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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


So are these boosters just the same exact shot as before, only you just get a 3rd one, or do they need to mix a special "booster" version that is keyed to the newer variants? I haven't been paying attention to any of this shit after I got my vaccine.
Yes , same shots , just like the first and second are the same, I asked when I got my shots .
I swear to God if this stuff proves out to help with Covid I'm moving to Virginia and starting a militia in the woods. The messaging around this is insane.

It seems that Ava doesn't understand that it is a drug that gets prescribed to humans but idiots are buying the animal version and dosing/consuming it improperly without consulting a doctor. And then their intestines are literally falling out of their asses.
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Gold Member
It seems that Ava doesn't understand that it is a drug that gets prescribed to humans but idiots are buying the animal version and dosing it improperly without consulting a doctor. And then their intestines are literally falling out of their asses.

Her Twitter bio is just "Persuadable".


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I swear to God if this stuff proves out to help with Covid I'm moving to Virginia and starting a militia in the woods. The messaging around this is insane.

People are formulating a belief system around an unproven treatment with very little data available, and self-medicating dangerously, instead of getting vaccinated. Even Joe Rogan ended up going down that path. Medical science is about evidence, data, clinical trials, and verification, and patients being prescribed by their doctors. It's not about "I heard this on Facebook, where's the nearest stable?"


Snake Oil Salesman
It seems that Ava doesn't understand that it is a drug that gets prescribed to humans but idiots are buying the animal version and dosing/consuming it improperly without consulting a doctor. And then their intestines are literally falling out of their asses.

I'm pretty sure she understands there are two versions. There's a pretty clear smear campaign going on to associate everyone who takes it as "horse pasters".

Maybe the smear campaign will save lives in the long run, as it may not be effective, but my God if it is...
I'm pretty sure she understands there are two versions. There's a pretty clear smear campaign going on to associate everyone who takes it as "horse pasters".

Maybe the smear campaign will save lives in the long run, as it may not be effective, but my God if it is...

If it is it'll be approved for use as a covid treatment
I'm pretty sure she understands there are two versions. There's a pretty clear smear campaign going on to associate everyone who takes it as "horse pasters".

Maybe the smear campaign will save lives in the long run, as it may not be effective, but my God if it is...
If anything the smear campaign is being perpetrated by her for saying it's not big deal because Africans are taking it, with a nice straw man thrown in calling everyone racist if they disagree. Africans not having access to the human version is a massive concern.

Although the inactive excipient or carrier ingredients present in ivermectin for animals are also found as additives in human drinks and food, De Bruyn stressed that the livestock products are not registered for human consumption.

"Ivermectin has been used for many years for humans [as a treatment for certain other diseases]. It is relatively safe. But we don't know exactly that if we use it so regularly to treat or prevent the Covid-19 what the long-term effects are, but also it can have quite serious effects on the brain if overdosed (sic).

"You know, people can become blind or go into a coma. So, it's very important that they consult a health professional, and that they follow the dosage instructions they receive from that health professional," Dr De Bruyn said.

In a piece he wrote, Naidoo stated that there was no evidence that veterinary ivermectin worked for humans.

He also warned that the clinical trials on humans involved only a small number of patients and, therefore, people who took ivermectin needed to be observed by doctors.

"While numerous clinical studies have indeed been undertaken on ivermectin and its effect on Covid-19, there have been concerns around some of the studies having had a small number of patients, that some of the doctors were not properly blinded [prevented from being exposed to information that might influence them], and that they had patients on a number of different drugs.

"This is why, when used, the patients need to be under the care of a doctor, to allow for proper patient monitoring," Naidoo wrote.

And that's doctors voicing concern over the wellbeing of people taking Ivermectin for what it's actually supposed to be used for. So obviously people randomly dosing the animal version to treat something that hasn't even been proven to work on Covid is also getting criticized.


Snake Oil Salesman
People are formulating a belief system around an unproven treatment with very little data available, and self-medicating dangerously, instead of getting vaccinated. Even Joe Rogan ended up going down that path. Medical science is about evidence, data, clinical trials, and verification, and patients being prescribed by their doctors. It's not about "I heard this on Facebook, where's the nearest stable?"

I get that. What I don't get is why there hasn't been a number of higher profile studies/trials initiated over the last 6 months to settle this topic once and for all? It seems to be sticking around longer than other false treatments (Hydroxocloroquine) which were everywhere for a few weeks.


I swear to God if this stuff proves out to help with Covid I'm moving to Virginia and starting a militia in the woods. The messaging around this is insane.

90% of it is just that horse related puns are too tempting

But, fine, I'll make it up to you, here's a song for the Ivermectin brigade:



Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I get that. What I don't get is why there hasn't been a number of higher profile studies/trials initiated over the last 6 months to settle this topic once and for all? It seems to be sticking around longer than other false treatments (Hydroxocloroquine) which were everywhere for a few weeks.
The obvious reason is that you don't undergo trials to see if something doesn't work, you perform a trial to show it does. No-one has deemed it worthwhile so far although I believe there is a large scale trial in the UK maybe that someone referenced earlier in this thread.


Rodent Whores
I swear to God if this stuff proves out to help with Covid I'm moving to Virginia and starting a militia in the woods. The messaging around this is insane.

Does that mean you're in agreement that nothing is proven yet? Good. The time to accept something is true, is when there is proof that it is true. Until then, you're just speculating on incomplete data. The jury is still out on ivermectin.

We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating or preventing COVID-19 infection, but the evidence base is limited.

I get that. What I don't get is why there hasn't been a number of higher profile studies/trials initiated over the last 6 months to settle this topic once and for all? It seems to be sticking around longer than other false treatments (Hydroxocloroquine) which were everywhere for a few weeks.
They're not done yet.

Evaluation of ivermectin is continuing in 31 ongoing studies, and we will update this review with their results when they become available.

In fact, if you want to join one, some are still taking applicants.

UK: https://www.principletrial.org/

USA: https://dcri.org/activ-6-study/


Rodent Whores
but vaxxed people can spread the virus like anyone else can
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can be infected with the virus and spread the virus, but the key point is that vaccinated people do so at a much less rate than unvaccinated people. The more people who are vaccinated, the less the virus spreads, and the less people suffer with severe illness or death.

See here for supporting evidence:



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We were never supposed to wait for the vaccine.
Every scientist and expert at that time was saying don't expect a vaccine to pull us out of it.

Because it's an antiviral drug

What in the world?

#1 - It's a fucking antiparasitic

#2 - We always planned to squash a serious pandemic with vaccines. How can anyone living in 2021 with at least some high school education not know this?

Testing, tracing, lockdowns / sheltering, basic health safety measures in public spaces (masking, social distancing), discover what treatments work or can be developed, and finally a vaccine. It's funny because they actually made a movie about all this years ago called Contagion, in which various experts were consulted, some of those experts went on to help develop our response to a future pandemic.

Nobody_Important Nobody_Important already mentioned it, but man it's funny how every few weeks a few "new" people pop back up repeating the same obvious and debunked lies again.
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Rodent Whores
One of the reasons why I don't buy the "alternative treatments are being suppressed!!!!" arguments from Team Ivermectin is that therapeutics that prove to be helpful in treating COVID19 are still being studied and approved. Case in point, Baricitinib

If something is proven to work, it gets approved. Doctors all over the world are trying to find as many effective tools as possible, so it's insane to think that ivermectin is being suppressed.

Baricitinib is an oral selective Janus kinase 1/2 inhibitor with known anti-inflammatory properties. This study evaluates the efficacy and safety of baricitinib in combination with standard of care for the treatment of hospitalised adults with COVID-19.

Although there was no significant reduction in the frequency of disease progression overall, treatment with baricitinib in addition to standard of care (including dexamethasone) had a similar safety profile to that of standard of care alone, and was associated with reduced mortality in hospitalised adults with COVID-19.
Does that mean you're in agreement that nothing is proven yet? Good. The time to accept something is true, is when there is proof that it is true. Until then, you're just speculating on incomplete data. The jury is still out on ivermectin.

They're not done yet.

In fact, if you want to join one, some are still taking applicants.

UK: https://www.principletrial.org/

USA: https://dcri.org/activ-6-study/

How can you trust a site that doesnt link the studies? Just curious. It seems low dosage IVM actually makes things worse.


Hopefully the large studies you link takes this into account for a better picture.
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One of the reasons why I don't buy the "alternative treatments are being suppressed!!!!" arguments from Team Ivermectin is that therapeutics that prove to be helpful in treating COVID19 are still being studied and approved. Case in point, Baricitinib

If something is proven to work, it gets approved. Doctors all over the world are trying to find as many effective tools as possible, so it's insane to think that ivermectin is being suppressed.

you know what else is proven to be effective in preventing covid? weight loss, exercise, vitamin D.

when has any of these health experts that Rogan was suppose to follow ever mentionany of those things?


Rodent Whores
you know what else is proven to be effective in preventing covid? weight loss, exercise, vitamin D.

when has any of these health experts that Rogan was suppose to follow ever mentionany of those things?
You mean like Dr. Rhonda Patrick who's been mentioning that stuff her whole career?


Count of Concision
I know it's crazy. Using science and statistical data to show why it's better to get vaccinated than to not get vaccinated? I'm such an authoritarian. It's nuts.

You caught me. 🙄

No one said that science and data shouldn't inform decisions. However, at no point, barring the most extreme situations (of which COVID is certainly not one), should its conclusions carry more weight than an individual's right to bodily autonomy. I don't think anyone sane denies that there is a benefit to being vaccinated at this point. The data is too compelling. The question is the magnitude of that benefit (in terms of absolute risk reduction, not relative risk reduction), and whether it is enough to offset both the potential harms of the vaccine (i.e., the small risk of the known side effects) as well as the unknowns. And unfortunately, for me at least, the unknowns will not be answered for at least another 6-12 months. What is part of my "unknown" basket? Certainly not anything as outlandish as 5G sensitive nanoparticles which will be used to kill/control us at some undefined time in the future, or any other depopulation conspiracy theory (e.g. that it was intentionally designed to render people infertile). But I do have concerns around fertility (unintended), cancer prevalence, clotting/"thickening" of the blood, and immune functioning in the mid- to long-term given that this technology has never been deployed at scale prior to these vaccines.

Also, there is a threshold value for benefit that likely needs to be met for many people. It's not simply "hey look - the vaccine can benefit you!", it's the magnitude of the benefit which compels people to take positive action. An absolute risk reduction for certain cohorts from, say, a 1/40,000 chance of dying to 1/60,000 might not be enough.

What needs to be done is health coverage for unvaccinated that need a hospital visit won't be covered by plans and life insurance voiding policies for death as it is considered a suicide.

Yes, certainly. That's completely rational. In a similar manner, health insurance should not cover bypass surgeries for obese people, liver transplants for alcoholics, and no life-saving care should ever be covered for drunk drivers who end up in accidents. Sane. Humane. Compassionate. Rational. Science.

This vaccine talk makes me think of what would happen if say a very deadly virus.... like Smallpox 2.0 or some new horrible plague or something new we never discovered before came and had like a 40% mortality rate, and in that scenario I have to admit, I'd have no time for anti-vaxxers. You want to do your my body my choice with COVID, that's one thing, but if this is a dress rehearsal for something much worse, at some point, your freedoms get put to the back burner so society isn't wiped out.

Funny thing about your scenario is that the vast, VAST majority of folks who are refusing to take the vaccine now would in fact do so if such a disease came to pass. I know I certainly would. And that's because the risk/benefit calculation would make sense. It doesn't for COVID for me (and many others). But you can't apply the same measures or logic you would employ in that scenario to what is happening now, because the situations are too dissimilar.
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You guys are so fucking insane you think these new people are previously banned users. You can't believe there are people outside your echo chamber 🤣
So from the accepted studies: Please note i assume most people are about 100kg so ~12mg means 0.2 micro grams per kilo

Ahmed 2020 12mg dosed daily over 5 days(60mg total)
Positive effects

Chaccour single ~48mg dose
No statistical difference

Chachar 48mg over 48hours
No statistical difference

Gonzalez single 12-18mg dose?(please check this, seems absurd but it is what i am reading)
No difference

Kirti 24mg over 2days
No difference in viral load but 4 less deaths

Kishoria 12mg once + HCQ and HCQ every day after
No benefit

Kroliweicki ~36mg per day for 5 days 180mg total
Low dose no statistical difference, high dose positive effects

Lopez-Medina 18mg a day for for 5 days
No statistical difference but 2 days less to recover(10 instead of 12days)(i dont understand why this isnt significant)

Mohan 24mg 12mg or placebo once
No statistical difference.

Okumus ~12 mg a day for 5 days
Positive results

Podder(article taken down??? in a couple of references) single dose ~12mg
No statistical difference

Pott-Junior SOC or SOC +~6, ~12, ~24mg per day
Positive effect for all 3 ivermectin use

Bukhari SOC+ 12mg once
Early clearance so positive

Shoumann 15-24mg per day
Positive effects

Seems high dose daily works. *shrugs*


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You guys are so fucking insane you think these new people are previously banned users. You can't believe there are people outside your echo chamber 🤣
I don't think they are banned users. I was just pointing out that I find it weird this happens on a weekly basis. Like clockwork. People come in with some arguments that have already been covered. Argue for a page or two and then leave.

Then next week it happens again. And it's usually one of the same 3-5 arguments everytime. That's just weird to me.
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I don't think they are banned users. I was just pointing out that I find it weird this happens on a weekly basis. Like clockwork. People come in with some arguments that have already been covered. Argue for a page or two and then leave.

Then next week it happens again. And it's usually one of the same 3-5 arguments everytime. That's just weird to me.
Its seems like people need to speak out at some misconceptions and inaccuracies. A lot of people look into this thread but not many of them post. They dont want to contribute unless they feel they have to.


I don't think they are banned users. I was just pointing out that I find it weird this happens on a weekly basis. Like clockwork. People come in with some arguments that have already been covered. Argue for a page or two and then leave.

Then next week it happens again. And it's usually one of the same 3-5 arguments everytime. That's just weird to me.
Its not Zefah I'm pretty sure. Let the man die in peace lol.


I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were clearing up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it. I am now taking COVID very seriously, and I don't think I will be without a mask anytime soon.
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I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna) and got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were cleared up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it.
Its because the drug industry controls the media and government. They want their money, they cant have something cheap like ivermectin being normalized as a treatment.

The worst part about reading the studies is that they dont mention the duration of the "danger period" when having covid. Like maybe 10% of the studies do. If IVM reduces the duration of that period surely that is a good thing right?
I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were clearing up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it. I am now taking COVID very seriously, and I don't think I will be without a mask anytime soon.
I mean ivermectin have anti-viral effect. Ivermectin is NOT meant to be a replacement for vaccine but a possible treatment method if you got covid. Does it work againist Covid? Maybe, who know. Also ivermectin have both the paste and pill form. Paste is NOT MEANT for human consumtion.
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Its because the drug industry controls the media and government. They want their money, they cant have something cheap like ivermectin being normalized as a treatment.

The worst part about reading the studies is that they dont mention the duration of the "danger period" when having covid. Like maybe 10% of the studies do. If IVM reduces the duration of that period surely that is a good thing right?

I agree, and that just makes me sick to my stomach.

I've heard some recent news about patients in the ICU requiring a Judge to make the hospitals give them ivermectin. Just such a fucking mess.


I mean ivermectin have anti-viral effect. Ivermectin is NOT meant to be a replacement for vaccine but a possible treatment method if you got covid. Does it work againist Covid? Maybe, who know. Also ivermectin have both the paste and pill form. Paste is NOT MEANT for human consumtion.

I disagree with you on the paste, most forms of it have 1.87% Ivermectin and is the only ingredient. It's the exact same stuff as the pill form. That is the kind I used and was fine. My dosage was confirmed by a veterinarian I trust.

The problem is there are several horse pastes out there with different ingredients, and several of those are not for human consumption.
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I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

The essentialized "just go home and hope it goes away" protocol continues to be an interesting one.
I disagree with you on the paste, most forms of it have 1.87% Ivermectin and is the only ingredient. It's the exact same stuff as the pill form. That is the kind I used and was fine. My dosage was confirmed by a veterinarian I trust.

The problem is there are several horse pastes out there with different ingredients, and several of those are not for human consumption.
There go the difference, you have professional guidance.
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