test lest he become part of the statistics. I can't imagine how stubborn one must have to be to think that way. The article also said he was taking Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin C, and aspirin (I assume he did that in lieu of vaccination), but obviously that didn't help either.

I hope he pulls through and tries to get people to take this more seriously.
Anti mask and anti vaccine. He doubled down on being a dumbass.


My opthalmologist actually prescribed me ivermectin once along with antibotics and some other stuff when I had case of eye inflamation.
Optometrist guy should leave actual medicine to doctors.
Yeah, an ophthalmologist prescribed you a human formulation/dose to use it for what it was made for. But since doctors who aren’t quacks won’t prescribe it as a COVID prevention treatment, people are taking it on themselves to get the animal variety and taking it without any knowledge about what it does or what dose might be appropriate and fucking themselves up. Just because it can be used for one thing when prescribed and dosed appropriately doesn’t mean you can just start pounding the shit and be fine


My opthalmologist actually prescribed me ivermectin once along with antibotics and some other stuff when I had case of eye inflamation.
Optometrist guy should leave actual medicine to doctors.
I mean as far as we mere mortals know Ivermectin should absolutely not be used for Covid treatment or prevention.
That's fine. It's pretty daft that people will go all in on speculated treatments while simultaneously being against the vaccines.

It's just weird that so many people are acting as if it's a totally randomly suggested drug without any possible logic behind it.
First it is actually a commonly used medicine in humans and second some governments have suggested using it.
I wonder exactly how some of the more secretive nations in the world have been treating Covid actually.
Like, where did India even get the idea from. Or were they just that desperate?


Yeah, an ophthalmologist prescribed you a human formulation/dose to use it for what it was made for. But since doctors who aren’t quacks won’t prescribe it as a COVID prevention treatment, people are taking it on themselves to get the animal variety and taking it without any knowledge about what it does or what dose might be appropriate and fucking themselves up. Just because it can be used for one thing when prescribed and dosed appropriately doesn’t mean you can just start pounding the shit and be fine
Aaaaaaaaaaah. Well that changes things a bit. :)


Yeah, an ophthalmologist prescribed you a human formulation/dose to use it for what it was made for. But since doctors who aren’t quacks won’t prescribe it as a COVID prevention treatment, people are taking it on themselves to get the animal variety and taking it without any knowledge about what it does or what dose might be appropriate and fucking themselves up. Just because it can be used for one thing when prescribed and dosed appropriately doesn’t mean you can just start pounding the shit and be fine
I mean yea you should take the right dose of a drug to avoid od on it. Not rocket science exactly. Calling ivermectin a horse drug is just as stupid as taking a ivermectin dose for an animal.


Yeah, an ophthalmologist prescribed you a human formulation/dose to use it for what it was made for. But since doctors who aren’t quacks won’t prescribe it as a COVID prevention treatment, people are taking it on themselves to get the animal variety and taking it without any knowledge about what it does or what dose might be appropriate and fucking themselves up. Just because it can be used for one thing when prescribed and dosed appropriately doesn’t mean you can just start pounding the shit and be fine
Bingo. Idiots who don’t trust the vaccine for political reasons are taking the unprescribed version they can find in farm stores. These people are dopes.


No it's not, when the reason people are getting sick is because they are ODing on the horse drug version of ivermectin.
Yea then call it by its brand name not the name of the drug itself. Ivermectin is safe and tolerable if you take the right dosage and even if it does not work for covid its a pretty harmless substance if you don't take an excess of it.


Don't worry guys. After I heard that the FDA approval was coming I attached a GPS locator to the goalposts. That way we can more easily keep up with their new location.
I can’t wait for all the hot takes on the FDA approval process from people who have no idea how any of it works. I’ll probably have to log off for the next month to avoid losing my mind.

also, fucking fire Pfizer’s entire marketing department:

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Gold Member
I can’t wait for all the hot takes on the FDA approval process from people who have no idea how any of it works. I’ll probably have to log off for the next month to avoid losing my mind.

People are already claiming Pfizer bribed the FDA for it and it's not a real authorization.
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Can’t believe this thread has now descended into why it’s not a good idea to take a dose of a drug that’s MEANT FOR HORSES.
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I can’t wait for all the hot takes on the FDA approval process from people who have no idea how any of it works. I’ll probably have to log off for the next month to avoid losing my mind.

also, fucking fire Pfizer’s entire marketing department:

Should have called it Jesusinium.
Can’t believe this thread has now descended into why it’s not a good idea to take a dose of a drug that’s MEANT FOR HORSES.
I think the number of people taking horse medicine is very very low. I certainly hope it is just being blow out of proportion on social media. I will say, as much as I am a proponent of soft persuasion and freedom of choice, if anyone is taking a veterinary version of ivermectin but aren’t willing to take one of the vaccines, they are in the running for Darwin Award. That is incredibly foolish and backwards.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I can’t wait for all the hot takes on the FDA approval process from people who have no idea how any of it works. I’ll probably have to log off for the next month to avoid losing my mind.

also, fucking fire Pfizer’s entire marketing department:

I for one support the comeherenaughty vaccine.
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Can’t believe this thread has now descended into why it’s not a good idea to take a dose of a drug that’s MEANT FOR HORSES.
A bit disingenuous but OK.

The fact is that Ivermectin has been given to humans since the late 1980s and is thought to work well as an antiviral agent, though this is still being researched. There was even talk that everyone in India was going to get a 5 day course of Ivermectin back when they had a massive issue in May. Not sure if that happened or not or if it was effective or not.

A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness - PubMed (nih.gov)

Seems like this is something that countries in South-East Asia have been looking at going back to December 2020 at least.
We talked about India and the link above is for a study in Bangladesh.

Again, no idea on the reliability or biases of these sources but at least as far back as last year somebody must be pushing this idea that it works for some reason.

I'd say it's more interesting to see people's extreme reaction in the other direction.
A drug that is pretty commonly given to humans in some parts of the world now has people screeching "IT'S MEANT FOR HORSES" because they don't like it being touted as an alternative to vaccination. A bit weird.
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I think the number of people taking horse medicine is very very low. I certainly hope it is just being blow out of proportion on social media. I will say, as much as I am a proponent of soft persuasion and freedom of choice, if anyone is taking a veterinary version of ivermectin but aren’t willing to take one of the vaccines, they are in the running for Darwin Award. That is incredibly foolish and backwards.

It makes no sense unless they are being told otherwise from elsewhere. Which is a real danger of the internet.

You've got folks out there who don't want to take a vaccine that has already been administered billions of times but are willing to source a drug online. I assume they are having to get it online since no doctor is prescribing horse medicine. That's nuts.

Unless of course the horse medicine bit is a load of nonsense and people have actually been able to get Ivermectin from a doctor.
How does someone even go about getting veterinary drugs that they don't need?

Maybe a better question is why the hell people don't trust the media, government or pharmaceutical companies. I mean those groups are well known for their transparency and honesty, right?

I also think the number of people taking horse medicine is very low but that won't stop people jumping on it.
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It makes no sense unless they are being told otherwise from elsewhere. Which is a real danger of the internet.

You've got folks out there who don't want to take a vaccine that has already been administered billions of times but are willing to source a drug online. I assume they are having to get it online since no doctor is prescribing horse medicine. That's nuts.

Unless of course the horse medicine bit is a load of nonsense and people have actually been able to get Ivermectin from a doctor.
How does someone even go about getting veterinary drugs that they don't need?

Maybe a better question is why the hell people don't trust the media, government or pharmaceutical companies. I mean those groups are well known for their transparency and honesty, right?

I also think the number of people taking horse medicine is very low but that won't stop people jumping on it.
You can by ivermectin over the counter at farm stores. I’m sure it has happened. But it’s kind of like that psycho woman who poisoned her husband with fish tank cleaner because it had an ingredient that is written similarly to hydroxychloroquine. It’s not representative of any even modest number of people. Makes for some memes, though, I guess.


A bit disingenuous but OK.

The fact is that Ivermectin has been given to humans since the late 1980s and is thought to work well as an antiviral agent, though this is still being researched. There was even talk that everyone in India was going to get a 5 day course of Ivermectin back when they had a massive issue in May. Not sure if that happened or not or if it was effective or not.

A five-day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness - PubMed (nih.gov)

Seems like this is something that countries in South-East Asia have been looking at going back to December 2020 at least.
We talked about India and the link above is for a study in Bangladesh.

Again, no idea on the reliability or biases of these sources but at least as far back as last year somebody must be pushing this idea that it works for some reason.

I'd say it's more interesting to see people's extreme reaction in the other direction.
A drug that is pretty commonly given to humans in some parts of the world now has people screeching "IT'S MEANT FOR HORSES" because they don't like it being touted as an alternative to vaccination. A bit weird.

You wrote all that, when you could have just looked at where I said ‘dose’ and it would have saved you a lot of time 👍

Humans shouldn’t take drugs that are the dose amount for horses. This really shouldn’t be a topic of conversation.
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You wrote all that, when you could have just looked at where I said ‘dose’ and it would have saved you a lot of time 👍

Humans shouldn’t take drugs that are the dose amount for horses. This really shouldn’t be a topic of conversation.
Not a single person has adviced to take horse quantity amounts of ivermectin on this thread. Maybe you should be the one looking at it again.


You can by ivermectin over the counter at farm stores. I’m sure it has happened. But it’s kind of like that psycho woman who poisoned her husband with fish tank cleaner because it had an ingredient that is written similarly to hydroxychloroquine. It’s not representative of any even modest number of people. Makes for some memes, though, I guess.
Well that's the thing isn't it? The conversation on a global pandemic is being driven by social media and so you will hear only the wildest stories.

I guess that does work both ways but you'd think after so many people got vaccinated we'd be able to start being a bit less hysterical and a bit more objective. Apparently not.

As someone who has been vaccinated I am perfectly comfortable with people making their own decisions.
I would get a booster too and again I am fine with people who don't want that.

I don't really get the blind rage or the eagerness to take people's personal choice away from them.
Even if people are making absolutely terrible personal decisions I think we just have to accept that this is part of having free-will.
Maybe it sucks but it is what it is.
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