Punished Miku
Human Rights Subscription Service
We had a few positives at work recently. I've been lucky so far.All I got from work today was a notice that someone tested positive for Covid. So I get another test on Saturday.
So excited.
We had a few positives at work recently. I've been lucky so far.All I got from work today was a notice that someone tested positive for Covid. So I get another test on Saturday.
So excited.
Lol wut? My government here is actively punishing school systems and admins that require masks. They’re pathetic.Not sure how you can blame the government.... it is invbididual choice to get vaccine and mask.
This will be the 6th time for me. I've gotten lucky since I mostly split time between home and the office now.We had a few positives at work recently. I've been lucky so far.
This only mean the citizien are too selfish to wear mask for everyone good. Tgere is NO rule about wearing a mask, right?Lol wut? My government here is actively punishing school systems and admins that require masks. They’re pathetic.
So in Florida before the summer Desantis made mask mandates illegal, at least they had to have restrictions. Our county put one in effect again but it has to be revisited and passed again every week and can’t go longer than 6 consecutive weeks.This only mean the citizien are too selfish to wear mask for everyone good. Tgere is NO rule about wearing a mask, right?
I was wondering when the Florida death numbers would start to balloon.
Would like to know the age ranges and vax status to get a clearer picture. Florida has a huge elderly population as we all know and even though we have 86% of the 65+ vaccinated they can still get severe covid. I'll be calling my doctor tomorrow to see about getting a booster.
Thanks, I'm not sure i'll be able to find that information any time soon, and yeah FL death reporting has always been bad the lag time, numbers not matching, etc.You can use the CDC's data tracker to mine the various data points you're looking for:
EDIT: Actually, you should just go to the data insights landing page and start from there:
COVID Data Tracker
CDC’s home for COVID-19 data. Visualizations, graphs, and data in one easy-to-use website.covid.cdc.gov
And from there you get the idea. Might take some hunting and pecking to gather the other info you want. Also a reminder that Florida has historically underreported or even tried to prevent their COVID data from being accurately tracked and shared, so there might be some clearly missing or nonsensical chunks of data for Florida.
For example most states (almost all) have well-maintained Department of Health COVID data insight pages that store and present up-to-date data, in addition to their CDC-hosted data. Florida no longer even maintains their own Dept of Health data page, rather just a series of dubious static reports and a link to their CDC hub.
Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, recommended the emergency use of drugs at a press conference on the 9th, mainly to prevent the aggravation of home caregivers in order to respond to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. He emphasized that antiparasitic drugs such as "ivermectin" should be administered to corona-infected persons, saying that they have been shown to be effective in preventing aggravation overseas.
He called for the government to approve the use of ivermectin and the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone. Mr. Ozaki said, "(Both) have few side effects. I would like the government to consider treatment at the level of the family doctor."
Both ivermectin and dexamethasone are prescribed domestically. However, it has not been approved as a treatment for corona. As of the 8th, there are about 1,600 home recuperators in Tokyo, and about 1,600 infected people who are "under adjustment" because the hospitalization destination has not been decided. How to deal with sudden changes in the physical condition of home care patients who are often mild or asymptomatic is also an issue.
Mr. Ozaki emphasized that the number of newly infected people in Tokyo per day is "reducing the number to about 100 is the way to improve the situation from April to June." On the 9th, 412 newly infected people were confirmed in Tokyo.
That's not what the translation says.![]()
東京都医師会、イベルメクチン投与を提言 重症化予防で - 日本経済新聞
Ivermectin and Dexamethasone have been approved for Tokyo(Japan?).
Let be real, unless it is n95, mask is not all that useless. It is better than nothing but socvial distncing and hand wash will do a lot more.Speaking of Florida: Tallahassee resident here. Our country finally has mandated masks in schools for grades K-8 because two children, one of them a third grader, died from the virus earlier this week. Ronny D., in all his wisdom, is trying to have a judge block it. The ruling will be issued verbally tomorrow afternoon. Nonetheless, when enough people lose their loved ones to this virus, all hell is going to break loose. Excuses won’t cut it anymore.
I copied the text into google translate and translated it using that. What does it actually say?That's not what the translation says.
You got a link to that?Speaking of Florida: Tallahassee resident here. Our country finally has mandated masks in schools for grades K-8 because two children, one of them a third grader, died from the virus earlier this week. Ronny D., in all his wisdom, is trying to have a judge block it. The ruling will be issued verbally tomorrow afternoon. Nonetheless, when enough people lose their loved ones to this virus, all hell is going to break loose. Excuses won’t cut it anymore.
I copied the text into google translate and translated it using that. What does it actually say?
Ivermectin and Dexamethasone have been approved for Tokyo(Japan?).
I misread it. The chairman is calling on the government to approve it.You said
It said
"However, it has not been approved as a treatment for corona."
Now can you not read, do you refuse to read, or are you wilfully lying?
I misread it. The chairman is calling on the government to approve it.
And if i was wilfully lying there are better ways to do it.
Just the flu bro
No i misread it. Why the combative stance? I read through it in full. I misread that part.So you just refuse to read. Just thought you'd post something without understanding it and then asking others to check what you just posted.
No i misread it. Why the combative stance? I read through it in full. I misread that part.
Huh? Misreading that part specifically the "not" vs without changes that part mainly. As for asking someone to check my bs. I thought the google translation was wrong so i asked what the proper translation was. I am really confused by all this weird reaction. You have taken the worst possible idea of intent. make me otu to be some kind of super villain.in the context of your declaration you misread all of it
, from the chairman suggesting it should be approved straight through to it not being approved only to come here and declare that is has been approved
the reason for my combatative stance is that you then asked someone else to check the bullshit you posted, rather than doing that diligence yourself before posting…be more careful with what you read and decide to share
Huh? Misreading that part specifically the "not" vs without changes that part mainly. As for asking someone to check my bs. I thought the google translation was wrong so i asked what the proper translation was. I am really confused by all this weird reaction. You have taken the worst possible idea of intent. make me otu to be some kind of super villain.
That was the previous sentence. I thought it was approved the next sentence. I am not so much getting defensive as getting confused by this reaction.even the minister suggesting it should approved was not what you declared, where you had said it had been approved…you were wrong there too, a recommendation is not an approval
you are getting very defensive but there is a lesson for you here, I hope you take it
That was the previous sentence. I thought it was approved the next sentence. I am not so much getting defensive as getting confused by this reaction.
I'm done here. You are insane dude. And that post wasnt bullshit, my interpretation was because i misread one small part of it. You have taken the side of the very worst interpretation of what i posted. For no real reason.you are confused that you post bullshit without reading properly and are called out for it?
I don't think we can really say "Japan is leaning towards the horse paste ", I believe this is one proposal to use from this doctor.Also, Japan seems to be leaning towards the horse paste. Such an uneducated country that Japan.
So Covid is more deadly in Florida and other red states? The difference is in the policy.Not sure how you can blame the government.... it is invbididual choice to get vaccine and mask.
You got a link to that?
Let be real, unless it is n95, mask is not all that useless. It is better than nothing but socvial distncing and hand wash will do a lot more.
Sorry if this has been asked before. If you're vaccinated, get Covid, and feel fine, aren't you more likely to spread the virus compared to someone who's unvaccinated, gets Covid, feels like shit, and stays in bed for two weeks? Has anyone already addressed this?
Also, Japan seems to be leaning towards the horse paste. Such an uneducated country that Japan.
Southern red states have been notorious for poor health compared to the rest of the country. Should be no surprise there, and Florida has a huge elderly population in addition.So Covid is more deadly in Florida and other red states? The difference is in the policy.
Sorry if this has been asked before. If you're vaccinated, get Covid, and feel fine, aren't you more likely to spread the virus compared to someone who's unvaccinated, gets Covid, feels like shit, and stays in bed for two weeks? Has anyone already addressed this?
Also, Japan seems to be leaning towards the horse paste. Such an uneducated country that Japan.
Leon County Schools article regarding mask mandate.
In 3-2 vote, Leon School Board stands behind superintendent's mask mandate
A vote to direct Superintendent Rocky Hanna to comply with the governor's mask-optional rule failed 2-3 at a Leon County school board meeting Tuesday night.www.tallahassee.com
Article regarding ruling from Judge coming later today.
"Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare can confirm two pediatric deaths associated with COVID-19," a spokesperson said. "One was a child under 5 and the other was a child between 5 and 12, both within the last month."
The prescribed version, not the horse paste shit that dumbasses run out to their feed store to buy when they feel sick.The chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association is indeed a big proponent of the usage of Ivermectin for COVID 19 prevention and treatment.
【読売新聞】POINT ■イベルメクチンが新型コロナの予防にも治療にも効果があるという論文が相次いで発表されているが、すでに「使用国」とされている日本では使用が進んでいない。 ■感染爆発が進む今こそ使用すべきだが、使おうにもイベルメwww.yomiuri.co.jp
You realise he was being hyperbolic right? Same way people say i was using horse paste.The prescribed version, not the horse paste shit that dumbasses run out to their feed store to buy when they feel sick.
“This antibody, which binds to a previously unknown site on the coronavirus spike protein, appears to neutralize all known sarbecoviruses – the genus of coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections in mammals,” said Nix, who is an affiliate in Berkeley Lab’s Biosciences Area. “And, due to the unique binding site on mutation-resistant part of the virus, it may well be more difficult for a new strain to escape.”
Subsequent tests in hamsters suggest that this antibody could even prevent a COVID-19 infection if given prophylactically. The new work was published in Nature.
Me and sis are unvaccinated along with a client we work in health care. So far all the covid 19 outbreaks we've had are from vaccinated people. We just had one yesterday and face palmed because they believe since they're vaccinated they can do whatever. Since we're both unvaccinated we get tested weekly and so far no infections.We had a few positives at work recently. I've been lucky so far.
We've had a few vaccinated get infected, and a few unvaccinated. I've never had it, but I just do the usual mask stuff, and always wash my hands every time or use sanitizer before touching my mask. So far I've just been lucky basically. Early data on the booster looks pretty promising, so that'll be nice.Me and sis are unvaccinated along with a client we work in health care. So far all the covid 19 outbreaks we've had are from vaccinated people. We just had one yesterday and face palmed because they believe since they're vaccinated they can do whatever. Since we're both unvaccinated we get tested weekly and so far no infections.
god help us (click to see thread)
I think there is some sort of self sabotage going on here that goes much deeper than covid. These people will claim that it is the liberals or democrats that are out to get them, but they are using their own free will to essentially practice self destructive behavior -- pumping themselves full of toxins or going out of their way to behave recklessly in order to contract covid and hurt their loved ones and sometimes die themselves. liberals aren't making them do this...they are doing this because it's what they want.I don't understand it
Someone care to explain this?Crazy is back on the menus...
1.6m Moderna doses withdrawn in Japan over contamination
Company confirms reports of particulate matter in vials, but finds 'no safety issues'asia.nikkei.com