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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]




Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Well, as I mentioned in a previous post there's still two large, ongoing studies that include Ivermectin. It would be fantastic if they find there is a beneficial use as either a preventative or treatment. We could flood the world's pharmacies and hospitals with cheap Ivermectin pills and hopefully save lots of lives.

Until the results are in, however, problems remain:

1. People obtaining the human formula without a prescription and doctor's supervision. It is largely harmless on its own, but if mixed with the wrong medication it can have life threatening results (commonly blood thinning, so severe in some cases it's deadly)

2. And the big one, people obtaining the animal formulas / products and using them

3. People choosing to seek out and use Ivermectin in any form rather than merely getting a vaccine shot, which are all so safe and effective that it's silly anyone who doesn't have a legitimate medical reason would refuse one
Calling ivermectin antiviral is somewhat misleading, suggesting it goes out to attack viruses. It does absolutely nothing to covid, or indeed any viruses. It's a neurotoxin that interferes with certain chemical processes in organisms and a virus has none of these.
Against most types of parasites ivermectin has a VX-nerve agent level of deadliness by blocking a process humans do not have. But have an effect on covid, you need to take enough of the neurotoxin to mess up your body to a level where the virus' ability to replicate also is affected by it. Basically burning down your house to get rid of rats.
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I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were clearing up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it. I am now taking COVID very seriously, and I don't think I will be without a mask anytime soon.
Good that you are better, but it could also have happened without the horse paste ..
Calling ivermectin antiviral is somewhat misleading, suggesting it goes out to attack viruses. It does absolutely nothing to covid, or indeed any viruses. It's a neurotoxin that interferes with certain chemical processes in organisms and a virus has none of these.
Against most types of parasites ivermectin has a VX-nerve agent level of deadliness by blocking a process humans do not have. But have an effect on covid, you need to take enough of the neurotoxin to mess up your body to a level where the virus' ability to replicate also is affected by it. Basically burning down your house to get rid of rats.

Yeah it's not antiviral, it's antiparasitic.


Neighbours from Hell
This is their discussion on ivermectin. He's pretty open-minded about it. Says he just wants definitive data on it one way or another. But he did say it's FDA approved and you can get it. Which is contrary to the narrative out there on social media. He also said a hospital in NJ he knows of gives it to people who go in with COVID along with remdesivir and I forget what the 3rd medicine was.

It starts here:



Lil’ Gobbie
This is their discussion on ivermectin. He's pretty open-minded about it. Says he just wants definitive data on it one way or another. But he did say it's FDA approved and you can get it. Which is contrary to the narrative out there on social media. He also said a hospital in NJ he knows of gives it to people who go in with COVID along with remdesivir and I forget what the 3rd medicine was.

It starts here:

this is really great, thanks


Rodent Whores
Hope your worms get better then
If you watch the video, the short segment on ivermectin is entirely within the context of its documented safe uses in humans, the dangers of using it off label, why this is even in the conversational zeitgeist currently, and not about the veterinary version at all.


Joe Rogan memes aside, is it not worth examining/ discussing how a 54 year old man with a high stress job bounced back from a Covid infection in 3 days? I watched the video and I didn‘t see him recommend or prescribe anything. Sure, people do all sorts of stupid things based on the attitudes of influencers, but that shouldn’t diminish his experIence. What is he supposed to do? Lie? Say nothing? How is that honest or scientific? We need to get away from this single narrative myopia. Many things can be true at once and independent of each other.

There’s a larger conversation we should be having, which we’re not.


Joe Rogan memes aside, is it not worth examining/ discussing how a 54 year old man with a high stress job bounced back from a Covid infection in 3 days? I watched the video and I didn‘t see him recommend or prescribe anything. Sure, people do all sorts of stupid things based on the attitudes of influencers, but that shouldn’t diminish his experIence. What is he supposed to do? Lie? Say nothing? How is that honest or scientific? We need to get away from this single narrative myopia. Many things can be true at once and independent of each other.

There’s a larger conversation we should be having, which we’re not.
Rogan’s entire identity is being in shape on all sorts of supplements/whatever else he hocks on his shows. Also he got paid somewhere around $100 million to take his show to Spotify, so he’s sorta able to afford expensive interventions that work for him but out of reach of the common man. He’s an outlier of an outlier. Using him as an example of anything honest or scientific about anything with an n of 1 is the most retarded thing anyone could do in the history of the world. I say that as someone who used to regularly listen to the guy and flew to another state to see him live once
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Rogan’s entire identity is being in shape on all sorts of supplements/whatever else he hocks on his shows. Also he got paid somewhere around $100 million to take his show to Spotify, so he’s sorta able to afford expensive interventions that work for him but out of reach of the common man. He’s an outlier of an outlier. Using him as an example of anything honest or scientific about anything with an n of 1 is the most retarded thing anyone could do in the history of the world. I say that as someone who used to regularly listen to the guy and flew to another state to see him live once
Well no, that makes him an ideal candidate for examination. Older risk demographic, tried everything except the conventional cure. So which of those kitchen sink treatments worked best for him? Lots of celebrities, double vaxxed too, who are still contracting Covid and at much greater severities.


The biggest factor is probably because he's rich AF. It's like that South Park episode about curing HIV by injecting yourself with cash money.
You can be rich as fuck and still die from serious Covid as we’ve seen since this pandemic started. To be clear: I’m not dismissing/ arguing the efficacy of vaccines. Bit being willfully ignorant or incurious of how he got better so fast is as stupid and reductive as many of the anti-vaxx arguments.


Rodent Whores
You can be rich as fuck and still die from serious Covid as we’ve seen since this pandemic started. To be clear: I’m not dismissing/ arguing the efficacy of vaccines. Bit being willfully ignorant or incurious of how he got better so fast is as stupid and reductive as many of the anti-vaxx arguments.
Of course you can be rich as fuck and still die from COVID or anything else in the world, but it is an objective fact that the richer you are in America the better healthcare you can afford, which strongly correlates to a longer and higher quality of life, all other things being equal.

"You can be X and still die of Y" is a very statistically unsound way of analyzing real world phenomenon because that overgeneralized statement applies to basically everything. What matters is the correlation between factors and any causal relationships that can be figured out.

What is willfully ignorant about not being surprised that Rogan is doing okay? He's a healthy dude, without any severe comorbidities that are immediately obvious, and he's rich enough to afford the best treatments possible. Isn't that the "obvious" strategy that so many people try to shout from the rooftops? That one of the most important things to do to beat COVID is to be healthy? It seems pretty cut and dry here.

What would surprise me is if he actually gets severely ill from this.


Of course you can be rich as fuck and still die from COVID or anything else in the world, but it is an objective fact that the richer you are in America the better healthcare you can afford, which strongly correlates to a longer and higher quality of life, all other things being equal.

"You can be X and still die of Y" is a very statistically unsound way of analyzing real world phenomenon because that overgeneralized statement applies to basically everything. What matters is the correlation between factors and any causal relationships that can be figured out.

What is willfully ignorant about not being surprised that Rogan is doing okay? He's a healthy dude, without any severe comorbidities that are immediately obvious, and he's rich enough to afford the best treatments possible. Isn't that the "obvious" strategy that so many people try to shout from the rooftops? That one of the most important things to do to beat COVID is to be healthy? It seems pretty cut and dry here.

What would surprise me is if he actually gets severely ill from this.

I'm kinda hoping here that he's gonna come out with a statement like: "I mind wrestled the virus into a chokehold during a DMT trip" and then starts advocating the large scale distribution of DMT.

Come on Joe, don't let me down


Well no, that makes him an ideal candidate for examination. Older risk demographic, tried everything except the conventional cure. So which of those kitchen sink treatments worked best for him? Lots of celebrities, double vaxxed too, who are still contracting Covid and at much greater severities.
No, it doesn’t. Which of the kitchen sink treatments worked? No way to tell! He’s the unicorn of celebrities in terms of fitness and whatever other measures. Like I said, he’s an n of 1 and has so many unique situations that he’s a terrible candidate to extrapolate into anything other than some podcasting MMA bro who has nothing better to do than work out and spend his money on treatments after the fact.

Zero people in the world should use him as a comparator
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He's a healthy dude, without any severe comorbidities that are immediately obvious, and he's rich enough to afford the best treatments possible. Isn't that the "obvious" strategy that so many people try to shout from the rooftops? That one of the most important things to do to beat COVID is to be healthy? It seems pretty cut and dry here.
Umm, yes? I mean if the primary factor in death or serious illness is health, then our governments are criminally remiss in not “shouting it from the rooftops.” If this information is so “obvious” why haven’t I seen a single MSM piece even citing this basic “fact” that we supposedly all “know”? Instead we have a coordinated smear on anyone who steps out of the official narrative, and a continued focus on booster shots, lockdowns and state measures with NO shift toward personal accountability other than guilting people about “killing grandma” with their selfishness should they choose not to vaccinate.

What is even the point of this thread when the same three or four of you must have the entire thing on text alert so that you can jump in and circle-jerk each other with horse-memes and confirmation biases? I’m interested in knowing what we don’t know about Covid, which remains a vast and evolving mystery. Based on the myopic replies, it doesn’t seem as if any of the usual suspects are interested in the same, and I do hope you’ll show some humility and grace as we learned more about this pandemic in the coming months and years—I still believe the secondary or even primary characteristic of survival and infection severity is personal health (and more and more this is confirmed by studies and research.)

Anyhoo. This is turning out to be a giant waste of time. Toodles.
Umm, yes? I mean if the primary factor in death or serious illness is health, then our governments are criminally remiss in not “shouting it from the rooftops.” If this information is so “obvious” why haven’t I seen a single MSM piece even citing this basic “fact” that we supposedly all “know”? Instead we have a coordinated smear on anyone who steps out of the official narrative, and a continued focus on booster shots, lockdowns and state measures with NO shift toward personal accountability other than guilting people about “killing grandma” with their selfishness should they choose not to vaccinate.

What is even the point of this thread when the same three or four of you must have the entire thing on text alert so that you can jump in and circle-jerk each other with horse-memes and confirmation biases? I’m interested in knowing what we don’t know about Covid, which remains a vast and evolving mystery. Based on the myopic replies, it doesn’t seem as if any of the usual suspects are interested in the same, and I do hope you’ll show some humility and grace as we learned more about this pandemic in the coming months and years—I still believe the secondary or even primary characteristic of survival and infection severity is personal health (and more and more this is confirmed by studies and research.)

Anyhoo. This is turning out to be a giant waste of time. Toodles.

rich dude medicates with stuff he can afford and leaves people to interpret that how they want - what's even there to discuss? already happened to Trump a year ago, so if people don't find Rogan talking about his medication interesting then they're allowed to dismiss it

Covid is becoming less and less of a mystery, but all this self-medication noise serves to obscure that mystery and not clarify it. Actual studies are ongoing always, just because someone made 1 + 1 = 3 with their treatment doesn't make them any case worth talking about.

and the mask slipped a bit there with the conspiratorial "coordinated smear" and "official narrative" nonsense. I have a feeling that's what all this scary stuff that we're not talking about boils down to for you anyway, so you probably should take (another) break from this thread and campaign your government for some healthy living policies or something, but changing people's lifestyle is not as immediate a help right now as the vaccine is
Calling ivermectin antiviral is somewhat misleading, suggesting it goes out to attack viruses. It does absolutely nothing to covid, or indeed any viruses. It's a neurotoxin that interferes with certain chemical processes in organisms and a virus has none of these.
Against most types of parasites ivermectin has a VX-nerve agent level of deadliness by blocking a process humans do not have. But have an effect on covid, you need to take enough of the neurotoxin to mess up your body to a level where the virus' ability to replicate also is affected by it. Basically burning down your house to get rid of rats.
It actually is antiviral. There was a study a while back in vitro that said that it blocks the spike protein in covid. But finding stuff like that is impossible now since it is quite old and search engines benefit news media rather than actual studies. Which is the reason why I quit this thread earlier but couldnt resist responding to an earlier post.

EDIT: I actually found it. Maybe i shouldnt be so hasty. *shrugs*

As for a neurotoxin that "burns down the house", I am interested in your proof of this. So far all the studies that have used it as a prophylaxis shows impressive results except for the low dose one and even that was 50%, others were 80% and above. No major side effects so far reported in those studies.
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Rodent Whores
Umm, yes? I mean if the primary factor in death or serious illness is health, then our governments are criminally remiss in not “shouting it from the rooftops.”
The government needs to tell you that being healthy is important to being healthy?

If this information is so “obvious” why haven’t I seen a single MSM piece even citing this basic “fact” that we supposedly all “know”?
The MSM needs to tell you that being healthy is important to being healthy?

Instead we have a coordinated smear on anyone who steps out of the official narrative, and a continued focus on booster shots, lockdowns and state measures with NO shift toward personal accountability other than guilting people about “killing grandma” with their selfishness should they choose not to vaccinate.
Is your beef that personal fitness isn't being emphasized more? Your framing of the situation is exaggerated and alarmist.

I’m interested in knowing what we don’t know about Covid, which remains a vast and evolving mystery.
Every day, someone posts new information about COVID. We're all interested in knowing what we don't know about COVID.

Based on the myopic replies, it doesn’t seem as if any of the usual suspects are interested in the same, and I do hope you’ll show some humility and grace as we learned more about this pandemic in the coming months and years
Drop the persecution complex.

I still believe the secondary or even primary characteristic of survival and infection severity is personal health (and more and more this is confirmed by studies and research.
It's not a bombshell revelation that healthier people tend to have healthier outcomes. If you're truly interested in learning what we don't know about COVID, then actually focus on what we still don't know.


Rodent Whores
It actually is antiviral. There was a study a while back in vitro that said that it blocks the spike protein in covid. But finding stuff like that is impossible now since it is quite old and search engines benefit news media rather than actual studies. Which is the reason why I quit this thread earlier but couldnt resist responding to an earlier post.
It's here and it's not hard to find: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011

And it wasn't about blocking the spike protein, either.

As for a neurotoxin that "burns down the house", I am interested in your proof of this. So far all the studies that have used it as a prophylaxis shows impressive results except for the low dose one and even that was 50%, others were 80% and above. No major side effects so far reported in those studies.

Actually another prophylaxis study, the one from Argentina that supposedly showed a 100% success rate, is now called into question. Even Weinstein noted that it might have problems in his latest Dark Horse podcast.



Pattern in this thread:

Anti-vaxxer joins.
Anti-vaxxer tries to convince others (while claiming to not be anti-vax of course).
Others show anti-vaxxer evidence contrary to their belief.
Anti-vaxxer leaves.

Keep it up, chaps.
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I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were clearing up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it. I am now taking COVID very seriously, and I don't think I will be without a mask anytime soon.

Good for you. Only doc I'm personally friends with that is specialized in respiratory/pulmonary issues is on prophylactic ivermectin and told me it would prescribe me. I gracefully rejected her offer because I'm also on EviLore EviLore camp. Science is based on data and clinical trials, sadly it's been more than 1 year since we know ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro yet it took almost 10 months for 2 rigorous protocoled clinical trials to be set up during the biggest emergency health crisis of our lifetime. To call it suspiciously long, would be a massive understatement.
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It's here and it's not hard to find: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011

And it wasn't about blocking the spike protein, either.

It wasnt that one. There are a few of those now. Including the one i posted before in the edit.

This is the one i was thinking of:

Honestly i cant make heads or tails of any of those studies. All i see is this is "how it works", cant make sense of it. So i just read the conclusion. :LOL:
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Joe Rogan memes aside, is it not worth examining/ discussing how a 54 year old man with a high stress job bounced back from a Covid infection in 3 days? I watched the video and I didn‘t see him recommend or prescribe anything. Sure, people do all sorts of stupid things based on the attitudes of influencers, but that shouldn’t diminish his experIence. What is he supposed to do? Lie? Say nothing? How is that honest or scientific? We need to get away from this single narrative myopia. Many things can be true at once and independent of each other.

There’s a larger conversation we should be having, which we’re not.
There's no "control group" here, so no way to evaluate which if any of the "interventions" Joe Rogan made, had an effect. For all we know he just had an unusually strong immune response due to genetics.
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Ivermectin is used to treat head lice and certain parasitic infections…But for COVID? The WHO, CDC, FDA, and IDSA say it should not be used for COVID….UNLESS… it's in a clinical trial. But that didn’t stop this guy, who chose ivermectin over the vaccine…Captain Joe Manning, 57, A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vax messages on Facebook, died of COVID. Why would some people want a drug that is not FDA approved for COVID, because it has not been proven to be effective, and has not been proven to be safe…..why would someone choose that over something that has been proven to be safe and effective in preventing COVID?


If you watch the video, the short segment on ivermectin is entirely within the context of its documented safe uses in humans, the dangers of using it off label, why this is even in the conversational zeitgeist currently, and not about the veterinary version at all.
Because the people pushing IVR are doing so based on the conspiracy theory that it's somehow "being suppressed" as the true cure. It's not, it has been tested and found no better than a placebo.

In particular, "horse paste" becoming memetic is due to how it perfectly encapsulates just how big of an idiot you have to be to be antivax. Doesn't matter where you are, as an antivax you're only a few steps removed from chugging horse dewormer to treat a virus.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Umm, yes? I mean if the primary factor in death or serious illness is health, then our governments are criminally remiss in not “shouting it from the rooftops.” If this information is so “obvious” why haven’t I seen a single MSM piece even citing this basic “fact” that we supposedly all “know”? Instead we have a coordinated smear on anyone who steps out of the official narrative, and a continued focus on booster shots, lockdowns and state measures with NO shift toward personal accountability other than guilting people about “killing grandma” with their selfishness should they choose not to vaccinate.
Wow, just looked up the obesity epidemic in the US and this is actually a real thing. Of course the MSM aren't reporting on it, but there are several Facebook posts about it.
We are fighting a pandemic right now, we have been failing to fight the obesity epidemic for a decade at least. Heart disease is still the number one killer even with COVID.

Even if we did manage to change peoples habits, the epidemic would likely be over before any meaningful impact would be seen on an individual or a national level so obviously the focus is on the things that will make an impact right now.


Good for you. Only doc I'm personally friends with that is specialized in respiratory/pulmonary issues is on prophylactic ivermectin and told me it would prescribe me. I gracefully rejected her offer because I'm also on EviLore EviLore camp. Science is based on data and clinical trials, sadly it's been more than 1 year since we know ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro yet it took almost 10 months for 2 rigorous protocoled clinical trials to be set up during the biggest emergency health crisis of our lifetime. To call it suspiciously long, would be a massive understatement.
So, you're friends with one of those dumbasses taking it as prophylaxis (the thing 0 studies show it could ever conceivably do). Cool, I try to keep morons out of my friend circle personally.

Plus, there were tons of trials, way more than the two you claim, as Cochrane lists 14. Conclusion: no benefits over placebo.
It's frankly disgusting to believe the medical world is suppressing evidence. As a future doctor I know we'd love to keep those ICU beds free of intubated people.
Good thing we found a way: get the vaccine. This isn't even a question about IVR; even if that proved 100% effective against covid (reminder, it isn't, it's a dewormer), you should still get vaccinated to prevent disease.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Wow, just looked up the obesity epidemic in the US and this is actually a real thing. Of course the MSM aren't reporting on it, but there are several Facebook posts about it.
We are fighting a pandemic right now, we have been failing to fight the obesity epidemic for a decade at least. Heart disease is still the number one killer even with COVID.

Even if we did manage to change peoples habits, the epidemic would likely be over before any meaningful impact would be seen on an individual or a national level so obviously the focus is on the things that will make an impact right now.
The only main things I saw to fight obesity in terms of government response: 1) Michelle Obama's school lunch reform plans, 2) NY taxing soda and banning trans fats locally. Both plans were heavily criticized by the opposition party and called authoritarian.


I've posted this here elsewhere but I just wanted to share my story. It's one thing to talk about COVID without having got it, but once you have it it's a whole other story. At least it was for me.

I am vaxxed (with two shots of moderna). I was very naive initially, having had those shots I thought I was good. I didn't wear masks to many places once California opened (and neither did anyone else), and I felt it was back to normal again. Boy was I wrong. I got COVID at the beginning of August. I fell very ill, and around day 11, my fever got worse and my blood oxygen levels dropped into the 70's. I had trouble breathing. I was in big trouble. The hospital was little help. They said I was "borderline" for the ICU, and sent me home with an oxygen machine.

A veterinarian family member recommended ivermectin. Now like many I laughed at first and told them I'm not taking the stupid horse paste. But this is someone I trust deeply who sincerely cared about helping me. I was sent several articles to read about it, including the FLCCC stuff. I was in bad shape, so I decided fuck it, what do I have to lose. I have two young daughters. Fear may have played into it. I also did not expect to get this ill with the vaccine. Doctors were not giving me a damn thing other than Norco.

I had it shipped to me the next day. On day 12, I took a dose of ivermectin, and within 24 hours my fever dropped. I took two more doses over the next two days and was able to eat and felt even better. I needed oxygen for the next week as my levels were still high 80's/low 90's, but I was over the hump of the illness. My eyes were extremely sore and head severely foggy, with a cough that finally went away a few days ago. But I've fully recovered.

Who knows. We can argue if the horse paste did anything or not. I sincerely feel like it turned things around for me. I feel like if I had taken it sooner I may have not gotten to the point I did. I have asthma, doctors said my lungs were suffering viral pneumonia and may need ventilation soon. It's strange to me that within a day after taking ivermectin I could breathe much better, and three days later x-ray's showed my lungs looked good and were clearing up.

I don't understand why the FDA is so against it when it is used for other human illnesses. The drug really turned things around in countries like India, just look at the numbers. Why is it such a problem? I don't recommend taking it daily for prevention, I think that is fucking stupid. I am for the vaccine, and highly recommend it. I can't wait to get my third booster but I have to wait several months now. But if my family or friends get COVID and get seriously ill, I'm going to recommend it to them.

It worries me that a drug that is showing to be effective against COVID is so trashed, and discarded as a "drug made for horses" when the biologists that discovered it won the Nobel Peace Prize. We are living in such a strange time, where this virus is mutating at a rate that makes me wonder how effective the current vaccine even is. Because that was the worst illness I've ever suffered, and I thought I would be at least a little bit better protected from it.

That's all I wanted to share. I don't care if I take heat or not for my experience, I just wanted to share it as I have not heard of many vaxxed people with COVID taking ivermectin, or with a positive stance on it. I am now taking COVID very seriously, and I don't think I will be without a mask anytime soon.
I instantly classify people who call ivermectin(the chemical compound itself) "horse paste" as dumbasses.
Ivermectin has been used in humans for decades and it is a well studied drug. Its very safe and as long as you are taking an appropriate dose nothing is gonna happen to you regardless of its efficacy against covid.
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I instantly classify people who call ivermectin(the chemical compound itself) "horse paste" as dumbasses.
Ivermectin has been used in humans for decades and it is a well studied drug. Its very safe and as long as you are taking an appropriate dose nothing is gonna happen to you regardless of its efficacy against covid.

The horse paste thing is to (rightly) take the piss out of idiots who would even contemplate taking a medicine dosed for animals.

Also, what’s the point in taking ivermectin for Covid if it does nothing to Covid?
I instantly classify people who call ivermectin(the chemical compound itself) "horse paste" as dumbasses.
Ivermectin has been used in humans for decades and it is a well studied drug. Its very safe and as long as you are taking an appropriate dose nothing is gonna happen to you regardless of its efficacy against covid.
If you have worms


Good for you. Only doc I'm personally friends with that is specialized in respiratory/pulmonary issues is on prophylactic ivermectin and told me it would prescribe me. I gracefully rejected her offer because I'm also on EviLore EviLore camp. Science is based on data and clinical trials, sadly it's been more than 1 year since we know ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro yet it took almost 10 months for 2 rigorous protocoled clinical trials to be set up during the biggest emergency health crisis of our lifetime. To call it suspiciously long, would be a massive understatement.

Conspiracy theory bullshit.


The horse paste thing is to (rightly) take the piss out of idiots who would even contemplate taking a medicine dosed for animals.

Also, what’s the point in taking ivermectin for Covid if it does nothing to Covid?
There are alot of people in the scientific community who would disagree with you. I'm not a scientist so you would have to ask them why they think ivermectin is useful against covid.


There are alot of people in the scientific community who would disagree with you. I'm not a scientist so you would have to ask them why they think ivermectin is useful against covid.

Sigh. Did you bother watching the video posted above? Have you actually spent any time looking up the trials into ivermectin? It’s no better than placebo.
There are alot of people in the scientific community who would disagree with you. I'm not a scientist so you would have to ask them why they think ivermectin is useful against covid.
I think the real scientists and health agencies have already spoken on this subject.


Do you follow only the science that supports your narrative?


No. I follow the science as indicated by peer reviewed clinical trials, conducted by recognised medical organisations or government bodies that all show that ivermectin has no effect of Covid (thus far). Do you know the difference between in vitro and in vivo by the way?
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I instantly classify people who call ivermectin(the chemical compound itself) "horse paste" as dumbasses.
Ivermectin has been used in humans for decades and it is a well studied drug. Its very safe and as long as you are taking an appropriate dose nothing is gonna happen to you regardless of its efficacy against covid.
Yes. Just like every other proven and tested medication it is extremely safe when used properly, taken in the correct dosages and is prescribed by a doctor. It is NOT safe when bought over the counter at a store that sells medicine for animals and is taken in doses prescribed by an ignorant soccer mom on Facebook.

Now which of those examples has been the most prevalent in recent weeks? The second one. Which one of those has resulted in several hospitalizations and a tangible rise in people contacting poison control centers? That's right. The second one. This isn't just some joke people have pulled out of their ass for no reason. This is based on actual real life examples and is done to poke fun at the dumbasses who would rather take medicine for farm animals than go to their local pharmacy and get an FDA approved vaccine. Everyone in here knows that Ivermectin is a real drug that has been used successfully in humans because it's usually mentioned in every article that has covered the idiots taking horse paste. We also know what Ivermectin is usually used for. And it isn't for stuff like Covid. This is the Hydroxiwhatever nonsense all over again.

Tldr; It's a joke. Try not to take it so seriously.
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Just had my 2nd dose of Pfizer on Monday. Side effects still ongoing. Brain fog, headache, fatigue. Hopefully this subsides soon. Work productivity has dropped to basically zero.
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