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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]



Dr. Rhonda Patrick is such a chad, Rogan tried really hard to derail her train of though yet she did her best to answer and come back to what she was explaining.

Must be awkward, she's been several times in the podcast and this time Rogan is confronted with someone he considers an expert in this kind of thing, who he trusts, challenging his believes.

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards
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Rodent Whores
Dr. Rhonda Patrick is such a chad, Rogan tried really hard to derail her train of though yet she did her best to answer and come back to what she was explaining.

Must be awkward, she's been several times in the podcast and this time Rogan is confronted with someone he considers an expert in this kind of think, who he trusts, challenging his believes.

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards
Reading the Youtube comments, it's fascinating how a lot of people see the exact same clip and have the opposite interpretation. It's wild.


Rodent Whores
Her show notes are on her website too.


Ivermectin (completed trials)
Ongoing trials on Ivermectin
SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Vaccines and reproduction



25% is not ideal, but it's the best thing we have at the moment until something better is developed. If you look at this globally, the world would be vastly better off if it were vaccinated compared to having no protection.

Current data suggests waning over time, which would support the notion of booster shots, but even at 4 months there is still decent protection.

I don't know what this means.
That when vaccines get less effective and you are fully vaccinated, you are not , overtime .. does that make sense?

UK and Israel data shows that people who are vaccinated before April , now need boosters , hence my 4 months, the data also showed those where now with delta among the ones in the hospitals . Together with non vaccinated and immune comprised.
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Dr. Rhonda Patrick is such a chad, Rogan tried really hard to derail her train of though yet she did her best to answer and come back to what she was explaining.

Must be awkward, she's been several times in the podcast and this time Rogan is confronted with someone he considers an expert in this kind of thing, who he trusts, challenging his believes.

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

Dude choose your battles. She did not look good there at all.


Slightly off-topic, but I just want to give thanks to everyone in here who has shown me support for what I've been through. Genuinely heart-warming. Much love to all.

Though I am adamantly opposed to vaccine mandates on the grounds of individual liberty and the acceptable scope of governance, I of course take measures to avoid affecting my elderly relatives, including my parents (all of whom are vaxxed). I always wear a mask in their houses, don't speak within 6-10 feet of them, and if and when I have hugged them (which isn't often due to COVID), I make sure to hold my breath. My mom is immunocompromised due to having had chemotherapy a couple of years back, so believe me when I say that I worry too. My parents are beside themselves with fear that I'll contract COVID, and we get into fairly heated discussions on the efficacy and ethics of the measures being enacted most times I visit them.
I'm lost for words.
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Though I am adamantly opposed to vaccine mandates on the grounds of individual liberty and the acceptable scope of governance, I of course take measures to avoid affecting my elderly relatives, including my parents (all of whom are vaxxed). I always wear a mask in their houses, don't speak within 6-10 feet of them, and if and when I have hugged them (which isn't often due to COVID), I make sure to hold my breath. My mom is immunocompromised due to having had chemotherapy a couple of years back, so believe me when I say that I worry too. My parents are beside themselves with fear that I'll contract COVID, and we get into fairly heated discussions on the efficacy and ethics of the measures being enacted most times I visit them.

Sorry… your mother has a compromised immune system due to cancer, and you still won’t go and get a tiny, safe jab in your arm? Your own mother? You’d rather either have no contact with her, or put her at risk just so you don’t have to get a vaccine?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Why dont they show deaths on the graphs anymore?

Each states' dept of health portal offers different dashboards and data insights, and it's up to the user to configure the queries. In other word it's up to the user what data to pull.

I pulled up Virginia's randomly (first Google return). I browsed to the latest weekly modeling data for simple cases and deaths:

If you look above the top graph you can toggle the results between tabs. There are all other kinds of modelings one can select to pull whatever data they want and build a graph then download it in various formats. Like, choose all states, this week, cases and deaths, for example. Again, whatever one wants.

Edit: I forgot national stuff is handled by the CDC, but nearly identical framework for the data science:

All kinds of models on the front page to choose. If you're interested in weekly data that is largely already pre-modeled, click "COVID data tracker weekly" on the left bar. All kinds of summarized models here, like stuff pertaining to variants or vaccinations. Scroll all the way down to the Deaths section > More Death Data > and then build your graph. You can make it super simple by just making the left axis cumulative deaths and boom. Remember to disable your ad blocked and refresh if the results don't change.

Check this one out I built, just all US deaths compared to total reported vaccinations:

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
am I supposed to tremble in fear at 28 hospitalizations per 100K people?

Adverse vaccine side effects are reported to and tracked by VAERS: https://vaers.hhs.gov/

You can search the data, like the CDC data I posted above, here: https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html

But the CDC summarizes severe reactions here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

So are you concerned in anaphylaxis? That only occurs in two to five people per million vaccinated. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)? Regarding the J&J vaccine, with over 14 million doses administered only 44 confirmed reports. Moderna? Two confirmed cases in 346 million doses. And on, and on.

The risks from being hospitalized by adverse affects to the vaccines are absolutely miniscule compared to hospitalizations by the virus. So if those hospitalization statistics don't frighten you, why would the vaccines?
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Gold Member
My household is currently suffering from the virus. I tested Positive on Monday. I was vaccinated back in March with the Pfizer shot. I am on my 3rd night of waking up at 1 AM and not going back to sleep until now. My son is two and is feeling the best out of all us.

I hate this thing. I haven’t been this sick in a very long time. Not even when I use to get colds as a smoker.. it was never this bad. My head hurts, my body aches, and I can’t smell anything. It is an odd feeling not being able to smell. I can’t taste foods besides salt and sugar. It is awful. I’m on ARPA PTO from work because I lost childcare. It’s a nightmare. I am surviving, but at tips of my toes. Imagine comforting your child while your body is drenched in sweat and you feel aches crawl around your mid section. My son would wake up 3-4 times a night crying.

I don’t know how this is getting better. I think half the talk about COVID-19 is by people who don’t have it. They have a super hero complex. They’re the man in the red cape staring down upon the city of suffering people. I am about to try and sleep. It just pisses me off to have so many people act like this is over. I got my Pfizer shot right when I was able to and I still got the virus. I don’t think this is over. I think we are just waiting around until more people get it. I think a lot of vaccinated people are going to get sick and they’re going to go through the same thing that I am currently experiencing.
And even in the absence of such data, just looking at the numbers you posted - am I supposed to tremble in fear at 28 hospitalizations per 100K people?
That number is 10% of your total hospital capacity being taken by covid patients per day. If the average covid patient needs to stay for 10 days that's every single bed taken and everyone else who needs chemo, has an accident or gets shot is left out in the parking lot.


Dude choose your battles. She did not look good there at all.
What battle? who am i trying to convince of what exactly?
I was expressing my opinion on the clip since i've watched lot's of her appearances on the show already.

Maybe go back to "battle" on twitter if you feel like this kind of statements are about a "battle"
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Rodent Whores

The third coronavirus vaccine is 95% effective against infection and 97% effective against serious symptoms some 16 days after the shot, according to data by the Health Ministry reported by Channel 12 on Wednesday night after Israel registered almost 10,000 coronavirus cases for the second day in a row, but also a stable number of serious patients - 692, similar to the figure of the previous two days.

Promising news out of Israel, but it remains to be seen how accurate it is. If it holds, it also remains to be seen if the immunity lasts against the delta variant or if it will wane again after 6-8 months.


My household is currently suffering from the virus. I tested Positive on Monday. I was vaccinated back in March with the Pfizer shot. I am on my 3rd night of waking up at 1 AM and not going back to sleep until now. My son is two and is feeling the best out of all us.

I hate this thing. I haven’t been this sick in a very long time. Not even when I use to get colds as a smoker.. it was never this bad. My head hurts, my body aches, and I can’t smell anything. It is an odd feeling not being able to smell. I can’t taste foods besides salt and sugar. It is awful. I’m on ARPA PTO from work because I lost childcare. It’s a nightmare. I am surviving, but at tips of my toes. Imagine comforting your child while your body is drenched in sweat and you feel aches crawl around your mid section. My son would wake up 3-4 times a night crying.

I don’t know how this is getting better. I think half the talk about COVID-19 is by people who don’t have it. They have a super hero complex. They’re the man in the red cape staring down upon the city of suffering people. I am about to try and sleep. It just pisses me off to have so many people act like this is over. I got my Pfizer shot right when I was able to and I still got the virus. I don’t think this is over. I think we are just waiting around until more people get it. I think a lot of vaccinated people are going to get sick and they’re going to go through the same thing that I am currently experiencing.
Sorry to hear about your situation. When we got it (before the vaccine was available) I had a couple nights where I felt so bad I thought “well, this is how I die I guess.” People talking about the death count don’t realize how shitty this thing makes you feel or completely overlook the potential for long haul symptoms. Getting COVID is no walk in the park, it sucks. Take care of yourself, Tylenol and NSAIDs helped my body aches at least. The chills and cold sweats never went away for days though


My household is currently suffering from the virus. I tested Positive on Monday. I was vaccinated back in March with the Pfizer shot. I am on my 3rd night of waking up at 1 AM and not going back to sleep until now. My son is two and is feeling the best out of all us.

I hate this thing. I haven’t been this sick in a very long time. Not even when I use to get colds as a smoker.. it was never this bad. My head hurts, my body aches, and I can’t smell anything. It is an odd feeling not being able to smell. I can’t taste foods besides salt and sugar. It is awful. I’m on ARPA PTO from work because I lost childcare. It’s a nightmare. I am surviving, but at tips of my toes. Imagine comforting your child while your body is drenched in sweat and you feel aches crawl around your mid section. My son would wake up 3-4 times a night crying.

I don’t know how this is getting better. I think half the talk about COVID-19 is by people who don’t have it. They have a super hero complex. They’re the man in the red cape staring down upon the city of suffering people. I am about to try and sleep. It just pisses me off to have so many people act like this is over. I got my Pfizer shot right when I was able to and I still got the virus. I don’t think this is over. I think we are just waiting around until more people get it. I think a lot of vaccinated people are going to get sick and they’re going to go through the same thing that I am currently experiencing.
You have my sympathy, genuinely. I want to tell you things will get better, but everyone's experience with COVID is different, obviously, but just keep on fighting the good fight. I hope things improve for you and all your family.



I’m so fucking embarrassed to be half Australian right about now 😩

They sound like a giant prison (which it was at one point, of course). This is what comes of not facing this pandemic head on, and instead burying your head in the sand for months, thinking it would go away. Now they’re all over-terrified because the media have hyped everything beyond all measure for the clicks, and the politicians have played games over vaccines.
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This wouldn't be manageable here. Fines? No way. Courts would be overrun. Water cannons wouldn't work.
Might control parts of urban centers hardpoints, but...nah...lol. Nothing would be burning, but no one would be inside like that.

What an insight.

Fullyvaxxed should be free to go about their regular business in that setting with economic opening, masking & social distancing restrictions. Ease back to normal.

An extra hour outside...ffs. on top on ONE hour ....unreal. That is like how things were right at the start of the pandemic here when people lived in the most fear.


My household is currently suffering from the virus. I tested Positive on Monday. I was vaccinated back in March with the Pfizer shot. I am on my 3rd night of waking up at 1 AM and not going back to sleep until now. My son is two and is feeling the best out of all us.

I hate this thing. I haven’t been this sick in a very long time. Not even when I use to get colds as a smoker.. it was never this bad. My head hurts, my body aches, and I can’t smell anything. It is an odd feeling not being able to smell. I can’t taste foods besides salt and sugar. It is awful. I’m on ARPA PTO from work because I lost childcare. It’s a nightmare. I am surviving, but at tips of my toes. Imagine comforting your child while your body is drenched in sweat and you feel aches crawl around your mid section. My son would wake up 3-4 times a night crying.

I don’t know how this is getting better. I think half the talk about COVID-19 is by people who don’t have it. They have a super hero complex. They’re the man in the red cape staring down upon the city of suffering people. I am about to try and sleep. It just pisses me off to have so many people act like this is over. I got my Pfizer shot right when I was able to and I still got the virus. I don’t think this is over. I think we are just waiting around until more people get it. I think a lot of vaccinated people are going to get sick and they’re going to go through the same thing that I am currently experiencing.
Sorry to hear, hope you get better soon! Your Superman analogy, probably right .. sadly that is how most people are , they just can’t know how it is , if they don’t have it .. also is with other things !

Hang in there !!
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This wouldn't be manageable here. Fines? No way. Courts would be overrun. Water cannons wouldn't work.
Might control parts of urban centers hardpoints, but...nah...lol. Nothing would be burning, but no one would be inside like that.

What an insight.

Fullyvaxxed should be free to go about their regular business in that setting with economic opening, masking & social distancing restrictions. Ease back to normal.

An extra hour outside...ffs. on top on ONE hour ....unreal. That is like how things were right at the start of the pandemic here when people lived in the most fear.

Trust me, a lot of Australians have watched Covid hit the rest of the planet, and have worked themselves up into a state of fear and paranoia that’s going to be hard to get out of.

They've had two things up until delta hit:

Lazy politicians convincing them they could ride it all out until it went away.
The same politicians doing a terrible job of vaccine procurement AND playing games with the one they do have to score political points.

This is both parties, by the way. They’ve handled it equally terribly.

Now delta has hit, and fucking cold, hard reality has set in: a virulent vaccine you can’t get rid of, and not enough vaccines.


Trust me, a lot of Australians have watched Covid hit the rest of the planet, and have worked themselves up into a state of fear and paranoia that’s going to be hard to get out of.

They've had two things up until delta hit:

Lazy politicians convincing them they could ride it all out until it went away.
The same politicians doing a terrible job of vaccine procurement AND playing games with the one they do have to score political points.

This is both parties, by the way. They’ve handled it equally terribly.

Now delta has hit, and fucking cold, hard reality has set in: a virulent vaccine you can’t get rid of, and not enough vaccines.
The ideal of zero covid is great and all, but maybe unrealistic with delta. And with vaccinines to mitigate impacts there could be a better balance. They'll eventually have to get used to rising case numbers. They need to know vaccinated people can still get covid they just fight it better. Those rising numbers as things open sound like they are going to scare the fuck out of them. And get used to rising ICU and deaths. Even with 100% vaccinated opening there's no such thing as zero covid.
Can Aus handle that sort of sudden opening and numbers at the same time?

Edit:I guess they could hold out for the duration of the wave in an attempt to completely minimize, but another 4-5 months - that's rough.
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Though I am adamantly opposed to vaccine mandates on the grounds of individual liberty and the acceptable scope of governance, I of course take measures to avoid affecting my elderly relatives, including my parents (all of whom are vaxxed). I always wear a mask in their houses, don't speak within 6-10 feet of them, and if and when I have hugged them (which isn't often due to COVID), I make sure to hold my breath. My mom is immunocompromised due to having had chemotherapy a couple of years back, so believe me when I say that I worry too. My parents are beside themselves with fear that I'll contract COVID, and we get into fairly heated discussions on the efficacy and ethics of the measures being enacted most times I visit them.
You’re just a walking talking manifestation of what it means to be stupid.


The schadenfreude there is over the top and cruel IMO, but there are several posters in this thread over the past two weeks who sound precisely like the numerous award winners referenced in that subreddit.

I understand you're not from the US, but the clinical trials nor full FDA approval take years. The Pfizer vaccine has been being distributed since December 2020 after they obtained E.U.A.. To get E.U.A. the FDA needs a minimum of two months of phase three clinical trials looking at safety and efficacy. For full approval of fast tracked drugs they require at least six months of data, not only looking at safety and efficacy but also a deeper dive into their manufacturing process, standards of inspection, purity, and consistency.

Frankly anyone saying this is a "rubber stamp" or that FDA approval was rushed either do not understand the process (by either rank ignorance, or more likely these days, because they were misinformed by Facebook / YouTube / Etc), are staunch anti-vaxxers that wouldn't have accepted it even if it took another year, or both.

Since you're also believing Ivermectin does anything and is woefully incorrect on the testing and approval process and known dates, I am guessing you've been consulting doctor Facebook.

Step by step:

I posted why my link as to why i thought normally several years for FDA approval. That fast track breakthrough therapy is awfully suspicious but whatever.

As for ivermectin. I have posted larger scale studies on it that shows it works. Up to 70-85% reduction in infections as a prophylaxis. And reduction in duration when infected by 2 days.

Indian study

South African Study

Worldwide but mostly South Africa

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Promising news out of Israel, but it remains to be seen how accurate it is. If it holds, it also remains to be seen if the immunity lasts against the delta variant or if it will wane again after 6-8 months.
Well that's great news. Israeli studies were some of the most critical of waning vaccine effectiveness, reporting it at 39% after 8 months. If they think it's back up to 95% then that's a huge win for mankind.

Can't wait. I'm technically at the 8 month mark in about 15 days, so hopefully they emergency authorize the boosters ASAP.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I posted why my link as to why i thought normally several years for FDA approval. That fast track breakthrough therapy is awfully suspicious but whatever.

As for ivermectin. I have posted larger scale studies on it that shows it works. Up to 70-85% reduction in infections as a prophylaxis. And reduction in duration when infected by 2 days.

Indian study

South African Study

Worldwide but mostly South Africa
Then let the medical community approve it as an official treatment then and prescribe it as needed.


Rodent Whores
I posted why my link as to why i thought normally several years for FDA approval. That fast track breakthrough therapy is awfully suspicious but whatever.
How is it suspicious? Why wouldn't we do everything in our power to expedite the process? They saved time by holding the trials simultaneously instead of sequentially, for example.

As for ivermectin. I have posted larger scale studies on it that shows it works. Up to 70-85% reduction in infections as a prophylaxis. And reduction in duration when infected by 2 days.
Why do you put so much confidence in these studies and not in the vaccine studies? The latter have much more supporting evidence than the former.


I thought she was fine. What specifically did she do that you think was not a good look?
She said “I don’t know” to almost every question. That’s not a good look when you start off a clip claiming to be a medical authority present to dispel myths. She should’ve begun the conversation in a much more open way. I think she’s a brilliant woman, but this was a terrible appearance. YouTube comments, tribal and toxic as they can be, often reflect the general reception of a piece of media. In this instance they’re correct.


Rodent Whores
She said “I don’t know” to almost every question. That’s not a good look when you start off a clip claiming to be a medical authority present to dispel myths. She should’ve begun the conversation in a much more open way. I think she’s a brilliant woman, but this was a terrible appearance. YouTube comments, tribal and toxic as they can be, often reflect the general reception of a piece of media. In this instance they’re correct.
What's wrong with "I don't know" as an answer? There's still a lot of things we really don't know. She has a high threshold of evidence for her statements, and "I don't know" is a much more honest answer than someone claiming they do know based on flimsy data.


nice scientific rebuttal. I mean its a fact that India vaccination rate is extremely low. It doesn't have to be antivaxx vs vaccinated. There is still the need for treatment because everyone is going to get covid, vaccinated or not.
Scientists have told people to stop self prescribing it like a bunch of fucking idiots.


What's wrong with "I don't know" as an answer? There's still a lot of things we really don't know. She has a high threshold of evidence for her statements, and "I don't know" is a much more honest answer than someone claiming they do know based on flimsy data.
I just explained what’s wrong with that response and the optics in the forum in which is was presented. A show of that reach with such an incendiary topic is not the occasion to waffle. You don’t need to believe me, but the response speaks for itself.
How is it suspicious? Why wouldn't we do everything in our power to expedite the process? They saved time by holding the trials simultaneously instead of sequentially, for example.

Why do you put so much confidence in these studies and not in the vaccine studies? The latter have much more supporting evidence than the former.
I never said i didnt have confidence in the vaccine studies. I know vaccines work. My issues with vaccines is long term toxicity effects from the vaccine in your body, that we cannot know until several years from now. IE i dont know if these vaccines in particular are safe long term. Other vaccines, I have no issue taking.

Ivermectin has been around about a century with no conclusive data showing adverse effects on humans. On dogs however I know it is unsafe.

As for the suspicious part. This acceleration of trials is new AFAIK, the third phase typically lasts several years for "non emergency" drugs to determine safety doesnt it?
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Rodent Whores
I just explained what’s wrong with that response and the optics in the forum in which is was presented. A show of that reach with such an incendiary topic is not the occasion to waffle. You don’t need to believe me, but the response speaks for itself.
And I just responded to you with an explanation that puts her answer into context and explains its value not in terms of optics but in terms of facts.


And I just responded to you with an explanation that puts her answer into context and explains its value not in terms of optics but in terms of facts.
What is with you? I’m not disputing her facts, I’m discussing the optics and delivery of what she said, which clearly went over as well as a lead balloon. If you can’t have a civil discourse don’t bother trying to engage with me, thanks.


Rodent Whores
What is with you? I’m not disputing her facts, I’m discussing the optics and delivery of what she said, which clearly went over as well as a lead balloon. If you can’t have a civil discourse don’t bother trying to engage with me, thanks.
What was uncivil about my response? I didn't insult you. I responded to your comment normally.

Do you have a better strategy than saying "I don't know" honestly? What's the right move here if we're optimizing optics?
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